Meeting Abstract 10.4 Saturday, Jan. 4 08:45 Investment between reproductive and immune systems varies with latitude and time in Uta stansburiana SMITH, G.D.*; NEUMAN-LEE, L.; DURSO, A.M.; ZANI, P.A.; FRENCH, S.S.; Utah State University; Utah State University; Utah State University; University of Wisconsion–Stevens Point; Utah State University Environmental variation is known to elicit different physiological responses […]
sessions: Session 10
How many measures are enough using a broad approach to examine health in a community of free-living birds
Meeting Abstract 10.1 Saturday, Jan. 4 08:00 How many measures are enough: using a broad approach to examine health in a community of free-living birds. WILCOXEN, TE*; HORN, DJ; HUBER, SJ; HOGAN, BM; HUBBLE, CN; KNOTT, MH; PLANTS, S; WASSENHOVE, SJ; Millikin University; Millikin University; Millikin University, Univ. of South Florida; Millikin University; Millikin University, Des Moines […]
Characterizing the complement component C3 from the octocoral Swiftia exserta, opsonic activity and immunohistochemical localization
Meeting Abstract 10.7 Saturday, Jan. 4 09:30 Characterizing the complement component C3 from the octocoral Swiftia exserta, opsonic activity and immunohistochemical localization MENZEL, LP*; BIGGER, CH; Florida International University; Florida International University The third Complement component (C3) is the central protein of the complement cascade linking the three activation pathways (the antibody-dependent classical pathway, the lectin-dependent […]
Binding specificities of Hydractinia allorecognition proteins
Meeting Abstract 10.6 Saturday, Jan. 4 09:15 Binding specificities of Hydractinia allorecognition proteins KARADGE, U; GOSTO, M; NICOTRA, ML*; University of Pittsburgh; University of Pittsburgh; University of Pittsburgh Colonial marine invertebrates—animals such as sponges, corals, and sea squirts—are capable of distinguishing between their own tissues and those of conspecifics via cell-cell contact. This phenomenon is known […]
The incredible shrinking dewlap skin elasticity and secondary sexual signal size in male Anolis carolinensis lizards
Meeting Abstract 10.3 Sunday, Jan. 4 08:30 The incredible shrinking dewlap: skin elasticity and secondary sexual signal size in male Anolis carolinensis lizards LAILVAUX, SP*; KIRCHER, BK; LEIFER, J; JOHNSON, MA; University of New Orleans; University of Florida; Trinity University; Trinity University The expression of male secondary sexual traits can be dynamic, with traits changing […]
Natural and Sexual Selection Act on Different Types of Variation in Avian Plumage Color
Meeting Abstract 10.5 Sunday, Jan. 4 09:00 Natural and Sexual Selection Act on Different Types of Variation in Avian Plumage Color DUNN, P.O.*; ARMENTA, J.K.; WHITTINGHAM, L.A.; Univ. of Wisconsin-MIlwaukee Birds display a bewildering variety of colors that have fascinated biologists since Darwin and Wallace, who began a long-running debate about the causes of sexual differences […]
Male courting strategies may facilitate the maintenance of female polymorphism in a mimetic butterfly
Meeting Abstract 10.4 Sunday, Jan. 4 08:45 Male courting strategies may facilitate the maintenance of female polymorphism in a mimetic butterfly WESTERMAN, E.*; TROLANDER, A.; LETCHINGER, R.; GARCIA, G.; MASSARDO, D.; KRONFORST, M.; University of Chicago; University of Chicago ; University of Chicago; University of Chicago ; University of Chicago; University of Chicago The maintenance of […]
For Bird Tails, Beauty is Only Skin Deep Assessing Caudal Skeletal Variation in Sexually Dimorphic Passeriforms
Meeting Abstract 10.7 Sunday, Jan. 4 09:15 For Bird Tails, Beauty is Only Skin Deep: Assessing Caudal Skeletal Variation in Sexually Dimorphic Passeriforms FELICE, RN; Ohio University Tail feather (rectrix) morphology is highly variable among birds. This variation is driven both by the role of the tail as a functional part of the aerial locomotor […]
Bearded ladies female lizards suffer fitness consequences when bearing male traits
Meeting Abstract 10.1 Sunday, Jan. 4 08:00 Bearded ladies: female lizards suffer fitness consequences when bearing male traits LANGKILDE, T*; SWIERK, LN; NORJEN, CM; Penn State University; Berkley; Ohio State University A central assumption in evolutionary biology is that females of sexually dimorphic species suffer costs when bearing male secondary sexual traits, such as ornamentation. […]
An elemental perspective on the expression and evolution of condition-dependent traits
Meeting Abstract 10.2 Sunday, Jan. 4 08:15 An elemental perspective on the expression and evolution of condition-dependent traits GOOS, J.M.*; COTHRAN, R.D.; JEYASINGH, P.D.; Oklahoma State University; Southwestern Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University Condition dependence of sexual traits has been proposed as an important mechanism that maintains trait honesty. In this context, condition is […]