Meeting Abstract 11.11 Sunday, Jan. 4 Sexual Conflict and the Development of Gamete Incompatibility in the Blue Mussel SCHMIDT, Victor*; MCCARTNEY, Michael; UNC, Wilmington ; UNC, Wilmington The blue mussel genus Mytilus contains four species with a rich biogeographic history typified by secondary contact and hybridization. In the Canadian Maritimes hybrid zone a strong yet incomplete […]
sessions: Session 11
Results from hybrid genotypes question the role of M7 lysin in blue mussel gamete recognition
Meeting Abstract 11.10 Sunday, Jan. 4 Results from hybrid genotypes question the role of M7 lysin in blue mussel gamete recognition MCCARTNEY, Michael A.*; LIMA, Thiago G.; YUND, Philip O.; Univ of North Carolina, Wilmington; Univ of North Carolina, Wilmington; University of New England M7 lysin is a sperm protein that dissolves the egg vitelline coat, […]
Genetic relatedness in the fossorial sand skink, Plestiodon reynoldsi, in the scrub of central Florida
Meeting Abstract 11.6 Sunday, Jan. 4 Genetic relatedness in the fossorial sand skink, Plestiodon reynoldsi, in the scrub of central Florida FOX, A.M.*; SCHREY, A.W.; MCCOY, E.D.; MUSHINSKY, H.R.; University of South Florida; University of South Florida; University of South Florida; University of South Florida Understanding the reproductive behavior of secretive species is an important aspect […]
Exploring the Faunal Connection between the Ozark Plateau and the Appalachian Mountains A Phylogeographic Study of the Long-tailed Salamanders of the Eurycea longicauda complex
Meeting Abstract 11.4 Sunday, Jan. 4 Exploring the Faunal Connection between the Ozark Plateau and the Appalachian Mountains: A Phylogeographic Study of the Long-tailed Salamanders of the Eurycea longicauda complex TIMPE, E.K.*; KOZAK, K.H.; BONETT, R.M.; Univ. of Tulsa; Univ. of Minnesota; Univ. of Tulsa The Ozark Plateau is a major geographic feature in eastern North […]
Drawing Lines in Wallacea Historical Biogeography meets Geophysics in the Deep Sea
Meeting Abstract 11.2 Sunday, Jan. 4 Drawing Lines in Wallacea: Historical Biogeography meets Geophysics in the Deep Sea HICKMAN, C.S.; University of California, Berkeley The biogeographic realm of Wallacea is famous as a terrestrial biodiversity hotspot, encompassing thousands of the tropical islands of eastern Indonesia. In spite of some recent recognition of significant shallow marine endemism […]
Demographic history of the northeastern Pacific rocky shore community
Meeting Abstract 11.7 Sunday, Jan. 4 Demographic history of the northeastern Pacific rocky shore community MARKO, P.B.*; MCGOVERN, T.M.; EMME, S.A.; COX, L.N.; HOFFMAN, J.M.; Clemson University; Clemson University; Clemson University; Clemson University; Clemson University Rocky shores have provided many insights into the responses of organisms to their biotic and abiotic environments, engendering some of the […]
Contrasting phylogeographic patterns among three Antarctic brittle star species
Meeting Abstract 11.3 Sunday, Jan. 4 Contrasting phylogeographic patterns among three Antarctic brittle star species HUNTER, Rebecca L*; HALANYCH, Kenneth M; Auburn University; Auburn University Antarctica and its surrounding waters are isolated environments typically characterized as stable over ecological time scales, but physically and geologically dynamic over evolutionary time scales. This region has been isolated for […]
Comparative Phylogeography and DNA Barcoding of Freshwater Mussels
Meeting Abstract 11.8 Sunday, Jan. 4 Comparative Phylogeography and DNA Barcoding of Freshwater Mussels BOYER, Sarah L.*; SZUMOWSKI, Suzy C.; HOWE, Alex A.; HOVE, Mark C.; HORNBACH, Daniel J.; Macalester College; Macalester College; Macalester College; Macalester College; Macalester College Freshwater mussels (Order Unionoida) are sedentary organisms that accomplish dispersal during larval development. During this portion of […]
Breakdown in mitochondrial inheritance within the Mytilus edulis complex around Hokkaido, Japan
Meeting Abstract 11.9 Sunday, Jan. 4 Breakdown in mitochondrial inheritance within the Mytilus edulis complex around Hokkaido, Japan BRANNOCK, P. M.*; HILBISH , T. J. ; Univeristy of South Carolina, Columbia; University of South Carolina, Columbia Hybridization between species within the Mytilus edulis complex (M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis, and M. trossulus) is prevalent in sympatric locations. […]
Ancient signals of South East Asia’s history found in mite harvestmen sequence and morphological data
Meeting Abstract 11.5 Sunday, Jan. 4 Ancient signals of South East Asia’s history found in mite harvestmen sequence and morphological data CLOUSE, Ronald M.*; GIRIBET, Gonzalo; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Phylogenetic hypotheses of the cyphophthalmid family Stylocellidae (Arachnida: Opiliones), a type of harvestman, are used to test geologic reconstructions of South East […]