Changes in Ocean Temperature Impact Fish Acoustic Communication Implications for Reproductive Timing and Acoustic Community Structure

Meeting Abstract 103.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:00  Changes in Ocean Temperature Impact Fish Acoustic Communication: Implications for Reproductive Timing and Acoustic Community Structure RICE, A.N.*; MORANO, J.L.; Cornell Univ.; Cornell Univ. Acoustic communication is a critical component of many animals’ behavior, and sounds are often produced for reproductive advertisement. For many species of vocalizing fishes, […]

Potentials and limitations of modelling bite forces implications of simplifying real life musculoskeletal systems to simplified 3D and 2D models

Meeting Abstract 103-2  Thursday, Jan. 7 08:15  Potentials and limitations of modelling bite forces: implications of simplifying real life musculoskeletal systems to simplified 3D and 2D models BOUILLIART, M; DE MEYER, J; VAN WASSENBERGH, S; DE KEGEL, B; ADRIAENS, D*; ADRIAENS, Domini; Ghent University; Ghent University; Ghent University; Ghent University; Ghent University In case the […]

Long-axis rotation of the lower jaw in white-spotted bamboo sharks (Chiloscyllium plagiosum) with discussion of deformation (strain or bending) during suction feeding

Meeting Abstract 103-3  Thursday, Jan. 7 08:30  Long-axis rotation of the lower jaw in white-spotted bamboo sharks (Chiloscyllium plagiosum) with discussion of deformation (strain or bending) during suction feeding. SCOTT, B. R.*; WILGA, C.; BRAINERD, E. L.; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island; Brown University Suction feeding is one of the most common modes […]

Hydrodynamic regime affects feeding success and encounter rates with prey to determine feeding rates of larval fish during the critical period

Meeting Abstract 103-6  Thursday, Jan. 7 09:15  Hydrodynamic regime affects feeding success and encounter rates with prey to determine feeding rates of larval fish during the critical period CHINA, V*; ELMALIACH, T; HOLZMAN, R; Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv. The Interuniversity Institute, Eilat Larval fishes experience extreme mortality rates, with 99% of a cohort perishing within days after […]

First Evidence of Cyclonic Filtration in Mobulid and Manta Ray Filter Feeders

Meeting Abstract 103-4  Thursday, Jan. 7 08:45  First Evidence of Cyclonic Filtration in Mobulid and Manta Ray Filter Feeders BOLLA, R*; PETERSON, A; SUMMERS, A.P.; PAIG-TRAN, E.W.M.; California State University, Fullerton; University of California, Irvine; University of Washington; California State University, Fullerton Mobulids, mantas and devil rays, use filter feeding to capture zooplankton prey that can […]

Feeding Kinematics and Performance of Basal Otariid Pinnipeds, Steller sea lions, and Northern Fur Seals Implications for the Evolution of Mammalian Feeding

Meeting Abstract 103-1  Thursday, Jan. 7 08:00  Feeding Kinematics and Performance of Basal Otariid Pinnipeds, Steller sea lions, and Northern Fur Seals: Implications for the Evolution of Mammalian Feeding MARSHALL, CD*; ROSEN, D; TRITES, AW; Texas A and M University; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia Feeding performance studies can address questions relevant […]

Camouflage Feeding Leaf Bite Patterns Are Proportional to Beetle Body Size

Meeting Abstract 103-5  Thursday, Jan. 7 09:00  Camouflage Feeding: Leaf Bite Patterns Are Proportional to Beetle Body Size REN, JING*; KONSTANTINOV, A. S.; WANG, X. S.; RUAN, Y. Y.; YANG, X. L.; CHEN, RUI; HU, DAVID; GE, SIQIN; Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China; Smithsonian Institution, Washington; Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences, […]

Valve gaping behavior and body orientation of mussels in different microhabitats on wave-swept rocky shores

Meeting Abstract 103-8  Saturday, Jan. 7 15:15 – 15:30  Valve gaping behavior and body orientation of mussels in different microhabitats on wave-swept rocky shores MILLER, LP*; DOWD, WW; San Jose State University; Loyola Marymount University The simple behavioral repertoire of mussels includes gaping, which facilitates feeding and oxygen exchange, and possibly reorientation of the body posture […]

Thermal sensitivity at constant temperatures does not predict responses under varying temperatures

Meeting Abstract 103-4  Saturday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30  Thermal sensitivity at constant temperatures does not predict responses under varying temperatures MARSHALL, KE*; ANDERSON, KM; BERNHARDT, JR; BROWN , NE; DYTNERSKI, JK; FLYNN, KL; GURNEY-SMITH, H; KONECNY, CA; HARLEY, CDG; University of Oklahoma; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia; University of […]

Thermal constraints on microhabitat selection and mating opportunities in fiddler crabs

Meeting Abstract 103-2  Saturday, Jan. 7 13:45 – 14:00  Thermal constraints on microhabitat selection and mating opportunities in fiddler crabs. MUNGUIA, P; BACKWELL, P; DARNELL, MZ*; The University of Adelaide; The Australian National University; The University of Southern Mississippi Hot tropical environments constrain ectotherm mating opportunities when mate selection occurs on the surface. Thus, microhabitats […]

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