Environmental and Physiological Regulation of Stingray Camouflage

Meeting Abstract 108-5  Saturday, Jan. 6 14:45 – 15:00  Environmental and Physiological Regulation of Stingray Camouflage GUNN, TR*; BEDORE, CB; Georgia Southern University ; Georgia Southern University tg03328@georgiasouthern.edu Many reef fishes exhibit dynamic coloration and body patterns that can change under nervous or hormonal control. Lowe et al (1996) showed that hammerheads in high UV environments have […]

Electrical Coupling Characteristics of Chromatophore Muscles in Hatchling Squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana

Meeting Abstract 108-4  Saturday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 14:45  Electrical Coupling Characteristics of Chromatophore Muscles in Hatchling Squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana LIU, Y-C*; GRASSE, B; University of Utah; Marine Biological Laboratory yen-chyi.liu@neuro.utah.edu Cephalopods have remarkable camouflage abilities that rely on the expansion and contraction of tiny pigment organs in the skin called chromatophores. These organs are composed of […]

Conditioned Place Preference of Mice Selectively Bred for High Voluntary Wheel Running

Meeting Abstract 108-3  Saturday, Jan. 6 14:15 – 14:30  Conditioned Place Preference of Mice Selectively Bred for High Voluntary Wheel Running SCHMILL, MP*; CADNEY, MD; HIRAMATSU, L; ALBUQUERQUE, RL; LOUIS, MP; CASTRO, A; THOMPSON, Z; KAY, JC; BUENAVENTURA, D; RAMIREZ, J; GARLAND, JR, T; Univ. of California, Riverside mschm002@ucr.edu https://www.linkedin.com/in/margaret-schmill-065700109 Running acts as a natural reward and […]

A sublethal dose of a neonicotinoid insecticide impairs motion detection and avoidance behaviour in Locusta migratoria

Meeting Abstract 108-7  Saturday, Jan. 6 15:15 – 15:30  A sublethal dose of a neonicotinoid insecticide impairs motion detection and avoidance behaviour in Locusta migratoria PARKINSON, RH*; LITTLE, JM; GRAY, JR; University of Saskatchewan; University of Saskatchewan; University of Saskatchewan rachel.parkinson@usask.ca Neonicotinoid insecticides are used extensively in agriculture in North America, despite known environmental impacts. These insecticides […]

Seasonal Shifts in Neural Gene Expression in a Territorial Female Songbird

Meeting Abstract 108-5  Monday, Jan. 7 09:00 – 09:15  Seasonal Shifts in Neural Gene Expression in a Territorial Female Songbird BENTZ, AB*; RUSCH, DB; ROSVALL, KA; Indiana University; Indiana University; Indiana University bentza@iu.edu Seasonally breeding animals commonly display peak aggression early in the breeding season during periods of social instability, with declining aggression during later parental stages. […]

Responsiveness of the chicken germinal disk to testosterone and corticosterone

Meeting Abstract 108-1  Monday, Jan. 7 08:00 – 08:15  Responsiveness of the chicken germinal disk to testosterone and corticosterone WROBEL, ER*; MOLINA, E; KHAN, NY; AKINGBEMI, BT; LORENZ, WW; MENDONCA, MT; NAVARA, KJ; University of Georgia ; Auburn University; University of St. Andrews; Auburn University; University of Georgia; Auburn University; University of Georgia ewrobel@uga.edu Female birds skew […]

Recovery periods during chronic stress exert complex physiological and behavioral changes in house sparrows

Meeting Abstract 108-2  Monday, Jan. 7 08:15 – 08:30  Recovery periods during chronic stress exert complex physiological and behavioral changes in house sparrows GORMALLY, BMG*; ESTRADA, R; YIN, H; ROMERO, LM; Tufts Univ.; Tufts Univ.; Tufts Univ.; Tufts Univ. brenna.gormally@tufts.edu Chronic stress has been extensively studied in both the laboratory and field. What remains unknown is whether […]

Evolution of hormonal regulation of sex-biased gene expression

Meeting Abstract 108-4  Monday, Jan. 7 08:45 – 09:00  Evolution of hormonal regulation of sex-biased gene expression COX, CL*; CHUNG, AK; POLLOCK, NB; JOHN-ALDER, HB; ANDREW, AL; CARD, DC; CASTOE, TA; COX, RM; Georgia Southern University; GSU; University of Texas Arlington; Rutgers University; UTA; UTA; UTA; University of Virginia clcox@georgiasouthern.edu Many endocrine networks are composed of autosomal […]

Endocrine mechanisms of aggression in a sex-role reversed species

Meeting Abstract 108-6  Monday, Jan. 7 09:15 – 09:30  Endocrine mechanisms of aggression in a sex-role reversed species LIPSHUTZ, SE*; ROSVALL, KA; Indiana University; Indiana University sara.lipshutz@gmail.com https://saralipshutz.wordpress.com/ Across vertebrates, testosterone (T) is considered a key player in the hormonal regulation of territorial aggression. While aggression is widespread in both males and females, endocrine regulation of aggression […]

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