Meeting Abstract S9.8 Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:30 Using simple models to motivate mathematics and understand cancer: Making the classroom into a workshop for collective model development ADLER, F. R.; University of Utah Almost everyone has experience with cancer in their family or friends, and this can provide students with motivation sufficient to overcome their fear […]
sessions: S9
Transforming classical models and original research into active learning activities in quantitative biology
Meeting Abstract S9.12 Tuesday, Jan. 6 15:00 Transforming classical models and original research into active learning activities in quantitative biology ADOLPH, SC; Harvey Mudd College, Claremont I use in-class active learning exercises for numerous topics in ecology, introductory biology, mathematical biology and statistics courses for undergraduates. These exercises range in length from full class sessions to […]
The Impact of Discovery-Based Instruction on Interdisciplinary Research Skills
Meeting Abstract S9.2 Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:00 The Impact of Discovery-Based Instruction on Interdisciplinary Research Skills FULL, R.J.*; DUDLEY, R.; KOEHL, M.A.R.; LIBBY, T.; SCHWAB, C.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley We developed an interdisciplinary, discovery-based teaching laboratory that treats […]
Preparing Fearless Biologists Quantitative components for undergraduate life scientists
Meeting Abstract S9.10 Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:00 Preparing \”Fearless\” Biologists: Quantitative components for undergraduate life scientists GROSS, Louis J.; Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville Many national reports have noted the growing importance of quantitative approaches in biology and encouraged the development of undergraduate curricula that incorporate quantitative methods. The major formal quantitative education that undergraduates receive […]
Limnology and Inversions in Multivariable Calculus
Meeting Abstract S9.4 Tuesday, Jan. 6 09:00 Limnology and Inversions in Multivariable Calculus KOHLER, B. R. *; BRUDER, A.; Utah State University; Colorado College Students who have lived a winter in Utah are familiar through first hand experience with the fact that temperature inversions trap pollution. And temperature gradients in lakes are also familiar to […]
Interdisciplinary team approaches to mathematical modeling in a liberal arts setting
Meeting Abstract S9.11 Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:30 Interdisciplinary team approaches to mathematical modeling in a liberal arts setting. SHTYLLA, Blerta; Pomona College Continuous and targeted engagement of student teams with practitioners and community partners can help create an exciting framework for interdisciplinary mathematical biology inquiry. In this talk I will discuss our experiences teaching modeling through […]
Applying the results of education research to help students learn more
Meeting Abstract S9.9 Tuesday, Jan. 6 13:30 Applying the results of education research to help students learn more PEPPER, Rachel E.*; CHASTEEN, Stephanie V.; POLLOCK, Steven J.; PERKINS, Katherine K.; University of Puget Sound; University of Colorado Boulder; University of Colorado Boulder; University of Colorado Boulder Over the past several years, the physics faculty at the […]
A quantitative biology lab to compare simulations of crossbridge attachments to force-velocity and length-tension curves in skeletal muscle
Meeting Abstract S9.1 Tuesday, Jan. 6 07:30 A quantitative biology lab to compare simulations of crossbridge attachments to force-velocity and length-tension curves in skeletal muscle MILLER, Laura A*; BATTISTA, N; GRIFFITH, B; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill In this presentation, […]
The thermal heterogeneity at leaf, canopy and biogeographical scales consequences for leaf dwelling insects
Meeting Abstract S9-6 Wednesday, Jan. 6 11:00 The thermal heterogeneity at leaf, canopy and biogeographical scales: consequences for leaf dwelling insects PINCEBOURDE, S.*; SAUDREAU, M.; CAILLON, R.; EZANIC, A.; Institut de Recherche sur la Biology de l’Insecte; INRA, Université Blaise Pascal; Institut de Recherche sur la Biology de l’Insecte; Institut de Recherche sur la Biology de l’Insecte […]
The influence of thermal heterogeneity on species interactions
Meeting Abstract S9-11 Wednesday, Jan. 6 15:00 The influence of thermal heterogeneity on species interactions SEARS, Michael*; ANGILLETTA, Michael; APANOVITCH, Evan; CARLO, Michael; LEVY, Ofir; RIDDELL, Eric; RUSCH, Travis; Clemson University; Arizona State University; Clemson University; Clemson University; Arizona State University; Clemson University; Arizona State University Understanding range dynamics for any given species will not […]