Genetic accommodation and behavioral evolution insights from genomic studies

Meeting Abstract 11.1  Friday, Jan. 4  Genetic accommodation and behavioral evolution: insights from genomic studies RENN, S.C.P.; Reed College, Portland We know that gene expression level, a first order phenotype, underlies much behavioral variation. Using a genomic approach we can ask “how many and which genes show expression level variation related to plastic behaviors?” and “how […]

Comparative transcriptomics of cnidarian freshwater parasites

Meeting Abstract 11.2  Friday, Jan. 4  Comparative transcriptomics of cnidarian freshwater parasites CHANG, E.S.*; SHCHEGLOVITOVA, M.; CARTWRIGHT, P.; University of Kansas; University of Kansas; University of Kansas The myxozoan Myxobolus cerebralis and the enigmatic Polypodium hydriforme are both parasites with extremely unique life cycles and aberrant body plans specialized to parasitize certain economically relevant fish species. […]

Thermal Performance Curves Modeling and Detecting Patterns of Individual Variation

Meeting Abstract 11.4  Saturday, Jan. 4 11:00  Thermal Performance Curves: Modeling and Detecting Patterns of Individual Variation ADOLPH, SC; Harvey Mudd College Thermal performance curves depict how physiological performance varies with temperature. The evolution of performance curves depends on the pattern of selection and on the quantitative genetic basis of individual variation. In principle, we should […]

Thermal Ecology of Podarcis tiliguerta (Lacertidae) Across an Altitudinal Gradient

Meeting Abstract 11.2  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:30  Thermal Ecology of Podarcis tiliguerta (Lacertidae) Across an Altitudinal Gradient MAYERL, C.J.*; VAN DAMME, R.; Clemson University, SC Most aspects of behavioral and physiological performance in lizards depend on body temperature (Tb). Environmental temperatures (Tes) are among the most important external factors influencing Tb in ectotherms. Elevation has a […]

The thermal environment modifies mitochondrial-nuclear effects on insect metabolic performance and plasticity

Meeting Abstract 11.5  Saturday, Jan. 4 11:15  The thermal environment modifies mitochondrial-nuclear effects on insect metabolic performance and plasticity MONTOOTH, KL*; HOEKSTRA, LA; SIDDIQ, MA; Indiana University, Bloomington; Indiana University, Bloomington; Indiana University, Bloomington Given that interactions between mitochondrial and nuclear genomes underlie energetic performance in eukaryotes, we expect that the effects of many mitochondrial mutations […]

Here be dragons Thermal ecology and biogeography of alligator lizards

Meeting Abstract 11.3  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:45  Here be dragons: Thermal ecology and biogeography of alligator lizards TELEMECO, R S*; ADDIS, E A; BRONIKOWSKI, A M; CORDERO, G A; POLICH, R L; Iowa State University; Gonzaga University; Iowa State University; Iowa State University; Iowa State University Important goals of modern biology are to understand how the […]

Genotype-by-environment interactions of demographic values in fluctuating thermal environments using Drosophila melanogaster

Meeting Abstract 11.6  Saturday, Jan. 4 11:30  Genotype-by-environment interactions of demographic values in fluctuating thermal environments using Drosophila melanogaster EGGE, AR*; ELLER, OC; MORGAN, TJ; Kansas State University; Kansas State University; Kansas State University Organisms often experience a wide range of temperatures in nature, exhibited by daily and seasonal fluctuations. Ectotherms are particularly susceptible to these […]

Climate variability may limit evolutionary adaptation to climate change in alpine butterflies

Meeting Abstract 11.7  Saturday, Jan. 4 11:45  Climate variability may limit evolutionary adaptation to climate change in alpine butterflies KINGSOLVER, JG*; BUCKLEY, LB; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of Washington, Seattle Evolutionary potential will be important for the many alpine organisms with limited ability to track long-term climate change via movement. We integrate biophysical, […]

Climate sensitivity, thermal safety, and the importance of behavior across latitude and elevation

Meeting Abstract 11.1  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:15  Climate sensitivity, thermal safety, and the importance of behavior across latitude and elevation SUNDAY, J.M.*; BATES, A.E.; KEARNEY, M.R.; COLWELL, R.K.; DULVY, N.K.; LONGINO, J.T.; HUEY, R.B.; Simon Fraser University; Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies; University of Melbourne; University of Connecticut; Simon Fraser University; University of Utah; University of […]

Mitochondrial function and life history variation in the house mouse

Meeting Abstract 11.1  Sunday, Jan. 4 10:15  Mitochondrial function and life history variation in the house mouse HOOD, W.R.*; MOWRY, A.V.; KAVAZIS, A.N.; Auburn University; Auburn University ; Auburn University A central tenet of biology is that the costs of reproduction contribute to earlier senescence. Because reproduction is energetically demanding, it has been assumed that […]

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