Meeting Abstract 107.3 Saturday, Jan. 7 Principles of Sand-swimming Revealed by Geometric Mechanics HATTON, R. L.*; DING, Y.; MASSE, A.; MALADEN, R. D.; GOLDMAN, D. I.; CHOSET, H.; Carnegie Mellon University; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Carnegie Mellon University Many animals move within granular media […]
sessions: Session 107
Disease transmission insights from fluid dynamics
Meeting Abstract 107.1 Saturday, Jan. 7 Disease transmission: insights from fluid dynamics BOUROUIBA, Lydia; Massachusetts Institute of Technology Following the infiltration of a pathogen in a population of susceptible hosts, the nature of the “contact” between infected and non-infected members of the population becomes critical in shaping the outcome of the epidemics. This is true whether one considers […]
Desert locust aerodynamics instantaneous wake volumes using tomographic particle image velocimetry (tomo-PIV)
Meeting Abstract 107.2 Saturday, Jan. 7 Desert locust aerodynamics: instantaneous wake volumes using tomographic particle image velocimetry (tomo-PIV) BOMPHREY, R.J.*; HENNINGSSON, P.; MICHAELIS, D.; HORSTMANN, T.; HOLLIS, D.; University of Oxford Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry (tomo-PIV) is becoming increasingly established in the experimental fluid mechanics community as a volumetric method for the analysis of complex flows, […]
Copepod Escape Jumps Tomo-PIV Measurements of the Eliciting Hydromechanical Signal and Subsequent Flow Disturbance
Meeting Abstract 107.5 Saturday, Jan. 7 Copepod Escape Jumps: Tomo-PIV Measurements of the Eliciting Hydromechanical Signal and Subsequent Flow Disturbance MURPHY, DW*; WEBSTER, DR; YEN, J; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology We present time-resolved tomographic particle image velocimetry (Tomo-PIV) measurements of freshwater (Hesperos) and marine (Calanus) copepod escape sequences […]
Survival of the weakest Decreased frond mechanical strength increases survival in a wave-swept kept via self-pruning
Meeting Abstract 107.6 Sunday, Jan. 6 Survival of the weakest: Decreased frond mechanical strength increases survival in a wave-swept kept via self-pruning DEMES, KW*; PRUITT, JN; HARLEY, CDG; CARRINGTON, E; University of British Columbia; University of Pittsburgh; University of British Columbia; University of Washington, Friday Harbor Labs Organisms’ ability to withstand the physical forces of their […]
Piscivorous fish in a fishless environment dietary and phenotypic differentiation of bigmouth sleepers in Bahamas blue holes
Meeting Abstract 107.4 Sunday, Jan. 6 Piscivorous fish in a fishless environment: dietary and phenotypic differentiation of bigmouth sleepers in Bahamas blue holes MARTIN, RA*; LANGERHANS, RB; NIMBioS; North Carolina State Univ. Ecology’s role in driving predictable differentiation between populations is a central topic in evolutionary ecology. Based on a priori knowledge of theory and natural […]
Limits and opportunities of diversification in barking frogs of the Craugastor augusti complex
Meeting Abstract 107.3 Sunday, Jan. 6 Limits and opportunities of diversification in barking frogs of the Craugastor augusti complex STREICHER, J.W.*; MEIK, J.M.; SMITH, E.N.; FUJITA, M.K.; Univ. of Texas, Arlington; Univ. of Texas, Arlington; Univ. of Texas, Arlington; Univ. of Texas, Arlington Craugastor augusti is among the most widely distributed direct-developing frogs in North America, […]
Ecomorphology in Modern and Fossil Birds
Meeting Abstract 107.5 Sunday, Jan. 6 Ecomorphology in Modern and Fossil Birds MITCHELL, J.S.; The University of Chicago The origin of the staggering ecological diversity of modern birds remains unresolved. A major limitation to studying the evolution of avian ecology has been the difficulty of determining the timing and overall rate of key ecological divergences in […]
Assembly and Anthropogenic Alterations in Kelp Forest Ecosystems Historical Perspectives from Deep Time
Meeting Abstract 107.1 Sunday, Jan. 6 Assembly and Anthropogenic Alterations in Kelp Forest Ecosystems: Historical Perspectives from Deep Time LINDBERG, D.R.*; ERLANDSON, J.M.; GRAHAM, M.; BYRNES, J.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; University of Oregon; Moss Landing Marine Laboratories; University of Massachusetts, Boston We examine the assembly and anthropogenic alterations in 20 kelp forest ecosystems – comprised […]
A phylogenomic approach to the evolution of the coral reef fish fauna
Meeting Abstract 107.2 Sunday, Jan. 6 A phylogenomic approach to the evolution of the coral reef fish fauna VENZON, M.*; ALFARO, M.E.; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles Coral reefs, while only making up a mere 1% of the oceans’ area, are home to over a third of all the marine fish […]