Meeting Abstract 102-1 Monday, Jan. 6 13:30 – 13:45 Identification and quantification of Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar, Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus, Cod Gadus morhua, and Capelin Mallotus villosus in Striped Bass diets in Labrador YANG, ZY; EASY, RH*; AVERY, TA; Acadia University; Acadia University; Acadia University In 2017, Striped Bass were found for the first time […]
sessions: Session 102
Does a Well-Balanced Diet Keep You Going When the Going Gets Cold
Meeting Abstract 102-2 Monday, Jan. 6 13:45 – 14:00 Does a Well-Balanced Diet Keep You Going When the Going Gets Cold? LITTLER, A*; GARCIA, M; TEETS, N; University of Kentucky; University of Kentucky; University of Kentucky Cold stress is detrimental to insect fitness and has driven the evolution of coping mechanisms for low temperature stressors. Ecological […]
Does a Cannibal Feeding Strategy Impart Differential Metabolic Performance in Young Burbot Lota lota
Meeting Abstract 102-7 Monday, Jan. 6 14:45 – 15:00 Does a Cannibal Feeding Strategy Impart Differential Metabolic Performance in Young Burbot Lota lota? FRAZIER, AJ*; JENSEN, NR; YOUNG, SP; COOLEY-RIEDERS, CC; TODGHAM, AE; University of California, Davis; Kootenai Tribe of Idaho; Kootenai Tribe of Idaho; University of California, Davis; University of California, Davis The practice of […]
Do digestive enzyme activities explain increased plant digestibility in a newly omnivorous lizard
Meeting Abstract 102-8 Monday, Jan. 6 15:00 – 15:15 Do digestive enzyme activities explain increased plant digestibility in a newly omnivorous lizard? WEHRLE, BA*; GONZALEZ, AX; STONE, J; RANKINS, D; VUU, E; HERREL, A; TADIC, Z; GERMAN, D; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; MNHN/CNRS; U. Zagreb; UC Irvine A population […]
A tale of two islands stress response and immune function of an insular pit viper following ecological disturbance
Meeting Abstract 102-6 Monday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 14:45 A tale of two islands: stress response and immune function of an insular pit viper following ecological disturbance. SANDFOSS, MR*; CLAUNCH, NM; STACY, NI; ROMAGOSA, CM; LILLYWHITE, HB; University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; […]
Tail Elongation and Patterns of Regional Growth in Salamanders
Meeting Abstract 102.4 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Tail Elongation and Patterns of Regional Growth in Salamanders VAGLIA, J.L.*; BABCOCK, S.K.; WHITE, K.; CASE, A.; SMITH, K.; DePauw University While the morphology and function of the vertebral column are conserved across vertebrate groups, it exhibits variation in the number of vertebrae comprising the different axial regions. Typically the […]
Larval developmental patterns in Acris crepitans blanchardi (Anura Hylidae) and their implications
Meeting Abstract 102.1 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Larval developmental patterns in Acris crepitans blanchardi (Anura: Hylidae) and their implications HAVENS, S.B.*; MAGLIA, A.M.; Missouri University of Science and Technology; Missouri University of Science and Technology Blanchards cricket frog (Acris crepitans blanchardi), a North American hylid, is of ecological and evolutionary importance because of its miniature body size […]
Growth factor initiated intercalary regeneration in salamanders
Meeting Abstract 102.5 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Growth factor initiated intercalary regeneration in salamanders. CRAWFORD, Karen; St. Mary’s College of Maryland, MD Grafting a piece of mature skin over the surface of a freshly amputated amphibian limb inhibits regeneration. In striking contrast, when a more distal level blastema (the bud of tissue that forms following amputation) is […]
Developmental Evolution of the Anuran Sacrourostylic Region and its Locomotory Implications
Meeting Abstract 102.3 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Developmental Evolution of the Anuran Sacrourostylic Region and its Locomotory Implications PUGENER, L. Analia; MAGLIA, Anne M.*; Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology, Rolla In this talk, we discuss the developmental evolution of the sacrourostylic complex of frogs as it relates to locomotion. The sacrourostylic region is one of the […]
Comparative locomotor morphology of hyloid and non-neobatrachian anurans
Meeting Abstract 102.2 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Comparative locomotor morphology of hyloid and non-neobatrachian anurans JORGENSEN, M.E.; Ohio University Frogs are characterized by a unique locomotor morphology that includes (but is not limited to) a craniocaudal elongate pelvis, hindlimbs with modified tarsal elements, reduced number of pre- and postsacral vertebrae, and the presence of an urostyle. Across […]