Heat Stress Responses of an Invasive Leafcutting Bee Species Nesting in the Central Valley of California A Case of Risky Maternal Behavior

BARTHELL, J. F.*; HRANITZ, J. M.; THORP, R. W.; OVERALL, L. M.; GRIFFITH, J. L.; University of Central Oklahoma; Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania; University of California, Davis; University of Central Oklahoma; University of Central Oklahoma: Heat Stress Responses of an Invasive Leafcutting Bee Species Nesting in the Central Valley of California: A Case of Risky […]

Economy of Mate Attraction in the Cassin’s Finch

SOCKMAN, KW; SEWALL, KB; BALL, GF; HAHN, TP; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of California, Davis; Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore; Univ. of California, Davis: Economy of Mate Attraction in the Cassin’s Finch Mate attraction can be costly. Thus, individuals should modulate it according to its probable benefits. Specifically, individuals should modulate mate-attraction efforts […]

When prey becomes predator an ontogenetic shift in the role of olfaction

FERRER, R.P.*; ZIMMER, R.K.; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles: When prey becomes predator: an ontogenetic shift in the role of olfaction. During development, sensory systems undergo changes in cell receptor machinery. Such modifications may alter the way an animal perceives its olfactory environment. Here we investigated a cannibalistic interaction between […]

Pre-hatching escape behavior in the rainbow trout

GIBB, A. C.*; LIU, C.; SWANSON, B. O.; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; Pacific University: Pre-hatching escape behavior in the rainbow trout Teleost fishes employ diverse developmental strategies that have direct consequences on the ability to perform certain behaviors. Danio rerio, zebrafish, have indirect development, where embryos hatch within four days of spawning, and […]

No differences in mucus-trail following was detected in Euglandina rosea predation on local versus non-local gastropods

DAVIS, E.C.; Columbia College Chicago: No differences in mucus-trail following was detected in Euglandina rosea predation on local versus non-local gastropods Carnivorous snails, such as Euglandina rosea, have been used unsuccessfully as biocontrol agents in Hawaii and other Pacific islands in attempts to limit the spread of the giant African land snail, Achatina fulica. Euglandina […]

Ecological implications of different search strategies in nocturnal teleost predators

BASSETT, D.K.*; MONTGOMERY, J.C.; Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand; Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand: Ecological implications of different search strategies in nocturnal teleost predators Underwater diver transects and baited underwater video determined that the Dwarf Scorpionfish, Scorpaena papillosus, and the Southern Bastard Cod,Pseudophycis barbata, were the two dominant nocturnal teleost reef predators along the northeast […]

Do Faster Starts Increase the Probability of Evading Predators

WALKER, JA*; GHALAMBOR, CK; GRISET, OL; MCKENNEY, D; REZNICK, DN; Univ. Southern Maine; Colorado St. Univ.; Univ. Southern Maine; Univ. Southern Maine; Univ. of California, Riverside: Do Faster Starts Increase the Probability of Evading Predators? Nearly all fish evade predation strikes by rapidly accelerating out of the strike path, a behavior called the fast-start evasion […]

Turtle Carotid Circulation Ontogeny, Phylogeny, and Evolution

Meeting Abstract 1.8  Jan. 4  Turtle Carotid Circulation: Ontogeny, Phylogeny, and Evolution JAMNICZKY, Heather A.; University of Calgary hajamnic@ucalgary.ca The bony canals of the turtle skull associated with the cranial circulation have long been considered integral to our understanding of turtle systematics, both extinct and extant. Recent phylogenetic analyses employing a variety of data sets indicate alternatives […]

Systematics of Lysipomia based on Chloroplast and Nuclear Sequence Data

Meeting Abstract 1.6  Jan. 4  Systematics of Lysipomia based on Chloroplast and Nuclear Sequence Data WEST, Donnelly/A*; AYERS, Tina/J; Rollins College; Northern Arizona University DAWest@Rollins.edu The plant genus Lysipomia Kunth (Campanulaceae) is comprised of two subgenera and approximately forty species that grow exclusively in the Andes at 3000-5000 m elevation. Recent work using molecular markers has revealed […]

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