Meeting Abstract 103.5 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Beyond the beak: wing shape variation in Darwins finches. VANHOOYDONCK, B*; HERREL, A; GABELA, A; PODOS, J; Univ. of Antwerp; Harvard University; Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst; Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst Wing design in birds is subject to a suite of interacting selective pressures. As different performance traits (e.g. manoevrability, aerodynamic efficiency, speed) […]
sessions: Session 103
Artificial Selection, Developmental Constraints, and Craniofacial Variation in the Feral and Domesticated Pigeon (Columba livia)
Meeting Abstract 103.2 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Artificial Selection, Developmental Constraints, and Craniofacial Variation in the Feral and Domesticated Pigeon (Columba livia) YOUNG, N.M.*; FONDON III, J.W.; University of California, San Francisco; University of Texas at Arlington The relative importance of selection and constraint in evolution is one of the oldest questions in biology. While selection determines […]
How do humans stabilize running
Meeting Abstract 103.1 Thursday, Jan. 7 How do humans stabilize running? QIAO, Mu; JINDRICH, Devin L*; Arizona State University; Arizona State University The control strategies used to stabilize running are not well understood. However legged robots are capable of stable running based on three simple control rules: maintain running speed, height, and pitch angle. We tested […]
Effects of CoM Position on Forelimb and Hindlimb Mechanics during Incline and Decline Trotting
Meeting Abstract 103.5 Thursday, Jan. 7 Effects of CoM Position on Forelimb and Hindlimb Mechanics during Incline and Decline Trotting LEE, D.V.; University of Nevada Las Vegas Quadrupedal running on inclines and declines presents the mechanical challenge of balancing pitch moments about the center of mass (CoM) while maintaining a steady velocity in the direction of […]
Biomechanical Problems of Load Transport How Grass-Cutting Ants Avoid Falling Over
Meeting Abstract 103.2 Thursday, Jan. 7 Biomechanical Problems of Load Transport: How Grass-Cutting Ants Avoid Falling Over MOLL, K*; FEDERLE, W; Cambridge University, UK The influence of loads on running locomotion has been studied in many arthropods. However, most studies have only considered the effect of load mass but not mechanical problems associated with load shape. […]
Adding Inertia and Mass to Test Stability Predictions in Rapid Running Insects
Meeting Abstract 103.6 Thursday, Jan. 7 Adding Inertia and Mass to Test Stability Predictions in Rapid Running Insects MOORE, T.*; BURDEN, S.; REVZEN, S.; FULL, R.J.; Univ. of California, Berkeley A spring-mass model for the horizontal plane dynamics of sprawled running animals (Lateral Leg Spring Model) predicts that added inertia reduces stability and increases the time […]
A static model predicts the relationship between force and lean angle during dynamic turning in goats
Meeting Abstract 103.4 Thursday, Jan. 7 A static model predicts the relationship between force and lean angle during dynamic turning in goats MORENO, C.A.*; BIEWENER, A.A.; Harvard University Evasive maneuvers and turning behaviors are critical components of a terrestrial animal’s locomotor repertoire. To investigate the mechanics of such non-steady behaviors, we collected ground reaction forces (GRFs) […]
Zebrafish larvae evade predators by sensing water flow
Meeting Abstract 103.4 Saturday, Jan. 7 Zebrafish larvae evade predators by sensing water flow STEWART, WJ*; CARDENAS, GS; MCHENRY, MJ; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Irvine The ability of prey fish to evade predators is central to the ecology and evolution for a diversity of fishes. However, it is largely […]
Pectoral fins as sensors Spatial distribution of sensory input to the pectoral fins of the bluegill sunfish
Meeting Abstract 103.1 Saturday, Jan. 7 Pectoral fins as sensors: Spatial distribution of sensory input to the pectoral fins of the bluegill sunfish. HALE, M. E. *; WILLIAMS IV, R.; Univ. of Chicago Pectoral fins function in many behavioral contexts for fishes including in locomotion, feeding and social interactions. In some unusual species, such as the […]
Navigation through obstacles by bluegill sunfish under different sensory conditions
Meeting Abstract 103.3 Saturday, Jan. 7 Navigation through obstacles by bluegill sunfish under different sensory conditions FLAMMANG, B.E.*; LAUDER, G.V.; Harvard University; Harvard University Numerous studies have shown that the pectoral fins of bluegill sunfish act in a propulsive role, especially during swimming at slow speeds. In order to assess if sunfish are also capable of […]