Modeling Mitochondrial Behavior and Morphology from TEM Micrographs of Copepod Myocytes Following Ultraviolet Irradiation

Meeting Abstract 109-4  Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:45 – 09:00  Modeling Mitochondrial Behavior and Morphology from TEM Micrographs of Copepod Myocytes Following Ultraviolet Irradiation HEINE, KB*; JUSTYN, NM; HILL, GE; TUCKER, VL; JUNG, D; POLLOCK, B; HOOD, WR; Auburn University; Auburn University; Auburn University; Auburn University; Auburn University; Auburn University; Auburn University The ability of animals […]

Hazardous Hydroids of Hydractinia Variation in venom expression and nematocyte distribution in functionally distinct tissues of a hydractiniid hydrozoan

Meeting Abstract 109-9  Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:00 – 10:15  Hazardous Hydroids of Hydractinia: Variation in venom expression and nematocyte distribution in functionally distinct tissues of a hydractiniid hydrozoan KLOMPEN, AML*; SANDERS, SM; CARTWRIGHT, P; University of Kansas, Lawrence; Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh; University of Kansas, Lawrence The […]

Corticosterone and Estradiol Regulation of Gastrointestinal (GI) Development and Reproduction in the Marsh Rice Rat (Oryzomys palustris)

Meeting Abstract 109-6  Tuesday, Jan. 7 09:15 – 09:30  Corticosterone and Estradiol Regulation of Gastrointestinal (GI) Development and Reproduction in the Marsh Rice Rat (Oryzomys palustris) EDMONDS, KE*; GIBSON, L; ROEDERER, L; Indiana University Southeast; Indiana University Southeast; Indiana University Southeast Environmental factors and subsequent hormonal changes can regulate the development of various physiological systems. Steroid […]

Characterization of the Age-Related DNA Methylome and Development of an Epigenetic Age Predictor in Medaka (Oryzias latipes)

Meeting Abstract 109-1  Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:00 – 08:15  Characterization of the Age-Related DNA Methylome and Development of an Epigenetic Age Predictor in Medaka (Oryzias latipes) BERTUCCI, EM*; PARROTT, BB; University of Georgia, Athens, GA; University of Georgia, Athens, GA Age specific patterning of DNA methylation (“epigenetic aging”) is the single best marker of biological age […]

A little variety goes a long way Diversification of three-finger toxins in rear-fanged snake venoms

Meeting Abstract 109-5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 09:00 – 09:15  A little variety goes a long way: Diversification of three-finger toxins in rear-fanged snake venoms MACKESSY, SP; University of Northern Colorado Rear-fanged snakes (“colubrids”) include a remarkable diversity of species that are found more broadly distributed than any other group of snakes, in part because of […]

The buzz about food songbird physiology in response to increased availability of a natural food source

Meeting Abstract 109.1  Saturday, Jan. 7  The buzz about food: songbird physiology in response to increased availability of a natural food source. WILCOXEN, Travis E*; HORN, David J; CERNY, Jared; HOGAN, Brianna; HUBBLE, Cody; HUBER, Sarah; KNOTT, Madeline; ROBERTSON, Abigail; SALIK, Faaria; Millikin University; Millikin University; Millikin University; Millikin University; Millikin University; Millikin University; Millikin University; Millikin […]

The Effect of Circadian Disruption on Metabolic Rate and Immune Function in Vasoactive Intestinal Protein (VIP) Deficient Mice

Meeting Abstract 109.5  Saturday, Jan. 7  The Effect of Circadian Disruption on Metabolic Rate and Immune Function in Vasoactive Intestinal Protein (VIP) Deficient Mice RICHARDSON, C.S.*; CURLEY, B.; DAVIS, F.; Northeastern University; Northeastern University; Northeastern University We investigated how the disruption of circadian rhythm affects basal metabolic rate (BMR) and immune function in lab mice (Mus […]

Leptin enhances proliferation of amphibian lymphocytes

Meeting Abstract 109.4  Saturday, Jan. 7  Leptin enhances proliferation of amphibian lymphocytes CRESPI, Erica J.*; FITES, J. Scott; ROLLINS-SMITH, Louise A.; Washington State University; Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Vanderbilt University Medical Center Leptin is a cytokine hormone that is best known for regulating food intake and energy expenditure, but recent studies in mammals have shown that […]

Infection and cold stress result in additive energetic costs and altered host immunity in a naturally occurring host-pathogen system

Meeting Abstract 109.2  Saturday, Jan. 7  Infection and cold stress result in additive energetic costs and altered host immunity in a naturally occurring host-pathogen system. DURANT, S.E.*; HAWLEY, D.M.; ADELMAN, J.S.; WILSON, A.F; HOPKINS, W.A.; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Princeton Univ; Virginia Tech The role of abiotic factors such as temperature in mediating host […]

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