Effect of hypercapnia and metal exposure on intracellular metal distribution and metabolic activity in Mercenaria mercenaria

Meeting Abstract 108-7  Thursday, Jan. 7 09:45  Effect of hypercapnia and metal exposure on intracellular metal distribution and metabolic activity in Mercenaria mercenaria HAWKINS, C.A.*; PHAN, T.; SANFORD, E.; SOKOLOVA, I. M.; Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte C.Hawkins@uncc.edu Rising atmospheric CO2 levels leads to shifts in the carbonate chemistry and pH of marine waters, potentially changing […]

Cardiac Innervation of the dragon Ctenophorus ornatus

Meeting Abstract 108-1  Thursday, Jan. 7 08:15  Cardiac Innervation of the dragon Ctenophorus ornatus DERBYSHIRE, P.J.*; O’SHEA, J.E.; The University of Western Australia; The University of Western Australia Peter.Derbyshire@research.uwa.edu.au http://www.animals.uwa.edu.au/research/postgrads?profile/1/id/3758 Control of cardiac output is dependent on the hormonal and nervous control mechanisms throughout the cardiovascular system and most notably within the heart. From teleost fish to […]

Validating a model for detecting the magnetic field using simulated and hardware approaches

Meeting Abstract 108-7  Saturday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15  Validating a model for detecting the magnetic field using simulated and hardware approaches TAYLOR, BK*; LOHMANN, KJ; Air Force Research Laboratory; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill brian.taylor.48@us.af.mil Several animals use properties of Earth’s magnetic field as a part of their navigation toolkit to accomplish tasks ranging […]

Owners versus renters comparative homing behaviors in primary and tertiary burrowing crayfish

Meeting Abstract 108-2  Saturday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:15   Owners versus renters: comparative homing behaviors in primary and tertiary burrowing crayfish KAMRAN, M*; MOORE, ME; MOORE, PA; Oregon State University, Bowling Green State University; Baldwin Wallace University; Bowling Green State University mkamran@bgsu.edu Invertebrates and vertebrates alike exhibit wayfinding behaviors when locating and returning to sites of […]

Natal Homing and Multi-modal Navigation in Sea Turtles and Salmon

Meeting Abstract 108-6  Saturday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00  Natal Homing and Multi-modal Navigation in Sea Turtles and Salmon LOHMANN, KJ*; ENDRES, CS; PUTMAN, NF; ERNST, DA; LOHMANN, CMF; Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. Miami; Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill KLohmann@email.unc.edu http://www.unc.edu/depts/geomag Sea turtles and salmon […]

Learning to School Again How Ablation and Regeneration of the Lateral Line System Alters Schooling Behavior in Giant Danios

Meeting Abstract 108-3  Saturday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30  Learning to School Again: How Ablation and Regeneration of the Lateral Line System Alters Schooling Behavior in Giant Danios MEKDARA, PJ*; COUGHLIN, LL; SCHWALBE, MAB; TYTELL, ED; Tufts University; Tufts University; Tufts University; Tufts University prasongmekdara@gmail.com Fish use their lateral line system to maintain position and speed within […]

Flight Stability and Olfactory Navigation is Supported by Multisensory Antennal Inputs in the Moth Manduca sexta

Meeting Abstract 108-5  Saturday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45  Flight Stability and Olfactory Navigation is Supported by Multisensory Antennal Inputs in the Moth Manduca sexta. SMITH, AE; WILLIS, MA*; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH maw27@case.edu Male hawkmoths, Manduca sexta, locate females for mating by tracking wind-borne plumes of female pheromone in flight. The quantity and quality […]

An Unexpected Case of Homing in a Territorial Lizard

Meeting Abstract 108-1  Saturday, Jan. 7 13:45 – 14:00  An Unexpected Case of Homing in a Territorial Lizard STEINBERG, DS*; LEAL, M; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; University of Missouri, Columbia lucypenn@email.unc.edu Homing is common in species that travel back and forth between different patches of habitat. However, one might not expect to find this […]

The Difference a Day Makes Effects of Oviposition on Peripheral Auditory Sensitivity

Meeting Abstract 108-1  Saturday, Jan. 6 13:45 – 14:00  The Difference a Day Makes: Effects of Oviposition on Peripheral Auditory Sensitivity GALL, MD*; BAUGH, AT; BEE, MA; GALL, Megan; Vassar College; Swarthmore College; University of Minnesota, St. Paul megall@vassar.edu http://pages.vassar.edu/sensoryecology/ For many animals there are rapid physiological and behavioral transitions that occur when females oviposit. In many […]

Female Signaling Non-Redundant Multimodal Cues in the House Mouse Mus musculus

Meeting Abstract 108-2  Saturday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:15  Female Signaling: Non-Redundant Multimodal Cues in the House Mouse Mus musculus RONALD, KL*; HURLEY, LM; Indiana University; Indiana University kelly.lennington@gmail.com Multimodal signaling is nearly ubiquitous across animal taxa. Multimodal signal components are often classified based on whether they contain the same, or redundant information to the receiver (e.g., […]

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