Contraception in female giraffe with a GnRH analog (Deslorelin)

PATTON, ML*; DEL CASTILLO, SM; BASHAW, MJ; J�CHLE, W; LAMBERSKI, N; BERCOVITCH, FB; Zoological Society of San Diego: Contraception in female giraffe with a GnRH analog (Deslorelin) Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) are sensitive to inbreeding. A significant increase in infant mortality occurs when closely related animals are paired. In captivity, separation of the sexes is not […]

Comparative reproductive morphology in mammals a Darwinian perspective

ANDERSON, Matthew/J; Zoological Society of San Diego: Comparative reproductive morphology in mammals: a Darwinian perspective Sperm competition occurs when the gametes of two, or more, males compete for opportunities to fertilize a given set of ova. This phenomenon is most frequently observed in mammals possessing a multiple partner mating system where females mate with more […]

The role of physiological constraints in psychoneuroimmunology

Meeting Abstract S9.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6  The role of physiological constraints in psychoneuroimmunology ADAMO, Shelley A; Dalhousie University Bidirectional connections between the immune system and nervous system exist in both vertebrates and invertebrates. Although progress has been made in understanding how the two systems interact, the adaptive function of these connections is largely unknown. My colleagues […]

The Injured Nervous System a Darwinian Perspective

Meeting Abstract S9.11  Tuesday, Jan. 6  The Injured Nervous System: a Darwinian Perspective WEIL, Z.M.*; NORMAN, G.; DEVRIES, A.C.; NELSON, R.J.; Ohio State University Much of the permanent damage that occurs in response to nervous system damage (trauma, ischemia, etc.) is mediated by endogenous secondary processes that can contribute to cell death and tissue damage. For […]

Stress Effects on Immune Activity in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)

Meeting Abstract S9.5  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Stress Effects on Immune Activity in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus). KUHLMAN, Joshua R*; MARTIN, Lynn B; University of South Florida, Department of Biology, Division of Integrative Biology, Tampa, Fl 33620, USA.; University of South Florida, Department of Biology, Division of Integrative Biology, Tampa, Fl 33620, USA. Implantation of dental sponges […]

Postnatal inflammation programs adult physiology

Meeting Abstract S9.2  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Postnatal inflammation programs adult physiology PITTMAN, Quentin J; University of Calgary The perinatal environment can be critical in programming many aspects of adult physiology, well being and susceptibility to disease. Increasing evidence now suggests that neuroimmune stress at crucial development periods can permanently alter the animals physiology. We have obtained […]

Photoperiodic Regulation of Reproduction and Immunity

Meeting Abstract S9.9  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Photoperiodic Regulation of Reproduction and Immunity PRENDERGAST, Brian J; University of Chicago Research in our lab focuses on understanding the neuroendocrine and neuroimmunological mechanisms by which seasonally-breeding animals engage annual changes in the activity of the immune system. Of particular interest are the interactions between seasonal changes in the reproductive […]

Neuroinflammation and behavioral deficits in the aged Is microglial hyperactivity to blame

Meeting Abstract S9.10  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Neuroinflammation and behavioral deficits in the aged: Is microglial hyperactivity to blame? GODBOUT, JP; The Ohio State University, Columbus The bi-directional communication between the immune system and the CNS is necessary for mounting the appropriate immunological and behavioral responses to immune stimulation. Microglia, CNS innate immune cells, play an integral […]

Inflammation History and future of PNI and potential synergy with Integrative Biology

Meeting Abstract S9.1  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Inflammation: History and future of PNI and potential synergy with Integrative Biology KELLEY, Keith W.*; DANTZER, Robert; University of Illinois; University of Illinois Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) formally began as an interdisciplinary science in the 1980s. It is rapidly growing today because it combines the expertise of scientists in clinical medicine, immunology, […]

Impact of stressor exposure on intestinal microbiota

Meeting Abstract S9.6  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Impact of stressor exposure on intestinal microbiota BAILEY, Michael; The Ohio State University The field of PsychoNeuroImmunology (PNI) has clearly demonstrated that exposure to psychological stressors can disrupt immune functioning. For the most part, studies have focused on innate and adaptive immune responses, with few studies focusing on more basic […]

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