Retinoid-X-receptor (RXR) isoforms in the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator

Meeting Abstract 10.3  Thursday, Jan. 3  Retinoid-X-receptor (RXR) isoforms in the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator HOPKINS, P.*; DURICA, D.; WASHINGTON, T.; Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman; Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman; Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman Ecdysteroids exert their effects through a heterodimer formed by the ecdysteroid receptor(EcR)and another member of the nuclear receptor superfamily. The partner is usually […]

Plasma leptin during reproduction in European starlings Sturnus vulgaris

Meeting Abstract 10.6  Thursday, Jan. 3  Plasma leptin during reproduction in European starlings Sturnus vulgaris KORDONOWY, Lauren L*; MCMURTRY, John P; WILLIAMS, Tony D; Simon Fraser University; United States Department of Agriculture; Simon Fraser University Leptin � a systemic hormone produced by adipocytes or fat cells – has been widely studied in mammals, and is known […]

Hormonal correlates and thermoregulatory consequences of molting on metabolic rate in a northerly wintering shorebird

Meeting Abstract 10.5  Thursday, Jan. 3  Hormonal correlates and thermoregulatory consequences of molting on metabolic rate in a northerly wintering shorebird VEZINA, F.**; GUSTOWSKA, A.; JALVINGH, K.M.; CHASTEL, O.; PIERSMA, T.; NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, The Netherlands; Avian Ecophysiology Unit, Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology, Gdansk University, Poland; NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for […]

Conserved role of cyclic nucleotides and nitric oxide in the molt-inhibiting pathway of Gecarcinus lateralis and Carcinus maenas

Meeting Abstract 10.2  Thursday, Jan. 3  Conserved role of cyclic nucleotides and nitric oxide in the molt-inhibiting pathway of Gecarcinus lateralis and Carcinus maenas COVI, Joseph A*; GOMEZ, Andrea M; CHANG, Sharon; CHANG, Ernie S; LEE, Kara J; MYKLES, Donald L; Colorado State University; Colorado State University; Bodega Bay Marine Lab; Bodega Bay Marine Lab; Colorado State […]

A New Control Function for Recombinant CHHs Control of Ovarian Ecdysteriods

Meeting Abstract 10.1  Thursday, Jan. 3  A New Control Function for Recombinant CHHs: Control of Ovarian Ecdysteriods LAUFER, H.*; SHIN, H.; BAGSHAW, J.; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT AND Marine Biological Lab, Woods Hole, MA; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA The eyestalk Sinus Gland-x organ (SG- X organ) produces a family […]

XROMM analysis of mastication in miniature pigs

Meeting Abstract 10.9  Sunday, Jan. 4  XROMM analysis of mastication in miniature pigs METZGER, KA*; BAIER , DB; LIN, A; HARPER, CJ; HERRING , SW; BRAINERD, EL; Touro University College of Medicine; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University; University of Washington; Brown University XROMM (X-ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology) is a newly developed technique for visualization […]

The Effects of Dental Design on Fracture in Biological Tissues

Meeting Abstract 10.11  Sunday, Jan. 4  The Effects of Dental Design on Fracture in Biological Tissues ANDERSON, P. S. L.; Univ. of Bristol A primary purpose of dental structures is the fragmentation of food items. It is important to study gnathostome dental morphology in terms of the material properties of the food being consumed. Few studies […]

Scaling of suspension feeding in tadpoles

Meeting Abstract 10.3  Sunday, Jan. 4  Scaling of suspension feeding in tadpoles RYERSON, W.G.*; DEBAN, S.M.; University of South Florida, Tampa; University of South Florida, Tampa We investigated the scaling of the buccal pumping mechanism in an ontogenetic series of suspension feeding Xenopus laevis tadpoles by examining the morphology, kinematics, fluid flow, and pressure generated in […]

Performance of Shark Teeth during Puncture and Draw Implications for the Mechanics of Cutting

Meeting Abstract 10.10  Sunday, Jan. 4  Performance of Shark Teeth during Puncture and Draw: Implications for the Mechanics of Cutting WHITENACK, L.B.**; MOTTA, P.J.; Univ. of South Florida The performance of an organisms feeding apparatus has obvious implications for its fitness and survival. In this vein, a number of recent studies of elasmobranch functional morphology have […]

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