At which scale Macrohabitat, not microhabitat, influences parasite load in green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis)

Meeting Abstract 11.6  Tuesday, Jan. 4  At which scale? Macrohabitat, not microhabitat, influences parasite load in green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis) WHITTLE, T.K.*; BATTLES, A.C.; JOHNSON, M.A.; Trinity University, San Antonio, TX; Trinity University, San Antonio, TX; Trinity University, San Antonio, TX The ability to detect patterns in community dynamics often depends on the spatial scale […]

Pelvic anatomy of Alligator mississippiensis and its significance for interpreting limb function in fossil archosaurs

Meeting Abstract 11.2  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Pelvic anatomy of Alligator mississippiensis and its significance for interpreting limb function in fossil archosaurs TSAI, Henry P.*; WARD, Carol V.; HOLLIDAY, Casey M.; University of Missouri Reconstructing joint anatomy and function of extinct vertebrates is critical to understanding their posture, locomotor behavior, ecology, and evolution. Major changes occurred in […]

Morphology and histology of the gorgonian coral Swiftia exserta

Meeting Abstract 11.4  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Morphology and histology of the gorgonian coral Swiftia exserta. MENZEL, Lorenzo P.*; STEIN, Barry; BIGGER, Charles H.; Florida International University; Indiana University; Florida International University The geographic distribution of Swiftia exserta, a gorgonian octocoral, is the tropical western Atlantic from Brazil to Florida and the northern Gulf of Mexico in […]

Microstructure and mechanics of the tiled and actuating exoskeleton of the helmet urchin, Podophora atrata

Meeting Abstract 11.5  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Microstructure and mechanics of the tiled and actuating exoskeleton of the helmet urchin, Podophora atrata CHEN, T*; BOYCE, M; ORTIZ, C; Massachusetts Institute of Technology The helmet urchin, Podophora atrata possesses an unusual reduction in spines which forms a smooth tiling of mm-sized, flattened aboral plates, each articulating with the […]

Alligator growth plate thickness as indicator of longitudinal growth rate and circulatory pattern

Meeting Abstract 11.1  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Alligator growth plate thickness as indicator of longitudinal growth rate and circulatory pattern OWERKOWICZ, T; YANG, J*; BLANK, JM; EME, J; HICKS, JW; California State Uni, San Bernardino; California State Uni, San Bernardino; California Polytechnic State Uni, San Luis Obispo; Uni North Texas; Uni California, Irvine Avian and non-avian dinosaurs […]

A Multiscale Structural Design of a Natural Transparent Armor Placuna placenta

Meeting Abstract 11.3  Wednesday, Jan. 4  A Multiscale Structural Design of a Natural Transparent Armor: Placuna placenta LI, L.*; ORTIZ, C.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge A number of species of mollusks possess transparent highly mineralized exoskeletons which combine optical and mechanical functionalities that originate from their intricate and hierarchical structures. […]

Zero-click, Automatic Assembly, Annotation and Visualization Workflow for Comparative Analysis of Transcriptomes The quest for novel signaling pathways

Meeting Abstract 11.6  Friday, Jan. 4  Zero-click, Automatic Assembly, Annotation and Visualization Workflow for Comparative Analysis of Transcriptomes: The quest for novel signaling pathways GIRARDO, D.O.*; CITARELLA, M; KOHN, A.B.; MOROZ, L.L.; Univ of Florida; Univ of Florida; Univ of Florida; Univ of Florida The rapid growth of genomic datasets is an enormous technical and conceptual […]

Tissue specific gene expression in the fresh water snail Biomphalaria glabrata implications for biominerlization and shell formation

Meeting Abstract 11.5  Friday, Jan. 4  Tissue specific gene expression in the fresh water snail Biomphalaria glabrata: implications for biominerlization and shell formation HANNA, B.SK*; CHANG, PK; MEDINA, MM; University of California, Merced; University of California, Merced; University of California, Merced The lack of good manipulatable models to study biomineralization in molluscs led us to investigate […]

RNA-seq as a Tool to Understand the Evolution and Development of the Single-Chambered Eye Transcriptomics of the Long-finned Squid, Doryteuthis (Loligo) pealeii

Meeting Abstract 11.3  Friday, Jan. 4  RNA-seq as a Tool to Understand the Evolution and Development of the Single-Chambered Eye: Transcriptomics of the Long-finned Squid, Doryteuthis (Loligo) pealeii KOENIG, KM*; MEYER, E; GROSS, JM; Univ. of Texas, Austin; Oregon State University; Univ. of Texas, Austin Cephalopods (Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish and Nautilus) are a group of highly […]

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