Meeting Abstract 102.3 Thursday, Jan. 7 What makes a great footballer? Trade-offs between athleticism and skill in human performance WILSON, R S*; SMITH, M D; Univ. of Queensland, Australia; Univ. of Queensland, Australia Animal performance during critical behaviours such as predator-escape, prey-capture and fighting is determined by a complex assortment of underlying traits. Maximal physical capacity […]
sessions: Session 102
I can score more than you Investigating the importance of skill on whole organism performance in a complex environment
Meeting Abstract 102.6 Thursday, Jan. 7 I can score more than you! Investigating the importance of skill on whole organism performance in a complex environment DAVID, Gwendolyn*; ORTIZ-BARRIENTOS, Daniel; SMITH, Michelle; WILSON, Robbie; Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane Skill, the ability to effectively execute a learned motor task, plays a fundamental role in the ecology and evolution […]
High-Speed Horizontal to Vertical Transitions in Running Cockroaches Reveals a Principle of Robustness
Meeting Abstract 102.2 Thursday, Jan. 7 High-Speed Horizontal to Vertical Transitions in Running Cockroaches Reveals a Principle of Robustness JAYARAM, K.*; MONGEAU, J. M.; MCRAE, B.; FULL, R.J.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley We marvel at the gracefulness of large animals as they maneuver over […]
Galloping at high speed insights from cheetahs and racing greyhounds
Meeting Abstract 102.1 Thursday, Jan. 7 Galloping at high speed: insights from cheetahs and racing greyhounds HUDSON, P.E.*; CORR, S.A.; WILSON, A.M.; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College High speed locomotion is essential for the survival and success of many species. The cheetah is the fastest living land mammal with a reported maximum […]
Explaining the 1tsubcsub relation to locomotion cost in terms of constrained optimization or How metabolic cost rate can appear to both increase and decrease with time of force application
Meeting Abstract 102.5 Thursday, Jan. 7 Explaining the 1/tc relation to locomotion cost in terms of constrained optimization or How metabolic cost rate can appear to both increase and decrease with time of force application GUTMANN, A.K.; BERTRAM, J.E.A.*; University of Calgary; University of Calgary Kram and Taylor (1990) hypothesized that ‘the rate of energy consumed […]
Chasing the Cockroach How reflexes enhance running
Meeting Abstract 102.4 Thursday, Jan. 7 Chasing the Cockroach: How reflexes enhance running PROCTOR, Joshua/L*; HOLMES, Philip; Princeton University Neuromuscular systems are stabilized and controlled by both feedforward and feedback signals. Feedforward pathways driven by central pattern generators (CPGs), in conjunction with mechanical reaction forces and nonlinear muscle properties, suffice to produce stable stereotypical gaits. (1) […]
Phylogenetic implications of the morphology of the braincase of caecilian amphibians (Gymnophiona)
Meeting Abstract 102.3 Saturday, Jan. 7 Phylogenetic implications of the morphology of the braincase of caecilian amphibians (Gymnophiona) MADDIN, HC*; RUSSELL, AP; ANDERSON, JS; University of Calgary; University of Calgary; University of Calgary Currently, phylogenetic analyses of characters drawn from the morphology of caecilians lack resolution, as well as complementarity, with results of phylogenetic analyses that […]
Molecular and Morphological Variation in the Barnacle Predator Nemertopsis bivitatta (Nemertea, Hoplonemertea)
Meeting Abstract 102.1 Saturday, Jan. 7 Molecular and Morphological Variation in the Barnacle Predator Nemertopsis bivitatta (Nemertea, Hoplonemertea) CAPLINS, S. A.; NORENBURG, J. L.; TURBEVILLE, J. M.*; Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA; National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC; Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA The nemertean Nemertopsis bivitatta is a suctorial barnacle feeder abundant in hard-bottom […]
Evolution of albinism in a captive population of cavefish
Meeting Abstract 102.2 Saturday, Jan. 7 Evolution of albinism in a captive population of cavefish GROSS, Joshua B.*; WILKENS, Horst; University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA; Zoological Institute and Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany One of the most common traits shared among cave-dwelling animals is the loss of pigmentation. This form of phenotypic regression […]
Evolution and integration of weapons in horned lizards (Phrynosoma)
Meeting Abstract 102.4 Saturday, Jan. 7 Evolution and integration of weapons in horned lizards (Phrynosoma) BERGMANN, P.J.*; BERK, C.P.; Clark University; University of Arizona Many animals posses weapons for defense, prey procurement, and competition for resources. Many of these structures, including horns, antlers, spines, and venom glands exhibit positive allometry, being disproportionately larger and more effective […]