Meeting Abstract 100.3 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:30 Use of Quantitative Modules in Introductory Biology Courses Improves Quantitative Proficiencies LEUPEN, S*; HOFFMAN, K; HANSEN, S; DOWELL, K; LEIPS, J; University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC); University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC); University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC); University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC); University of Maryland Baltimore County […]
sessions: Session 100
Temperature-dependent ectothermic escape response An undergraduate laboratory exercise
Meeting Abstract 100.1 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:00 Temperature-dependent ectothermic escape response: An undergraduate laboratory exercise BOWLIN, MS; University of Michigan-Dearborn Here, I describe a new laboratory exercise designed for an undergraduate comparative animal physiology course. Students measure the burst performance of wolf spiders (Lycosidae) held at three different temperatures (5°, 21°, and 35°C) in order to […]
QUBES Bringing improved quantitative education to more undergraduates and faculty
Meeting Abstract 100.6 Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:15 QUBES: Bringing improved quantitative education to more undergraduates and faculty POLI, DB.*; CARTIER, J.; DONOVAN, S.; EATON, C.D.; GOWER, S.; JENKINS, K.; LAMAR, M.D.; SHEEHY, R.; WOJDAK, J.; Roanoke College, Salem VA; Unity College, Unity MA; Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA; Unity College, Unity MA; University of Wisconsin-Madison; BioQUEST Curriculum […]
Multiple-choice testing are we providing too many alternative answers per question
Meeting Abstract 100.5 Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:15 Multiple-choice testing: are we providing too many alternative answers per question? LOUDON, C*; MACIAS-MUÑOZ, A; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine Different versions of multiple-choice tests were administered to undergraduate students as part of normal testing in order to evaluate whether the number of alternative answers per […]
Integrating research and teaching in quantitative biology mathematical modeling of gene regulation
Meeting Abstract 100.4 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:45 Integrating research and teaching in quantitative biology: mathematical modeling of gene regulation DREWELL, R A; DRESCH, J M*; Amherst College; Amherst College The 4 College Biomath Consortium (4CBC) consists of faculty and students from Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges. Through the 4CBC, a course titled “Frontiers in […]
Turning Behavior and Flight Performance in European Horseshoe Bats
Meeting Abstract 100-6 Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:45 Turning Behavior and Flight Performance in European Horseshoe Bats HRISTOV, NI*; SCHMIEDER, D; ALLEN, LC; BORISOV, I; SIEMERS, BM; Winston-Salem State University, NC; Max Planck Institute, Germany; Winston-Salem State University, NC; Max Planck Institute, Germany; Max Planck Institute, Germany Prey capture for aerially hawking bats in or near dense […]
Torsion and Twist in Drosophila melanogaster Flight
Meeting Abstract 100-1 Wednesday, Jan. 6 13:30 Torsion and Twist in Drosophila melanogaster Flight DAWSON, IL*; TAYLOR, GK; WALKER, SM; University of Oxford; University of Oxford; University of Oxford In order to generate lift and to fine-tune manoeuvres, insects exploit a variety of kinematic parameters during flapping flight, such as adjustments to stroke plane angle, twist, […]
Feed-forward control strategies enable sideways-running animals to overcome locomotor perturbations
Meeting Abstract 100-5 Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:30 Feed-forward control strategies enable sideways-running animals to overcome locomotor perturbations PFEIFFENBERGER, JA*; HSIEH, ST; Temple University; Temple University The more quickly an animal runs, the less time it has to adjust to and recover from sudden perturbations. A combination of neural feedback, feed-forward control, preflexes, and distributed mechanical feedback, […]
Avoiding topsy-turvy how Anna’s Hummingbirds (Calypte anna) fly through upward gusts
Meeting Abstract 100-3 Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:00 Avoiding topsy-turvy: how Anna’s Hummingbirds (Calypte anna) fly through upward gusts BADGER, MA*; WANG, H; DUDLEY, R; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Nanjing Univ. of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Univ. of California, Berkeley Hummingbirds are stable fliers under a diversity of challenging environmental conditions. In turbulent flow, hummingbirds adjust their wing […]
Analysis of Bumblebee Flight in Unsteady Wind Using Wind-Tunnel Experiments and High-Fidelity Numerical Simulations
Meeting Abstract 100-2 Wednesday, Jan. 6 13:45 Analysis of Bumblebee Flight in Unsteady Wind Using Wind-Tunnel Experiments and High-Fidelity Numerical Simulations KOLOMENSKIY, D.*; RAVI, S.; ENGELS, T.; SCHNEIDER, K.; WANG, C.; SESTERHENN, J.; COMBES, S.; LIU, H.; Chiba University; Chiba University and RMIT University; TU Berlin and Aix-Marseille University; Aix-Marseille University; RMIT University; TU Berlin; Harvard University; […]