Soundscape Engineers Exploring The Drivers Of Snapping Behavior By Alpheid Shrimp And Their Influence On The Underwater Acoustic Environment

Meeting Abstract 107-7  Saturday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15  Soundscape Engineers: Exploring The Drivers Of Snapping Behavior By Alpheid Shrimp And Their Influence On The Underwater Acoustic Environment LILLIS, A*; PANYI, A; MOONEY, TA; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; University of Southern Mississippi; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Soundscapes, the mixture of sounds that form the ambient acoustic […]

Modelling mutual suppression of sonar in groups of bats

Meeting Abstract 107-1  Saturday, Jan. 7 13:30 – 13:45  Modelling mutual suppression of sonar in groups of bats ADAMS, AM*; POCOCK, J; SMOTHERMAN, M; Texas A&M University; Texas A&M University; Texas A&M University How bats mitigate mutual interference is a longstanding question that has both ecological and technological implications as biosonar systems continue to outperform man-made […]

Echolocation in bats and porpoises hunting alone and in pairs

Meeting Abstract 107-2  Saturday, Jan. 7 13:45 – 14:00  Echolocation in bats and porpoises hunting alone and in pairs MAYBERRY, HW*; JAKOBSEN, L; WAHLBERG, M; SURLYKKE, A; RATCLIFFE, JM; University of Toronto, Mississauga; University of Southern Denmark; University of Southern Denmark; University of Southern Denmark; University of Toronto, Mississauga Approximately 1000 species of bat and 80 […]

Cultural selection as a mechanism of acoustic adaptation to city noise a songbird chooses to copy less degraded songs

Meeting Abstract 107-4  Saturday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30  Cultural selection as a mechanism of acoustic adaptation to city noise: a songbird chooses to copy less degraded songs MOSELEY, DL*; DANNER, RM; DANNER, JE; PHILLIPS, J; DERRYBERRY, GE; LUTHER, DA; DERRYBERRY, EP; George Mason Univ., Tulane Univ.; UNC Wilmington; UNC Wilmington; Tulane Univ.; Tulane Univ.; George Mason […]

Are Song Sparrow ‘Soft Songs’ Adapted for Short-range Communication

Meeting Abstract 107-5  Saturday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45  Are Song Sparrow ‘Soft Songs’ Adapted for Short-range Communication? ANDERSON, R*; NIEDERHAUSER, J; DUBOIS, A; NOWICKI, S; SEARCY, W; Florida Atlantic Univ.; Florida Atlantic Univ.; Univ. of Miami; Duke Univ.; Univ. of Miami Low amplitude acoustic signals are often produced during social interactions at close range. […]

Tidal Shifts in the Vertical Distribution of Bivalve Larvae Vertical Advection vs Active Behavior

Meeting Abstract 107-5  Saturday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 14:45  Tidal Shifts in the Vertical Distribution of Bivalve Larvae: Vertical Advection vs. Active Behavior WEINSTOCK, JB*; MORELLO, SL; CONLON, LM; XUE, H; YUND, PO; The Downeast Institute, Beals, ME; The Downeast Institute, Beals, ME; School of Marine Science, University of Maine, Orono, ME; School of Marine Science, University […]

Thermal Sensitivity of Metabolism and Development Across the Life Cycle of the Giant Antarctic Sea Spider Ammothea glacialis

Meeting Abstract 107-8  Saturday, Jan. 6 15:15 – 15:30  Thermal Sensitivity of Metabolism and Development Across the Life Cycle of the Giant Antarctic Sea Spider Ammothea glacialis SHISHIDO, CM; WOODS, HA; TOBALSKE, BW; LANE, SJ; MORAN, AL*; Univ. of Hawaii; Univ. of Montana; Univ. of Montana; Univ. of Montana; Univ. of Hawaii A paradigm of […]

The road to stardom linking larval food environment with juvenile recruitment success in echinoderms

Meeting Abstract 107-6  Saturday, Jan. 6 14:45 – 15:00  The road to stardom: linking larval food environment with juvenile recruitment success in echinoderms RICHARDSON, EL*; ALLEN, JD; College of William & Mary; College of William & Mary Echinoderms are characterized by boom-bust population dynamics in which species exhibit rapid outbreaks followed by drastic die-off events. These […]

Regional Scale Connectivity Among Barnacle Populations in the Gulf of Maine Inferred from the Phenology of Larval Release and Settlement

Meeting Abstract 107-3  Saturday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:15  Regional Scale Connectivity Among Barnacle Populations in the Gulf of Maine Inferred from the Phenology of Larval Release and Settlement YUND, PO; The Downeast Institute Demographic population connectivity can be assessed via a variety of methods, but all of the standard approaches require significant effort and funding […]

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