Nutritional Constraints in the Evolution of Cognition effects of host shifts on neural investment in butterflies

Meeting Abstract 110.2  Saturday, Jan. 7  Nutritional Constraints in the Evolution of Cognition: effects of host shifts on neural investment in butterflies SNELL-ROOD, EC*; WHITE, WA; ESPESET, A; KENZIE, SA; University of Minnesota; University of Minnesota; University of Minnesota; University of Minnesota Understanding why organisms vary in cognition is key to predicting how individuals will respond […]

Learning kills

Meeting Abstract 110.1  Saturday, Jan. 7  Learning kills JAUMANN, Sarah; NAUG, Dhruba*; Colorado State University; Colorado State University While learning is generally considered only in terms of its substantial benefits, what is often overlooked is that there is a substantial energetic cost associated with it. However, past research has failed to demonstrate such a cost of […]

Wnt-signaling and the evolvability of cichlid craniofacial diversity

Meeting Abstract 110.3  Sunday, Jan. 6  Wnt-signaling and the evolvability of cichlid craniofacial diversity PARSONS, KJ; POWDER, KE; ALBERSTON, RC*; Univ. of Glasgow; Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst; Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst Evolvability refers to a population or clade’s ability to evolve in space or time. It deals with both constraint and opportunity, and has profound implications […]

The evolution and development of the archosaurian head and the origin of the bird skull

Meeting Abstract 110.4  Sunday, Jan. 6  The evolution and development of the archosaurian head and the origin of the bird skull BHULLAR, B.-A.S*; MARUGAN-LOBON, J.; RACIMO, F.; BEVER, G.S.; ROWE, T.B.; NORELL, M.A.; ABZHANOV, A.; Harvard; Univ. Auton. de Madrid; Max Planck Inst. Evol. Anthro.; NYCOM; Univ. Tex, Aus.; Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.; Harvard The bird […]

Mouse Jaw Ontogeny in Tres Partes Divisa Est

Meeting Abstract 110.5  Sunday, Jan. 6  Mouse Jaw Ontogeny in Tres Partes Divisa Est SWIDERSKI, D. L.*; ZELDITCH, M. L.; Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor The mouse mandible is a popular model system that continues to be the focus of studies in evo-devo and other fields. Yet, little attention has been […]

Genomic and developmental basis of diversity in the domestic pigeon

Meeting Abstract 110.1  Sunday, Jan. 6  Genomic and developmental basis of diversity in the domestic pigeon DOMYAN, ET; KRONENBERG, Z; VICKREY, AI; YANDELL, M; SHAPIRO, MD*; Univ. of Utah; Univ. of Utah; Univ. of Utah; Univ. of Utah; Univ. of Utah Domestic pigeons are spectacularly diverse and exhibit variation in more traits than any other bird […]

Evolvability of the cichlid jaw New insight into the genetic basis of phenotypic integration

Meeting Abstract 110.2  Sunday, Jan. 6  Evolvability of the cichlid jaw: New insight into the genetic basis of phenotypic integration HU, Y.*; PARSONS, K.J.; ALBERTSON, R.C.; Univ. of Massachusetts; Univ. of Glasgow; Univ. of Massachusetts Phenotypic integration refers to the pattern and magnitude of covariation among a set of traits, and is thought to substantially influence […]

Craniofacial ontogeny in turtles the role of bone morphogenetic protein in the loss of palatal shelves

Meeting Abstract 110.6  Sunday, Jan. 6  Craniofacial ontogeny in turtles: the role of bone morphogenetic protein in the loss of palatal shelves ABRAMYAN, J.*; LEUNG, K. J.; MERCHANT-LARIOS , H.; RICHMAN, J.M.; The University of British Columbia; The University of British Columbia; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; The University of British Columbia Turtles are an enigmatic […]

Tenotomy of the caudofemoralis longus muscle elicits changes in muscular but not skeletal morphology in the American alligator

Meeting Abstract 110.5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 09:00  Tenotomy of the caudofemoralis longus muscle elicits changes in muscular but not skeletal morphology in the American alligator JONESON, J. R.*; ELSEY, R. M.; OWERKOWICZ, T.; California State University, San Bernardino; Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries, Grand Chenier; California State University, San Bernardino The caudofemoralis […]

Should I stay or should I go exploration behavior in the frog Xenopus tropicalis

Meeting Abstract 110.2  Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:15  Should I stay or should I go: exploration behavior in the frog Xenopus tropicalis HERREL, A.*; VIDELIER, M.; CORNETTE, R.; BONNEAUD, C.; CNRS/MNHN; CNRS/MNHN; MNHN; University of Exeter Habitat fragmentation of natural habitats takes place at an ever increasing rate. This likely imposes strong selection on the mobility of […]

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