Meeting Abstract 100.2 Saturday, Jan. 7 The effects of reproductive state on dietary shifts in Jamaican fruit bats Artibeus jamaicensis ORR, T.J.*; HAMMOND, K.A.; ORTEGA, J.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Politécnico Nacional, D.F., Mexico Bats display an impressive diversity of dietary niches. This variation includes frugivory in many neotropical bats. Fruit however, […]
sessions: Session 100
How do invasive species maintain dominance in nutrient limited environments A comparison of behavioral and physiological mechanisms between an invasive and a native snail
Meeting Abstract 100.3 Saturday, Jan. 7 How do invasive species maintain dominance in nutrient limited environments? A comparison of behavioral and physiological mechanisms between an invasive and a native snail. HANSEN, B. K.*; KRIST, A. C.; MARTINEZ DEL RIO, C.; University of Wyoming; University of Wyoming; University of Wyoming Resource competition can shape species composition. In […]
Female Tree Swallows modulate fat and lean mass in anticipation of increased foraging costs of chick rearing
Meeting Abstract 100.1 Saturday, Jan. 7 Female Tree Swallows modulate fat and lean mass in anticipation of increased foraging costs of chick rearing BOYLE, W.A.*; WINKLER, D.W.; GUGLIELMO, C.G.; Univ. Western Ontario Birds often lose body mass during nesting. Determining if this mass loss represents an energetic cost of reproduction (energetic stress hypothesis), serves an adaptive […]
Do low energy systems practice state-dependent foraging strategies
Meeting Abstract 100.4 Saturday, Jan. 7 Do low energy systems practice state-dependent foraging strategies? WRIGHT, C.W.*; MOELLER, K.M; DENARDO, D.F.; Arizona State Univ., Tempe; Arizona State Univ., Tempe; Arizona State Univ., Tempe Much of the existing literature on the influence of physiological state on foraging decisions (e.g., state-dependent foraging) examines high energy systems (i.e., birds and […]
Can sugar preferences in Australian birds be explained by behaviour or physiology
Meeting Abstract 100.5 Saturday, Jan. 7 Can sugar preferences in Australian birds be explained by behaviour or physiology? NAPIER, K.R.*; XIE, S.; MCWHORTER, T.J.; NICOLSON, S.W.; MARTINEZ DEL RIO, C; FLEMING, P.A.; Murdoch Univ., Western Australia and Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie; Murdoch Univ., Western Australia; Murdoch Univ, Western Australia and Univ. of Adelaide, South Australia; Univ. of […]
The effect of substrate diameter and incline on locomotion in arboreal frogs
Meeting Abstract 100.6 Sunday, Jan. 6 The effect of substrate diameter and incline on locomotion in arboreal frogs HERREL, A.*; PERRENOUD, M.; ABDALA, V.; MANZANO, A.; POUYDEBAT, E.; CNRS Frogs are characterized by a unique morphology associated with their saltatory lifestyle. Yet, arboreal species show morphological specializations relative to other ecological specialists allowing them to hold […]
The effect of aspect ratio on the stability of leading-edge vortices over insect-like wings
Meeting Abstract 100.8 Sunday, Jan. 6 The effect of aspect ratio on the stability of leading-edge vortices over insect-like wings PHILLIPS, N.*; KNOWLES, K.; BOMPHREY, R. J.; University of Oxford; Cranfield University; University of Oxford Flying insects exhibit a vast range of wing planform shapes which vary widely in aspect ratio. In past CFD studies, it […]
The Synergistic Nature of the Behaviors and Mechanisms that Support Effective Burrowing in the Mantis Shrimp Squilla empusa
Meeting Abstract 100.4 Sunday, Jan. 6 The Synergistic Nature of the Behaviors and Mechanisms that Support Effective Burrowing in the Mantis Shrimp Squilla empusa BUMP, P.A.K.*; VETTER, K.M.S.; University of Hawaii at Mānoa; Denison University The mantis shrimp Squilla empusa is a charismatic marine crustacean known for its powerful strike, keen sense of vision, and chemosensory […]
Reconstructing the Bite of the Giant Miocene Piranha, Megapiranha paranensis
Meeting Abstract 100.13 Sunday, Jan. 6 Reconstructing the Bite of the Giant Miocene Piranha, Megapiranha paranensis GRUBICH, JR*; HUSKEY, S; CROFTS, S; ORTI, G; PORTO, J; American University in Cairo; Western Kentucky University; George Washington University; INPA The evolution of gnathostome jaws, along with bite forces that can capture and masticate active prey is a key […]
Ocean acidification weakens attachment of Mytilid mussel byssal threads
Meeting Abstract 100.3 Sunday, Jan. 6 Ocean acidification weakens attachment of Mytilid mussel byssal threads O’DONNELL, M.J.*; GEORGE, M.; CARRINGTON, E.; Univ. of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratories; Univ. of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratories; Univ. of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratories Organism interactions with the physical environment are mediated by biological structures such as shells, which isolate organisms […]