The gut yeast microbiota determines insect recovery from chill coma

Meeting Abstract 103-6  Saturday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00  The gut yeast microbiota determines insect recovery from chill coma JIMÉNEZ PADILLA , Y; LACHANCE, M-A; SINCLAIR, BJ*; Western University, London, ON, Canada Understanding the role of the microbiota in determining animals’ physiological phenotypes remains a grand challenge in organismal biology. Although yeasts are a key […]

Performance benefits of slow migratory behavior in a predictable dynamic habitat

Meeting Abstract 103-7  Saturday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15  Performance benefits of slow migratory behavior in a predictable dynamic habitat HAYFORD, HA*; CARRINGTON, E; University of Washington; University of Washington Behavior plays a fundamental role in regulating the thermal environment experienced by an ectothermic animal. Animal speed and spatiotemporal patterns of environmental variation determine the temporal […]

Individual Thermal Histories of Intertidal Mussels Correlate with Metrics of Oxidative Macromolecular Damage and with Levels of a Thermoprotective Osmolyte

Meeting Abstract 103-3  Saturday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:15  Individual Thermal Histories of Intertidal Mussels Correlate with Metrics of Oxidative Macromolecular Damage and with Levels of a Thermoprotective Osmolyte GLEASON, LU*; MILLER, LP; WINNIKOFF, J; SOMERO, G; YANCEY, PH; DOWD, WW; Loyola Marymount University; San Jose State University; Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University; Hopkins Marine Station […]

AMPK Activity Increases in Response to Acute Cold Stress in the Zebra Mussel

Meeting Abstract 103-1  Saturday, Jan. 7 13:30 – 13:45  AMPK Activity Increases in Response to Acute Cold Stress in the Zebra Mussel JOST, JA; Bradley University Ectothermic species are affected by environmental fluctuations, and studies are needed on thermal tolerances since changes in ambient temperature affect metabolic demands. Zebra mussels are highly invasive, yet little is […]

Novel Cell Adhesion Mechanisms in Sponge Tissues

Meeting Abstract 103-6  Saturday, Jan. 6 14:45 – 15:00  Novel Cell Adhesion Mechanisms in Sponge Tissues MITCHELL, JM*; NICHOLS, SA; University of Denver A fundamental requirement for multicellularity is cell adhesion. This includes mechanisms by which cells adhere to each other, and to their secreted extracellular matrix (ECM). Two well characterized adhesion complexes in animals include: […]

Gene expression in appendages of Centruroides sculpturatus clarify the evolutionary origin of the scorpion pectine

Meeting Abstract 103-8  Saturday, Jan. 6 15:15 – 15:30  Gene expression in appendages of Centruroides sculpturatus clarify the evolutionary origin of the scorpion pectine SANTIBANEZ-LOPEZ, CE*; NOLAN, ED; SETTON, EVW; SHARMA, PP; Univ. Wisconsin-Madison; Univ. Wisconsin-Madison; Univ. Wisconsin-Madison; Univ. Wisconsin-Madison The versatility of the articulated appendages of arthropods has contributed to their evolutionary success, granting them […]

Function of BMP signaling in the annelid Capitella teleta and implication for nervous system evolution

Meeting Abstract 103-4  Saturday, Jan. 6 14:15 – 14:30  Function of BMP signaling in the annelid Capitella teleta and implication for nervous system evolution CORBET, M; JOYCE, C; SUR, A; RENFRO, A; MEYER, NP*; Clark University A key question concerning animal evolution is how centralized nervous systems (CNSs) evolved and contributed to organismal diversity. In many […]

From Genes to Fossils Investigating the Evolution of Axial Patterning in Tetrapods through Deep Time

Meeting Abstract 103-3  Saturday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:15  From Genes to Fossils: Investigating the Evolution of Axial Patterning in Tetrapods through Deep Time BÖHMER, C; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle Paris Major evolutionary events in vertebrate evolution were accompanied by substantial changes in the axial skeleton including modifications in the Hox genes. These genes are critical […]

Exploring adaptive and novel traits of bat faces through morphometrics and developmental genetics

Meeting Abstract 103-2  Saturday, Jan. 6 13:45 – 14:00  Exploring adaptive and novel traits of bat faces through morphometrics and developmental genetics CAMACHO, J*; TABIN, CJ; ABZHANOV, A; Harvard University; Harvard Medical School; Imperial College London The New World leaf-nosed bats (phyllostomids) display exemplary morphological adaptations associated with specialized modes of feeding. Phyllostomid bat skulls […]

Early Eye Development in the Squid Doryteuthis pealeii and the Evolution of Morphogenesis

Meeting Abstract 103-1  Saturday, Jan. 6 13:30 – 13:45  Early Eye Development in the Squid Doryteuthis pealeii and the Evolution of Morphogenesis KOENIG, KM; Harvard University Classically, the cephalopod eye is known for its morphological similarity to the vertebrate single-chambered eye. However, this complexity is independently evolved. While vertebrate and fly eye and organ formation have […]

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