Evolution of lecithotrophy among nemertean pilidium larvae

Meeting Abstract 11-4  Monday, Jan. 4 08:45  Evolution of lecithotrophy among nemertean pilidium larvae HIEBERT, T.C.*; MASLAKOVA, S.A.; Univ. of Oregon, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology; Univ. of Oregon, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology terrah@uoregon.edu The nemertean pilidium larva, produced by members of the clade Pilidiophora, is generally known to be planktotrophic and comes in many distinct […]

Evolution of Complex Life Cycles Is Performance Constrained across Metamorphosis

Meeting Abstract 11-1  Monday, Jan. 4 08:00  Evolution of Complex Life Cycles: Is Performance Constrained across Metamorphosis? FREDA, P.J.*; MORGAN, T.J.; RAGLAND, G.J.; Kansas State University; Kansas State University; Kansas State University pfreda@ksu.edu Organisms are not static over their lifetimes. Characteristic change as the genome unfolds across ontogeny. This change can be extreme, especially over the course […]

Development of a non-feeding trochophore-like pilidium

Meeting Abstract 11-3  Monday, Jan. 4 08:30  Development of a non-feeding trochophore-like pilidium HUNT, M*; MASLAKOVA, SA; Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon mhunt@uoregon.edu The pilidium larva is an idiosyncrasy defining one nemertean clade, the Pilidiophora. It forms the juvenile from a series of isolated rudiments called imaginal discs, then erupts through and eats the […]

Promiscuity in marine turtles evolutionary push for population stability

Meeting Abstract 11-1  Thursday, Jan. 5 08:00 – 08:15  Promiscuity in marine turtles: evolutionary push for population stability? LASALA, JA*; HUGHES, CR; WYNEKEN, J; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL jlasala321@gmail.com The recovery of threatened or endangered organisms is complicated by the need for simple […]

Genetic Changes Following Fusion in the Invasive Colonial Tunicate Didemnum vexillum

Meeting Abstract 11-7  Thursday, Jan. 5 09:30 – 09:45  Genetic Changes Following Fusion in the Invasive Colonial Tunicate Didemnum vexillum WEINBERG, R.B.*; CLANCY, D.; COHEN, C.S.; San Francisco State University; San Francisco State University; San Francisco State University rachel.b.weinberg@gmail.com This project examines the fusion outcomes in the invasive colonial tunicate Didemnum vexillum to determine how genotypes may […]

Genetic Basis for Red Coloration in Birds

Meeting Abstract 11-5  Thursday, Jan. 5 09:00 – 09:15  Genetic Basis for Red Coloration in Birds HILL, GE*; LOPES, RJ; JOHNSON, JD; TOOMEY, MB; FERREIRA, M; MELO-FERREIRA, J; ANDERSSON, L; CORBO, JC; CARNEIRO, M; HILL, Geoffr; Auburn Univ.; Universidade do Porto; Auburn Univ.; Wash U St Louis; Universidade do Porto; Universidade do Porto; Uppsala Univ.; Wash U […]

Frequency Dependent Selection for Rare Genotypes Promotes Genetic Diversity of a Tropical Palm

Meeting Abstract 11-6  Thursday, Jan. 5 09:15 – 09:30  Frequency Dependent Selection for Rare Genotypes Promotes Genetic Diversity of a Tropical Palm BROWNE, L*; KARUBIAN, J; BROWNE, Luke; Tulane University; Tulane University lukembrowne@gmail.com http://lukembrowne.github.io Negative frequency dependent selection among species is a key driver of community diversity in natural systems, but the degree to which negative frequency […]

Does the Y-chromosome facilitate sexual dimorphic evolution or constrain autosomal evolution

Meeting Abstract 11-4  Thursday, Jan. 5 08:45 – 09:00  Does the Y-chromosome facilitate sexual dimorphic evolution or constrain autosomal evolution? KUTCH, IC*; FEDORKA, KM; University of Central Florida; University of Central Florida kutch.bio@knights.ucf.edu http://ickutch.wixsite.com/research Non-protein coding regions of the Y-chromosome have been shown to influence the expression of hundreds of autosomal and X-linked genes in multiple species. […]

Do mitochondria create species boundaries or ignore them Evidence from a plant lineage with fast-evolving mtDNA

Meeting Abstract 11-3  Thursday, Jan. 5 08:30 – 08:45  Do mitochondria create species boundaries or ignore them? Evidence from a plant lineage with fast-evolving mtDNA HAVIRD, J.C.*; SLOAN, D.B.; Colorado State Univ.; Colorado State Univ. justin.havird@colostate.edu http://jchavird.wixsite.com/jchavird Mitochondria are a key feature of eukaryotes, and the presence of a mitochondrial (mt) genome in most eukaryotic lineages creates […]

Conservation genetics of endemic Cyprinodon rubrofluviatilis and invasive Cyprinodon variegatus

Meeting Abstract 11-2  Thursday, Jan. 5 08:15 – 08:30  Conservation genetics of endemic Cyprinodon rubrofluviatilis and invasive Cyprinodon variegatus AYERS, KD*; GUMM, JM; Stephen F. Austin State University; Stephen F. Austin State University krisdayers@hotmail.com Hybridization is a natural process, however, human activities have contributed to an increase of hybrid species. In North America alone, 40% of fish […]

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