Mitochondrial and X chromosome (Mito-X) Genomic Interactions and Implications for the Evolution of Sex Differences

Meeting Abstract 106-4  Sunday, Jan. 6 14:15 – 14:30  Mitochondrial and X chromosome (Mito-X) Genomic Interactions and Implications for the Evolution of Sex Differences VAUGHT, RC*; BONDURIANSKY, R; DOWLING, DK; School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia; UNSW Australia, Evolution and Ecology Research Centre and School of Biological, Earth, and Environmental Science, Sydney, NSW […]

Insights into building complex life cycles an investigation of development in adult and larval body plans of the indirect developing hemichordate Schizocardium californicum

Meeting Abstract 106-8  Sunday, Jan. 6 15:15 – 15:30  Insights into building complex life cycles: an investigation of development in adult and larval body plans of the indirect developing hemichordate Schizocardium californicum BUMP, P.*; LOWE, C. J.; Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. Pacific Grove, CA.; Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. Pacific Grove, CA. […]

Comparing ectotherm senescence using a hierarchical model

Meeting Abstract 106-5  Sunday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 14:45  Comparing ectotherm senescence using a hierarchical model REINKE, B*; CAYUELA, H; HOEKSTRA, L; JANZEN, F; BRONIKOWSKI, A; MILLER, D; Pennsylvania State University; Université Laval; Iowa State University; Iowa State University; Iowa State University; Pennsylvania State University An age-dependent decline in survival, called senescence, is a ubiquitous […]

Climate Effects on Nesting Phenology in Nebraska Turtles

Meeting Abstract 106-2  Sunday, Jan. 6 13:45 – 14:00  Climate Effects on Nesting Phenology in Nebraska Turtles HEDRICK, AR*; GREENE, DU; LEWIS, EL; HOOD, AS; IVERSON, JB; Iowa State University; Texas Tech University ; Utah State University ; Earlham College; Earlham College Rising temperatures resulting from climate change instigate the advancement of reproductive phenology in a […]

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