Meeting Abstract 109-2 Saturday, Jan. 7 13:45 – 14:00 Eat, Prey, Evolve: Phylogenetic relationships and diet in Cladobranchia (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia). GOODHEART, JA*; BAZINET, AL; VALDES, A; COLLINS, AG; CUMMINGS, MC; Univ. of Maryland, College Park; Univ. of Maryland, College Park; California State Polytechnic Univ., Pomona; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Univ. of Maryland, College Park […]
sessions: Session 109
Automated Integration of Phenomics And Phylogenetic Data To Investigate Paired Fin Evolution Across Teleost Fishes
Meeting Abstract 109-5 Saturday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45 Automated Integration of Phenomics And Phylogenetic Data To Investigate Paired Fin Evolution Across Teleost Fishes JACKSON, LM*; FERNANDO, P ; HANSCOM, J; BALHOFF, JP; MABEE, PM; University of South Dakota; University of South Dakota; University of South Dakota; RTI International, Research Triangle Park; University of South Dakota […]
The monkeyface prickleback (Cebidichthys violaceus) genome and transcriptomes as a source for understanding digestion and metabolism in an herbivorous fish
Meeting Abstract 109-2 Sunday, Jan. 7 08:15 – 08:30 The monkeyface prickleback (Cebidichthys violaceus) genome and transcriptomes as a source for understanding digestion and metabolism in an herbivorous fish HERAS, J*; CHAKRABORTY, M; EMERSON, JJ; GERMAN, DP; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine We sequenced the […]
Role of Nest Microclimate and Food Availability in Chick Development and Reproductive Success in Black-Legged Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla)
Meeting Abstract 109-5 Sunday, Jan. 7 09:00 – 09:15 Role of Nest Microclimate and Food Availability in Chick Development and Reproductive Success in Black-Legged Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) LACEY, LM*; BENOWITZ-FREDERICKS, ZM; HATCH, SA; Bucknell Univ.; Bucknell Univ.; Institute for Seabird Research and Conservation Seabirds are marine top predators often studied as bioindicators of climate shifts. Though […]
Omnivorous Sharks An Analysis of Bonnethead Shark Digestive Physiology Provides Evidence for Seagrass Digestion and Assimilation
Meeting Abstract 109-1 Sunday, Jan. 7 08:00 – 08:15 Omnivorous Sharks? An Analysis of Bonnethead Shark Digestive Physiology Provides Evidence for Seagrass Digestion and Assimilation LEIGH, SC*; PAPASTAMATIOU, YP; GERMAN, DP; University of California, Irvine; Florida International University ; University of California, Irvine Sharks, which are uniformly considered carnivores, have guts optimized for digesting a […]
Intestinal α–Glucosidase Transcriptional Responses During Ontogeny and Diet Adjustment in Altricial Birds
Meeting Abstract 109-4 Sunday, Jan. 7 08:45 – 09:00 Intestinal α–Glucosidase Transcriptional Responses During Ontogeny and Diet Adjustment in Altricial Birds GATICA-SOSA, C; BRZĘK, P; MAGALLANES, M.E.; KARASOV, W.H.*; CAVIEDES-VIDAL, E.; Univ. San Luis, Argentina; Univ. Biaystok, Poland; Univ. San Luis, Argentina; Univ. Wisconsin-Madison; Univ. San Luis, Argentina We describe ontogenetic changes in maltasic activity […]
Incorporating structural biomaterials into a bioenergetics framework an empirical test with marine mussels
Meeting Abstract 109-8 Sunday, Jan. 7 09:30 – 09:45 Incorporating structural biomaterials into a bioenergetics framework: an empirical test with marine mussels ROBERTS, EA*; CARRINGTON, E; Univ. of Washington A key challenge for ecological physiologists is to determine how long and short-term environmental variation will influence organisms in current and future climate scenarios. Bioenergetic models, […]
Can you stomach it Comparative transcriptomics of the stomachs of prickleback fishes (Stichaeidae) consuming different diets
Meeting Abstract 109-3 Sunday, Jan. 7 08:30 – 08:45 Can you stomach it? Comparative transcriptomics of the stomachs of prickleback fishes (Stichaeidae) consuming different diets GERMAN, DP; HERRERA, MJ*; HERAS, J; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine Despite obvious whole animal, tissue level, and biochemical differences among species with […]
Are subordinate roles a conditional strategy An energy budget of the female roles of Polistes dominula
Meeting Abstract 109-7 Sunday, Jan. 7 09:15 – 09:30 Are subordinate roles a conditional strategy? An energy budget of the female roles of Polistes dominula WEINER, SA*; HARJO, T; WOODS, WA; STARKS, PT; Roosevelt University; Roosevelt University; Tufts University; Tufts University Polistine paper wasps have long been a model system for studying the evolutionary origins and […]
Sex on the brain Effects of reproduction on brain and behavior in Trinidadian guppies
Meeting Abstract 109-4 Monday, Jan. 7 08:45 – 09:00 Sex on the brain: Effects of reproduction on brain and behavior in Trinidadian guppies STEIN, LR*; SINNER, M; IFFERT, RQ; HOKE, K; Colorado State University; Colorado State University; Colorado State University; Colorado State University The experience of reproducing is one of the most important life history […]