A simple and dynamic thermal gradient device for measuring thermal performance in small ectotherms

SOCIETY FOR INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 2021 VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETING (VAM)January 3 – Febuary 28, 2021 Meeting Abstract 108-6  Sat Jan 2  A simple and dynamic thermal gradient device for measuring thermal performance in small ectotherms Ritchie, MW*; Dawson, JW; MacMillan, HA; Carleton University ; Carleton University ; Carleton University marshallritchie@cmail.carleton.ca Ectotherm performance and fitness are heavily […]

Value of the California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) Hindflippers during Porpoising and Turning Maneuvers

Meeting Abstract 108-6  Tuesday, Jan. 7 09:15 – 09:30  Value of the California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) Hindflippers during Porpoising and Turning Maneuvers LEAHY, AL*; FISH, FE; KERR, SJ; LEFTWICH, MC; West Chester University; West Chester University; West Chester University; George Washington University al916349@wcupa.edu California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) are a highly maneuverable species of marine mammal. […]

Turning in Zebrafish Measuring Body Pressure, Torque, and Work During Spontaneous Turns

Meeting Abstract 108-3  Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:30 – 08:45  Turning in Zebrafish: Measuring Body Pressure, Torque, and Work During Spontaneous Turns THANDIACKAL, R*; LAUDER, GV; Harvard University; Harvard University rthandiackal@gmail.com Energetic efficiency has long been considered an important feature of routine animal behavior. In fluid environments, fish swim using body undulations to navigate and propel themselves forward, […]

Turning Performance by Bluefin Tuna Novel Mechanism for Rapid Maneuvers with a Rigid Body

Meeting Abstract 108-4  Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:45 – 09:00  Turning Performance by Bluefin Tuna: Novel Mechanism for Rapid Maneuvers with a Rigid Body DOWNS, AM*; KOLPAS, A; BLOCK, BA; FISH, FE; West Chester University; West Chester University; Stanford University; West Chester University ad846650@wcupa.edu Scombrid fishes are known to attain exceptional swimming speeds due to their thunniform, lift-based […]

Hydrodynamics of a Crenelated Delta Wing Design of the Hindflippers of the California Sea Lion

Meeting Abstract 108-7  Tuesday, Jan. 7 09:30 – 09:45  Hydrodynamics of a Crenelated Delta Wing Design of the Hindflippers of the California Sea Lion FISH, FE*; LEAHY, AM; KULKARNI, AA; LEFTWICH, MC; West Chester University; West Chester University; George Washington University; George Washington University ffish@wcupa.edu The pectoral and pelvic appendages of the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), […]

Comparative Undulatory Kinematics in Swimming Fishes Rethinking Swimming Modes

Meeting Abstract 108-1  Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:00 – 08:15  Comparative Undulatory Kinematics in Swimming Fishes: Rethinking Swimming Modes GOERIG, E*; DI SANTO, V; WAINWRIGHT, D K; CASTRO-SANTOS, T; AKANYETI, O; LIAO, J; LAUDER, G; Harvard University; Stockholm University; Yale University; USGS Leetown Science Center; Aberystwyth University; University of Florida; Harvard University goerig.elsa@gmail.com Biologists studying fish locomotion have […]

A kinematic chain model to quantify undulatory locomotion in animals and robots

Meeting Abstract 108-2  Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:15 – 08:30  A kinematic chain model to quantify undulatory locomotion in animals and robots AKANYETI, O*; FETHERSTONHAUGH, S; Aberystwyth University; Aberystwyth University ota1@aber.ac.uk Undulatory locomotion is ubiquitous among soft-bodied animals and it inspires novel robot designs. However, manufacturing flexible robots is not straightforward due to technological constraints. Compared to their […]

A computational framework for quantifying the maneuvering performance of free-swimming rorqual whales

Meeting Abstract 108-5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 09:00 – 09:15  A computational framework for quantifying the maneuvering performance of free-swimming rorqual whales SEGRE, PS*; GOLDBOGEN, JA; Stanford University; Stanford University psegre@stanford.edu Maneuverability, defined generally as the ability to change speed and direction, is critical to survival. Rorqual whales, the world’s largest vertebrates, survive by catching much smaller and […]

The Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Immunity in the Caterpillar, Manduca sexta

Meeting Abstract 108.3  Saturday, Jan. 7  The Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Immunity in the Caterpillar, Manduca sexta LINDNER, K.K.*; HARING, J.S.; RUBALCAVA, J.; NGUYEN, T.; GREENLEE, K.J.; North Dakota State University; North Dakota State University ; Northern Arizona University ; University of Maryland; North Dakota State University kimberly.lindner@my.ndsu.edu Insect immunity can be classified as humoral, such […]

Post-hatching ontogeny of adaptive antibody response to two distinct antigens in captive zebra finches

Meeting Abstract 108.5  Saturday, Jan. 7  Post-hatching ontogeny of adaptive antibody response to two distinct antigens in captive zebra finches KILLPACK, TL*; KARASOV, WH; Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison; Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison tkillpack@wisc.edu Immune function development has been studied extensively in poultry, yet analogous studies of altricial birds have been few until relatively recently. Altricial birds have […]

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