Effects of Shape, Material, and Musculature on Energy Exchange Capacity in the Hawkmoth Thorax

Meeting Abstract 104-8  Sunday, Jan. 6 15:15 – 15:30  Effects of Shape, Material, and Musculature on Energy Exchange Capacity in the Hawkmoth Thorax GAU, JF*; GRAVISH, N; SPONBERG, S; Georgia Institute of Technology; Univ. of California, San Diego; Georgia Institute of Technology jeff.gau@gatech.edu Elastic energy exchange is thought to offset the high power requirements of insect flight. […]

Clap and fling of bristled wings with varying solid surface areas

Meeting Abstract 104-2  Sunday, Jan. 6 13:45 – 14:00  Clap and fling of bristled wings with varying solid surface areas FORD, MP*; KASOJU, VT; GADDAM, MG; SANTHANAKRISHNAN, A; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University askrish@okstate.edu http://www.appliedfluidslab.org/ The smallest free-flying insects (body lengths between 0.2 to 1 mm) show a marked preference […]

Big wings and agile flight evolutionary patterns of moth morphology and stability in Bombycoidea

Meeting Abstract 104-3  Sunday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:15  Big wings and agile flight: evolutionary patterns of moth morphology and stability in Bombycoidea AIELLO, BR*; HAMILTON, CA; KAWAHARA, AY; SPONBERG, S; Georgia Institute of Technology; Florida Museum of Natural History; Florida Museum of Natural History; Georgia Institute of Technology brett.aiello@physics.gatech.edu Moth wing and body morphology, which evolve […]

Altitudinal variation in flight morphology and kinematics of common-garden reared bumblebees (Bombus vosnesenskii)

Meeting Abstract 104-5  Sunday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 14:45  Altitudinal variation in flight morphology and kinematics of common-garden reared bumblebees (Bombus vosnesenskii) PARSONS, ZM*; HERNDON, JD; STRANGE, JP; LOZIER, JD; DILLON, ME; University of Wyoming; Utah State University; Utah State University; University of Alabama; University of Wyoming zparsons@uwyo.edu Altitudinal shifts present a potential means of tracking optimal […]

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