Meeting Abstract 101.6 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Sand Dolly: The adaptive significance of predator-induced cloning and size reduction in Dendraster excentricus plutei VAUGHN, D.; Univ. of Washington Predator-induced cloning (asexual reproduction), and reduced size as a consequence of cloning, suggests a novel adaptation to the threat of predation. Although cloning is a common reproductive strategy of many […]
sessions: Session 101
Role of multiple paternity in causing variation in larval growth rates in the gastropod Crepidula fornicata
Meeting Abstract 101.8 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Role of multiple paternity in causing variation in larval growth rates in the gastropod Crepidula fornicata LE CAM, Sabrina; VIARD, Frederique; CAGNON, Mathilde ; PECHENIK, Jan A.*; Station Biologique de Roscoff ; Station Biologique de Roscoff ; Station Biologique de Roscoff ; Tufts University The gastropod Crepidula fornicata has a […]
Reproductive correlates of exposure to ultraviolet light in an intertidal gastropod
Meeting Abstract 101.2 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Reproductive correlates of exposure to ultraviolet light in an intertidal gastropod PODOLSKY, R.D.; College of Charleston Organisms that reproduce in intertidal areas are exposed to physical stresses that could alter their reproductive behavior and output, in response to potential risks both to themselves and to their offspring. Because exposure to […]
Predator-induced changes in maternal investment in an intertidal snail
Meeting Abstract 101.7 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Predator-induced changes in maternal investment in an intertidal snail ALLEN, JD; Randolph-Macon College Marine invertebrate animals frequently exhibit inducible morphological defenses in the presence of predators. However, few studies have investigated how adults modify reproductive behavior in the presence of predators in order to reduce mortality rates on their offspring. […]
Phenotypic plasticity in metamorphic timing Understanding the roles of size- and density-dependent processes
Meeting Abstract 101.5 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Phenotypic plasticity in metamorphic timing: Understanding the roles of size- and density-dependent processes MCCOY, M W*; WARKENTIN, K; VONESH, J R; Boston University; Boston University; Virginia Commonwealth University For organisms with complex life histories, environments encountered early in ontogeny may substantially alter densities or phenotypes transitioning into subsequent habitats. These […]
Ocean acidification alters skeletogenisis in larvae of the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus evidence from morphometric and microarray data
Meeting Abstract 101.10 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Ocean acidification alters skeletogenisis in larvae of the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus: evidence from morphometric and microarray data O’DONNELL, M.J.*; TODGHAM, A.E.; SEWELL, M.A.; HAMMOND, L.M.; RUGGIERO, K.; FANGUE, N.A.; ZIPPAY, M.L.; HOFMANN, G.E.; Univ. of Wash. Friday Harbor Labs; Univ. of California, Santa Barbara; Univ. of Aukland; Univ. of California, […]
Maternal diet and juvenile quality in the sea star Leptasterias aequalis
Meeting Abstract 101.4 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Maternal diet and juvenile quality in the sea star Leptasterias aequalis GEHMAN, AM; Western Washington University Nutritional provisioning that passes from a mother to her offspring can produce maternal carryover effects. Manipulating the amount of food available to a maternal organism is one way to manipulate maternal investment ability, and […]
High-speed video reveals capture of particles by direct interception by cilia during feeding of a gastropod veliger
Meeting Abstract 101.9 Wednesday, Jan. 7 High-speed video reveals capture of particles by direct interception by cilia during feeding of a gastropod veliger. ROMERO, M. R.*; KELSTRUP, H. C. P.; STRATHMANN, R. R.; California State Univ., Los Angeles; University of Washington; University of Washington Ciliary feeding varies in arrangement of ciliary bands, mechanisms of capture, and […]
Tradeoffs in responsiveness and resolution in the peripheral nervous system
Meeting Abstract 101.11 Thursday, Jan. 7 Tradeoffs in responsiveness and resolution in the peripheral nervous system MORE, HL*; HUTCHINSON, JR; COLLINS, DF; WEBER, DJ; AUNG, SKH; CHEN, J; BEG, MF; DONELAN, JM; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC; The Royal Veterinary College, London, UK; University of Alberta, Edmonton; University of Pittsburgh, PA; University of Alberta, Edmonton; Simon Fraser […]
The role of binocular vision in mammalian locomotion
Meeting Abstract 101.10 Thursday, Jan. 7 The role of binocular vision in mammalian locomotion MITCHELL, Terence RT; Johns Hopkins University Most vertebrates possess some overlap of the right and left visual fields. The region of overlap, the binocular field, contains visual cues that provide an accurate estimate of distance and three-dimensional shape. Primates have large binocular […]