Meeting Abstract 108-7 Thursday, Jan. 7 09:45 Effect of hypercapnia and metal exposure on intracellular metal distribution and metabolic activity in Mercenaria mercenaria HAWKINS, C.A.*; PHAN, T.; SANFORD, E.; SOKOLOVA, I. M.; Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte Rising atmospheric CO2 levels leads to shifts in the carbonate chemistry and pH of marine waters, potentially changing […]
sessions: Session 108
Cardiac Innervation of the dragon Ctenophorus ornatus
Meeting Abstract 108-1 Thursday, Jan. 7 08:15 Cardiac Innervation of the dragon Ctenophorus ornatus DERBYSHIRE, P.J.*; O’SHEA, J.E.; The University of Western Australia; The University of Western Australia Control of cardiac output is dependent on the hormonal and nervous control mechanisms throughout the cardiovascular system and most notably within the heart. From teleost fish to […]
Validating a model for detecting the magnetic field using simulated and hardware approaches
Meeting Abstract 108-7 Saturday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15 Validating a model for detecting the magnetic field using simulated and hardware approaches TAYLOR, BK*; LOHMANN, KJ; Air Force Research Laboratory; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Several animals use properties of Earth’s magnetic field as a part of their navigation toolkit to accomplish tasks ranging […]
Owners versus renters comparative homing behaviors in primary and tertiary burrowing crayfish
Meeting Abstract 108-2 Saturday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:15 Owners versus renters: comparative homing behaviors in primary and tertiary burrowing crayfish KAMRAN, M*; MOORE, ME; MOORE, PA; Oregon State University, Bowling Green State University; Baldwin Wallace University; Bowling Green State University Invertebrates and vertebrates alike exhibit wayfinding behaviors when locating and returning to sites of […]
Natal Homing and Multi-modal Navigation in Sea Turtles and Salmon
Meeting Abstract 108-6 Saturday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00 Natal Homing and Multi-modal Navigation in Sea Turtles and Salmon LOHMANN, KJ*; ENDRES, CS; PUTMAN, NF; ERNST, DA; LOHMANN, CMF; Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. Miami; Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill Sea turtles and salmon […]
Learning to School Again How Ablation and Regeneration of the Lateral Line System Alters Schooling Behavior in Giant Danios
Meeting Abstract 108-3 Saturday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30 Learning to School Again: How Ablation and Regeneration of the Lateral Line System Alters Schooling Behavior in Giant Danios MEKDARA, PJ*; COUGHLIN, LL; SCHWALBE, MAB; TYTELL, ED; Tufts University; Tufts University; Tufts University; Tufts University Fish use their lateral line system to maintain position and speed within […]
Flight Stability and Olfactory Navigation is Supported by Multisensory Antennal Inputs in the Moth Manduca sexta
Meeting Abstract 108-5 Saturday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45 Flight Stability and Olfactory Navigation is Supported by Multisensory Antennal Inputs in the Moth Manduca sexta. SMITH, AE; WILLIS, MA*; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH Male hawkmoths, Manduca sexta, locate females for mating by tracking wind-borne plumes of female pheromone in flight. The quantity and quality […]
An Unexpected Case of Homing in a Territorial Lizard
Meeting Abstract 108-1 Saturday, Jan. 7 13:45 – 14:00 An Unexpected Case of Homing in a Territorial Lizard STEINBERG, DS*; LEAL, M; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; University of Missouri, Columbia Homing is common in species that travel back and forth between different patches of habitat. However, one might not expect to find this […]
The Difference a Day Makes Effects of Oviposition on Peripheral Auditory Sensitivity
Meeting Abstract 108-1 Saturday, Jan. 6 13:45 – 14:00 The Difference a Day Makes: Effects of Oviposition on Peripheral Auditory Sensitivity GALL, MD*; BAUGH, AT; BEE, MA; GALL, Megan; Vassar College; Swarthmore College; University of Minnesota, St. Paul For many animals there are rapid physiological and behavioral transitions that occur when females oviposit. In many […]
Female Signaling Non-Redundant Multimodal Cues in the House Mouse Mus musculus
Meeting Abstract 108-2 Saturday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:15 Female Signaling: Non-Redundant Multimodal Cues in the House Mouse Mus musculus RONALD, KL*; HURLEY, LM; Indiana University; Indiana University Multimodal signaling is nearly ubiquitous across animal taxa. Multimodal signal components are often classified based on whether they contain the same, or redundant information to the receiver (e.g., […]