Physiological, biochemical, and molecular bases of a nutrient allocation trade-off that underlies a life history trade-off in a wing-polymorphic cricket

Meeting Abstract S9.3-1  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:30  Physiological, biochemical, and molecular bases of a nutrient allocation trade-off that underlies a life history trade-off in a wing-polymorphic cricket ZERA, A.J.; University of Nebraska Mechanisms controlling nutrient allocation trade-offs that underlie life history trade-offs have been an important topic of evolutionary and physiological research during the past few […]

Nutrient flux through glycolysis and gluconeogenesis and the evolution of cold-stress tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster

Meeting Abstract S9.1-5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 09:40  Nutrient flux through glycolysis and gluconeogenesis and the evolution of cold-stress tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster. WILLIAMS, C.M.*; SUNNY, N.; EDISON, A.S. ; MORGAN, T.J.; HAHN, D.A.; U. Florida, Gainesville; U. Florida, Gainesville; U. Florida, Gainesville; Kansas State U., Manhattan; U. Florida, Gainesville Ectotherms must maintain energy homeostasis in rapidly […]

Ingestion and allocation of macronutrients underlying reduced reproduction and life extension in grasshoppers

Meeting Abstract S9.3-2  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:00  Ingestion and allocation of macronutrients underlying reduced reproduction and life extension in grasshoppers HATLE, JD; Univ. of North Florida Reduced reproduction and reduced diet (aka. dietary restriction) each extend lifespan in many animals. Because the degree of dietary restriction needed to extend lifespan usually reduces fecundity, the dogma has […]

Ecological Immunology of Woolly Bear Caterpillars

Meeting Abstract S9.3-3  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:30  Ecological Immunology of Woolly Bear Caterpillars SINGER, M.S.*; MASON, P.A.; SMILANICH, A.M.; Wesleyan University; U. Colorado, Boulder; U. Nevada, Reno The emerging field of ecological immunology recognizes the role of an organism’s environment in its ability to defend itself against parasites. One important mechanism of ecological immunology is medication […]

Costs of Income Versus Capital Provisioning of Nutrients for Immune Defenses in Birds

Meeting Abstract S9.1-4  Tuesday, Jan. 7 09:10  Costs of Income Versus Capital Provisioning of Nutrients for Immune Defenses in Birds KLASING, K. C.; Univ. California, Davis An important life history variable is recognized between species that provision offspring using energy gained concurrently (income breeders) and those that provision offspring using energy stores accumulated at an earlier […]

Bulk tissue and amino acid δ13C analysis shows that mice can use dietary lipids to build proteinaceous tissues

Meeting Abstract S9.1-3  Tuesday, Jan. 7 08:40  Bulk tissue and amino acid δ13C analysis shows that mice can use dietary lipids to build proteinaceous tissues NEWSOME, Seth D.*; WOLF, Nathan; FOGEL, Marilyn L.; University of New Mexico; University of Alaska–Anchorage; University of California–Merced Understanding the mechanisms that govern the incorporation and routing of macronutrients from dietary […]

A beginner’s guide to nutritional profiling in physiology and ecology

Meeting Abstract S9.2-3  Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:30  A beginner’s guide to nutritional profiling in physiology and ecology FROST , Paul C*; WAGNER, Nicole D; Trent University; Trent University The nutritional history of an organism is often inherently difficult to ascertain. This information on past diet is particularly important when explaining the role of nutrition in physiological […]

Who needs sleep Engaging students in mathematical modeling of sleep and circadian interactions

Meeting Abstract S9.6  Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:30  Who needs sleep? Engaging students in mathematical modeling of sleep and circadian interactions DINIZ BEHN, CG*; LOPP, S; GLEIT, RD; BOOTH, V; Colorado School of Mines; Colorado School of Mines; Carmen Middle/High School of Science and Technology; University of Michigan Mathematical modeling has a rich history of helping […]

Using technology to expand the classroom in time and space

Meeting Abstract S9.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:30  Using technology to expand the classroom in time and space DREW, J.A.; Columbia University One of the hallmarks of modern evolutionary and ecological thinking is that diversity is a fundamentally a good thing for natural systems. Here, I ask if a similar line of reasoning can be applied […]

Using small, interdisciplinary groups to engage students as participant-scientists in mathematical biology

Meeting Abstract S9.7  Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:00  Using small, interdisciplinary groups to engage students as participant-scientists in mathematical biology WALDROP, LD*; PRAIRIE, JC; Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Univ. of San Diego We will present our experiences teaching in consecutive years of an upper-division undergraduate class in mathematical modeling at UNC Chapel Hill […]

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