The constraints, costs, and limits of phenotypic plasticity in response to climate warming predicting phenotypes given idiosyncrasy in environmental change

Meeting Abstract 11-3  Thursday, Jan. 4 08:30 – 08:45  The constraints, costs, and limits of phenotypic plasticity in response to climate warming: predicting phenotypes given idiosyncrasy in environmental change GILBERT, AL*; MILES, DB; Ohio University The role of phenotypic plasticity in mediating responses to climate warming remains a heavily-debated topic in global change biology. However, “plasticity” […]

Niche evolution varies depending on geographic scale Implications for climate change

Meeting Abstract 11-2  Thursday, Jan. 4 08:15 – 08:30  Niche evolution varies depending on geographic scale: Implications for climate change FARALLO, VR*; MUÑOZ, MM; MILES, DB; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Ohio University Climate change is inducing unprecedented effects on species distributions, and even causing extirpation events. One way to assess the impacts of climate change […]

Frenemies Symbiodinium density negatively affects immune response in the Caribbean coral Orbicella faveolata

Meeting Abstract 11-7  Thursday, Jan. 4 09:30 – 09:45  Frenemies: Symbiodinium density negatively affects immune response in the Caribbean coral Orbicella faveolata FUESS, LE*; PALACIO, A; BAKER, AC; MYDLARZ, LD; University of Texas at Arlington; University of Miami; University of Miami; University of Texas at Arlington Scelaractinian corals form the basis of one of the […]

Examining the role of macrogeographic variables in predicting key phenotypes in a widespread reptile lessons from the lab and field

Meeting Abstract 11-5  Thursday, Jan. 4 09:00 – 09:15  Examining the role of macrogeographic variables in predicting key phenotypes in a widespread reptile: lessons from the lab and field BODENSTEINER, B/L*; WARNER, D/A; IVERSON, J/B; MILNE-ZELMAN, C/L; MITCHELL, T/S; REFSNIDER, J/M; VOVES, K/C; JANZEN, F/J; Virginia Tech; Auburn University; Earlham College; Aurora University; Auburn University; University of […]

Do complex environments drive the developmental plasticity of fitness-related traits and a tradeoff between flight and fecundity

Meeting Abstract 11-4  Thursday, Jan. 4 08:45 – 09:00  Do complex environments drive the developmental plasticity of fitness-related traits and a tradeoff between flight and fecundity? GLASS, J.R.*; STAHLSCHMIDT, Z.R.; University of the Pacific Animals regularly deal with environmental changes by effectively allocating scarce resources toward somatic and reproductive tissues. However, when faced with challenging conditions, […]

Do Temperature-Mediated Predator-Prey Interactions Explain Temperate and Tropical Mayfly Distributions

Meeting Abstract 11-1  Thursday, Jan. 4 08:00 – 08:15  Do Temperature-Mediated Predator-Prey Interactions Explain Temperate and Tropical Mayfly Distributions? SHAH, A.A.*; GHALAMBOR, C.K.; SHAH, Alisha; Colorado State University; Colorado State University Temperature is often implicated as a primary mechanism driving species turnover across elevation gradients. Janzen’s climate variability hypothesis posits that the seasonal temperature variation […]

A potential role for reinforcement in the evolution of female preferences in the banded darter (Etheostoma zonale)

Meeting Abstract 11-6  Thursday, Jan. 4 09:15 – 09:30  A potential role for reinforcement in the evolution of female preferences in the banded darter (Etheostoma zonale) ROBERTS, NS*; MENDELSON, TC; Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County Behavioral isolation typically evolves as a by-product of divergence in mating preferences between geographically isolated populations, but it also can be […]

What fish can teach us about the feeding functions of postcranial muscles and joints

Meeting Abstract 11-3  Friday, Jan. 4 08:30 – 08:45  What fish can teach us about the feeding functions of postcranial muscles and joints CAMP, AL; University of Liverpool Studies of vertebrate feeding have, quite reasonably, focused on the bones and muscles of the head, not the body. Yet, postcranial structures like the spine and pectoral […]

The relationship between soft tissue function and morphology in the talus during dynamic in vivo activities

Meeting Abstract 11-1  Friday, Jan. 4 08:00 – 08:15  The relationship between soft tissue function and morphology in the talus during dynamic in vivo activities SMITH, KAH*; LEE, ECS; RAINBOW, MJ; Queen’s University; Queen’s University; Queen’s University The human foot has evolved to facilitate obligate bipedal locomotion. There are many theories but little data on the […]

The Comparative Biomechanics of Aerial and Aquatic Flight in Alcids

Meeting Abstract   11-6  Friday, Jan. 4 09:15 – 09:30  The Comparative Biomechanics of Aerial and Aquatic Flight in Alcids LAPSANSKY, AB*; TOBALSKE, BW; University of Montana; University of Montana Roughly 40 species of birds across five extant clades have co-opted their wings for use in underwater propulsion, here termed “aquatic flight”, while retaining their aerial […]

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