Meeting Abstract S9-7 Wednesday, Jan. 6 11:30 Tempcycles: R tools for exploring the ecological consequences of temperature cycling, with examples from plants. WANG, G; Max Plank Institute for Developmental Biology There is a growing appreciation for the biological importance of temperature variability. However, there are few computational tools to facilitate investigations of the ecological consequences of […]
sessions: S9
Integrating the effects of repeated cold exposure from transcriptome to species distribution in the eastern spruce budworm
Meeting Abstract S9-10 Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:30 Integrating the effects of repeated cold exposure from transcriptome to species distribution in the eastern spruce budworm MARSHALL, Katie E.*; HARLEY, Christopher D. G.; SINCLAIR, Brent J.; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia; University of Western Ontario Organisms live in complex worlds where environmental stresses can […]
Integrating climatic variation and population-level variation into models to predict climate change impacts
Meeting Abstract S9-9 Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:00 Integrating climatic variation and population-level variation into models to predict climate change impacts SHELDON, K.S*; DILLON, M.E.; University of Wyoming; University of Wyoming The ability of species to cope with temperature change will vary according to the degree of change and the physiological ability of a species to handle […]
Individual heterogeneity in thermoregulatory behaviour under strict thermal regimes in a tropical skink
Meeting Abstract S9-5 Wednesday, Jan. 6 10:30 Individual heterogeneity in thermoregulatory behaviour under strict thermal regimes in a tropical skink. VICKERS, MJ*; ARNOLDI, JF; HART, S; SCHWARZKOPF, L; Centre national de la recherche scientifique; Centre national de la recherche scientifique; James Cook University; James Cook University Ectotherms leverage environmental temperature variability in both space and time […]
Incorporating short-term temporal variability into model projections of performance and population dynamics
Meeting Abstract S9-3 Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:00 Incorporating short-term temporal variability into model projections of performance and population dynamics. VASSEUR, David A.; Yale University Over the past two decades ecological theoreticians have begun to incorporate environmental attributes such as temperature into the classical models that underpin a variety of ecological processes and systems. However, as […]
Impacts of climate variability and change on marine animals physiological underpinnings and evolutionary consequences
Meeting Abstract S9-1 Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:00 Impacts of climate variability and change on marine animals: physiological underpinnings and evolutionary consequences. POERTNER, Hans-O.; Alfred-Wegener-Institute Understanding thermal ranges and limitations of organisms becomes important in light of climate change and observed effects on ecosystems as reported by the IPCC (Pörtner et al., IPCC 2014). This understanding […]
How extreme temperatures impact organisms and the evolution of their thermal tolerance
Meeting Abstract S9-8 Wednesday, Jan. 6 13:30 How extreme temperatures impact organisms and the evolution of their thermal tolerance BUCKLEY, L.B.*; HUEY, R.B.; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of Washington, Seattle Understanding the biological impacts of extreme temperatures requires transducing meteorological estimates into organismal responses, but that transduction is complex. In general, the physiological stress […]
Extreme low temperatures remodel metabolic physiology and life history in Drosophila melanogaster
Meeting Abstract S9-4 Wednesday, Jan. 6 10:00 Extreme low temperatures remodel metabolic physiology and life history in Drosophila melanogaster WILLIAMS, C.M.*; SZEJNER, A.; MORGAN, T.S.; SUNNY, N.E.; MCCUE, M.D.; HAHN, D.A.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of Florida, Gainesville; Kansas State University; Univ. of Florida, Gainesville; St Mary’s University; Univ. of Florida, Gainesville Living in […]
Estimating vector-borne disease transmission in a thermally variable environment
Meeting Abstract S9-2 Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:30 Estimating vector-borne disease transmission in a thermally variable environment MURDOCK, C.C.*; THOMAS, M.B.; University of Georgia; Pennsylvania State University Several studies suggest the potential for climate change to increase malaria incidence in cooler, marginal transmission environments. However, the effect of increasing temperature in warmer regions where conditions currently support […]
The role of oxytocin in shaping prosocial behavior new evidence from free-living ground squirrels and other social mammals
Meeting Abstract S9-7 Sunday, Jan. 8 11:00 – 11:30 The role of oxytocin in shaping prosocial behavior: new evidence from free-living ground squirrels and other social mammals SMITH, Jennifer E.*; PETELLE, Matthew B. ; JEROME, Emily L. ; CRISTOFARI, Hélène ; BLUMSTEIN, Daniel T. ; Biology Department, Mills College, Oakland, CA; Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, […]