Meeting Abstract S9.8 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Ecoimmunology: The Organism in Context FRENCH, S.S.*; MOORE, M.C.; DEMAS, G.E.; Indiana University; Arizona State University; Indiana University A major challenge in integrative biology is understanding the mechanisms by which organisms regulate trade-offs among various functions competing for limiting resources. Key among these competing processes is the production of offspring […]
sessions: S9
Early life environment influences on neuroimmune interactions and behavior in adulthood
Meeting Abstract S9.7 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Early life environment influences on neuroimmune interactions and behavior in adulthood. BILBO, S.D.; Duke University Events within the perinatal environment have significant consequences for the development and function of physiological systems throughout life, a phenomenon termed perinatal programming. For instance, early life exposure to infectious agents influences reactivity to stress, […]
A Hassle A Day May Keep The Pathogens Away The Fight-Or-Flight Stress Response And The Augmentation of Immune Function
Meeting Abstract S9.3 Tuesday, Jan. 6 A Hassle A Day May Keep The Pathogens Away: The Fight-Or-Flight Stress Response And The Augmentation of Immune Function DHABHAR, F.S.; Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Although stress has a deservedly bad reputation, it is important to appreciate that a psycho-physiological stress response is one of nature’s fundamental survival mechanisms. Without […]
Understanding the non-spiral members of the clade Spiralia The development of the digestive system of the brachiopod Terebratalia transversa
Meeting Abstract S9.9 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Understanding the non-spiral members of the clade Spiralia: The development of the digestive system of the brachiopod Terebratalia transversa HEJNOL, A*; PASSAMANECK, YQ; MARTINDALE, MQ; Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, University of Bergen, Norway, Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, 96813, USA; Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii, […]
The role of the polar lobe and intracellular signaling in cell fate specification of the mud snail Ilyanassa
Meeting Abstract S9.6 Wednesday, Jan. 6 The role of the polar lobe and intracellular signaling in cell fate specification of the mud snail Ilyanassa. GHARBIAH, M; NAKAMOTO, A; NAGY, L*; University of Arizona The early embryo of the mud snail Ilyanassa is characterized by the presence of a polar lobe, a large anucleate structure protruded during […]
The left-right axis Generating asymmetries in snail development
Meeting Abstract S9.10 Wednesday, Jan. 6 The left-right axis. Generating asymmetries in snail development. GRANDE, Cristina; Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa Although most animals are bilaterians, many develop specific asymmetries along the left-right axis like the asymmetric placing of single organs, directional asymmetry in appendages and the coiling of the snail shells. Despite its key […]
The invention of the pilidium larva in an otherwise perfectly good spiralian phylum Nemertea
Meeting Abstract S9.4 Wednesday, Jan. 6 The invention of the pilidium larva in an otherwise perfectly good spiralian phylum Nemertea. MASLAKOVA, S.A.; Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, U. of Oregon The nemertean pilidium is one of the most unusual larval forms among the spiralians. It is restricted to the monophyletic clade Pilidiophora. All other nemerteans have […]
The development of the mesentoblast in the gastropod Crepidula fornicata
Meeting Abstract S9.7 Wednesday, Jan. 6 The development of the mesentoblast in the gastropod Crepidula fornicata MARTINDALE, Mark Q.*; LEE, Patricia; HENRY, Jonathan Q.; Kewalo Marine Lab, Univ. Hawaii One of the hallmarks of the spiralian cleavage program is the ability to identify and compare the development of homologous cells in embryos from disparate taxonomic groups. […]
The complete cell lineage of the polychaete annelid Capitella teleta
Meeting Abstract S9.1 Wednesday, Jan. 6 The complete cell lineage of the polychaete annelid Capitella teleta MEYER, N. P.; BOYLE, M. J.; MARTINDALE, M. Q.; SEAVER, E. C.*; University of Hawaii; University of Hawaii; University of Hawaii; University of Hawaii The polychaete annelid Capitella teleta (formerly Capitella sp. I) exhibits a spiral cleavage program, and has […]
Symmetry makers and symmetry breakers the transition of a spiral cellular arrangement to bilateral symmetry in early embryos of Platynereis dumerilii
Meeting Abstract S9.5 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Symmetry makers and symmetry breakers: the transition of a spiral cellular arrangement to bilateral symmetry in early embryos of Platynereis dumerilii SCHNEIDER, Stephan Q; Iowa State University Embryonic development shapes the size of subsequent morphological features e.g. of larvae and/or adults by specifiying areas and/or progenitor cells of different size […]