Temperature Dependences and Angular Resolution of the Pacific Rattlesnake Facial Pit

Meeting Abstract 103-4  Monday, Jan. 6 14:15 – 14:30  Temperature Dependences and Angular Resolution of the Pacific Rattlesnake Facial Pit. BAKKEN, G.S*; SCHRAFT, H.A; ORDUNO-BAEZ, A; CLARK, R.W; San Diego State Univ.; San Diego State Univ.; San Diego State Univ.; San Diego State Univ. george.bakken@indstate.edu The pitviper facial pit functions as a chamber-type “eye”. Uniquely, rather than […]

Tactile active sensing and learning in plant-insect pollination

Meeting Abstract 103-7  Monday, Jan. 6 15:00 – 15:15  Tactile active sensing and learning in plant-insect pollination DEORA, T*; BRUNTON, BW; AHMED, M; DANIEL, TL; University of Washington, Seattle, WA; University of Washington, Seattle, WA; University of Washington, Seattle, WA; University of Washington, Seattle, WA tanvid2@uw.edu Sensory systems play a crucial role in the interaction between plants […]

Sensory biology of of mosquito-flower interactions

Meeting Abstract 103-3  Monday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:15  Sensory biology of of mosquito-flower interactions RIFFELL, J*; CHAN, J; OKUBO, R; University of Washington; University of Washington; University of Washington jriffell@uw.edu Mosquitoes are important vectors of disease and require sources of carbohydrates for reproduction and survival. Unlike host-related behaviors of mosquitoes, comparatively less is understood about the […]

No Place Like Home Sea Turtles and Geomagnetic Imprinting

Meeting Abstract 103-5  Monday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 14:45  No Place Like Home: Sea Turtles and Geomagnetic Imprinting LOHMANN, KJ*; BROTHERS, JR; LOHMANN, CMF; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill klohmann@email.unc.edu http://lohmannlab.web.unc.edu/ Various marine animals migrate across vast expanses of ocean before […]

Interneurons for Mechanosensory Processing in Adult Drosophila

Meeting Abstract 103-1  Monday, Jan. 6 13:30 – 13:45  Interneurons for Mechanosensory Processing in Adult Drosophila JOHNSON, TL*; DEFINO, NJ; RAUSCHER, MJ; HECKSCHER, ES; FOX, JL; Case Western Reserve University; University of Arizona; Case Western Reserve University; University of Chicago; Case Western Reserve University jlf88@case.edu Sensory-motor integration is important for coordinating behaviors like walking and flying. In […]

Do I Match Exploring Self-Awareness of Color for Background Matching in Texas Horned Lizards

Meeting Abstract 103-6  Monday, Jan. 6 14:45 – 15:00  Do I Match? Exploring Self-Awareness of Color for Background Matching in Texas Horned Lizards MCENTIRE, KD*; POLJAN, M; VELA, S; THOMPSON, ML; BAUM, A; Trinity University, San Antonio; Trinity University, San Antonio; Trinity University, San Antonio; Trinity University, San Antonio; Trinity University, San Antonio kmcentir@trinity.edu Camouflage through background […]

Compounds without borders a novel paradigm for quantifying complex odors and responses to scent-pollution in bumblebees

Meeting Abstract 103-2  Monday, Jan. 6 13:45 – 14:00  Compounds without borders: a novel paradigm for quantifying complex odors and responses to scent-pollution in bumblebees SPRAYBERRY, JDH; Muhlenberg College jordannasprayberry@muhlenberg.edu Bumblebees are critical pollinators whose populations have been declining over the past several decades. Successful foraging improves colony fitness, thus understanding how anthropogenic influences modulate foraging behavior […]


Meeting Abstract 103.1  Wednesday, Jan. 7  PHENOTYPIC PLASTICITY IN ALLIGATORINAE EVOLUTION & VISUALIZING 3-D SHAPE CHANGE SADLEIR, R.W.*; LEE, S.; Field Museum & Univ. of Chicago; Univ. of Illinois, Chicago rsadleir@uchicago.edu During ontogeny, organisms can display different phenotypes as a result of living under different environmental conditions. Recent research suggests such environmentally induced phenotypic plasticity can promote […]

Evolutionary Insights About Hummingbirds’ Serrate Tomia

Meeting Abstract 103.6  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Evolutionary Insights About Hummingbirds’ Serrate Tomia RICO-G., A.; Univ. of Connecticut alejandro.rico@uconn.edu For many years it has been believed that the minute serrations on the tomia (cutting edges of the beak) of hummingbirds serve in the capture of small arthropods. This belief most likely exists because the serrate tomia resemble similar […]

Evolution of jaw size and shape in New World tree squirrels

Meeting Abstract 103.3  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Evolution of jaw size and shape in New World tree squirrels SWIDERSKI, D.L.*; ZELDITCH, M.L.; Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor dlswider@umich.edu Animals that differ by more than an order of magnitude in body mass might be expected to also differ in shape particularly in the shapes […]

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