Mitochondria, sex and nuclear gene expression Cursing the Mother’s Curse

Meeting Abstract 101-6  Sunday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 14:45  Mitochondria, sex and nuclear gene expression: Cursing the Mother’s Curse MOSSMAN, JA*; RAND, DM; Brown University; Brown University Mitochondria perform many key roles in their eukaryotic hosts, from integrating signaling pathways through to modulating whole organism phenotypes. The >1 billion years of nuclear and mitochondrial gene co-evolution […]

Making macho males by transgenic overexpression of a mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme

Meeting Abstract 101-3  Sunday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:15  Making macho males by transgenic overexpression of a mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme TEETS, NM; DIAS, V; SCHETELIG, MF; HANDLER, AM; HAHN, DA*; University of Kentucky; International Atomic Energy Agency; Justus-Leibeg University; United States Department of Agriculture; Univesity of Florida Many environmental stressors generate reactive oxygen species and […]

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