Meeting Abstract 10-6 Thursday, Jan. 4 09:15 – 09:30 Closed loop Monte Carlo models of abdominal contribution to insect flight control BUSTAMANTE, J*; JANKAUSKI, M; DANIEL, TL; University of Washington Abdominal actuation during insect flight may contribute to flight control and stability via inertial redirection of flight forces. The abdomen often composes a significant portion of […]
sessions: Session 10
Variation in Proprioceptive Sensory Systems across Tetrapods Demonstrate Performance Consequences During an Unexpected Fall
Meeting Abstract 10-6 Friday, Jan. 4 09:15 – 09:30 Variation in Proprioceptive Sensory Systems across Tetrapods Demonstrate Performance Consequences During an Unexpected Fall GRANATOSKY, M/C*; ROSS, C/F; Univ. of Chicago; Univ. of Chicago In natural environments, animals must negotiate variable terrain and recover from unexpected perturbations. At present, we know little about the control strategies that […]
Undulatory swimming control with local exteroceptive sensory feedback
Meeting Abstract 10-1 Friday, Jan. 4 08:00 – 08:15 Undulatory swimming control with local exteroceptive sensory feedback THANDIACKAL, R*; MELO, K; PAEZ, L; KANO, T; ISHIGURO, A; IJSPEERT, AJ; Harvard University; École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; Tohoku University; Tohoku University; École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Control of undulatory swimming is due […]
Sensory Conflict for Fish Swimming in Flow; the Role of Vision in Station Holding
Meeting Abstract 10-4 Friday, Jan. 4 08:45 – 09:00 Sensory Conflict for Fish Swimming in Flow; the Role of Vision in Station Holding LIAO, JC*; DAVE, S; ADORISIO, M; University of Florida/ Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience; National Center for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, INDIA; SISSA, Trieste, ITALY In order to maintain position and speed during […]
Sensing in the dark asymmetrical skulls may help blind cavefish find their way
Meeting Abstract 10-3 Friday, Jan. 4 08:30 – 08:45 Sensing in the dark: asymmetrical skulls may help blind cavefish find their way POWERS, AK*; BERNING, DJ; MANNING, A; NZOBIGEZA, N; GROSS, JB; Harvard Medical School; Univ. of Cincinnati; Univ. of Cincinnati; Univ. of Cincinnati; Univ. of Cincinnati The colonization of extreme environments is typically accompanied […]
Plantar Calluses Provide Protection Without Trading-Off the Sensitivity of Fast-Adapting Mechanoreceptors
Meeting Abstract 10-7 Friday, Jan. 4 09:30 – 09:45 Plantar Calluses Provide Protection Without Trading-Off the Sensitivity of Fast-Adapting Mechanoreceptors HOLOWKA, NB*; WYNANDS, B; DRECHSEL, T; HAILE, DW; OJIAMBO, R; OKUTOYI, P; TOBOLSKY, VA; YEGIAN, AK; ZIPPENFENNIG, C; MILANI, TL; LIEBERMAN, DE; Harvard University; Technische Universität Chemnitz; Technische Universität Chemnitz; Moi University; Moi University; Moi University; Harvard […]
Efferent Neurons have Binary Control over the Lateral Line during Swimming
Meeting Abstract 10-2 Friday, Jan. 4 08:15 – 08:30 Efferent Neurons have Binary Control over the Lateral Line during Swimming LUNSFORD, ET*; SKANDALIS, D; LIAO, JC; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Biosciences, University of Florida; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Biosciences, University of Florida; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Biosciences, University of Florida The ability of a moving animal […]
Channel catfish use higher coordination to capture prey than to swallow
Meeting Abstract 10-5 Friday, Jan. 4 09:00 – 09:15 Channel catfish use higher coordination to capture prey than to swallow OLSEN, AM*; HERNÁNDEZ, LP; CAMP, AL; BRAINERD, EL; Brown University; George Washington University; University of Liverpool; Brown University When animals move they must coordinate motion among multiple parts of the musculoskeletal system. While different behaviors […]