Evolution of Developmental Gene Regulatory Networks

Meeting Abstract S9-2.3  Saturday, Jan. 7  Evolution of Developmental Gene Regulatory Networks SMITH, J; Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole joelsmith@mbl.edu The Gene Regulatory Network approach to Evo-Devo promises the discovery of mechanisms of evolutionary innovation as well as of deeply conserved “cassettes” governing fundamental developmental processes. However, defining regulatory interactions on a network scale remains a formidable […]

Physiological and behavioral responses to multiple environmental stressors in San Francisco Bay-Delta fishes linking mechanism to management

Meeting Abstract S9-2.2  Monday, Jan. 7  Physiological and behavioral responses to multiple environmental stressors in San Francisco Bay-Delta fishes: linking mechanism to management FANGUE, Nann A; HASENBEIN, Matthias; KOMOROSKE, Lisa; CONNON, Richard E*; Univ. of California Davis; Univ. of California Davis; Univ. of California Davis; Univ. of California Davis nafangue@ucdavis.edu An important goal of aquatic conservation biology […]

Integrative biological footprint of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the laboratory and field

Meeting Abstract S9-2.3  Monday, Jan. 7  Integrative biological footprint of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the laboratory and field WHITEHEAD, A.*; PILCHER, W.; MAYER, G.; DUBANSKY, B.; GALVEZ, F.; University of California Davis; Louisiana State University; Texas Tech University; Louisiana State University; Louisiana State University awhitehead@ucdavis.edu Large populations of killifish inhabit Gulf-exposed marsh habitats that are […]

How oxygen and temperature changes across latitude and elevation determine ecological distribution patterns

Meeting Abstract S9-2.1  Monday, Jan. 7  How oxygen and temperature changes across latitude and elevation determine ecological distribution patterns VERBERK, W.C.E.P.*; BILTON, D.T.; CALOSI, P.; SPICER, J.I.; Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Plymouth University, UK; Plymouth University, UK; Plymouth University, UK wilco@aquaticecology.nl Oxygen may set thermal tolerance limits. Such oxygen limitation arises when an individual’s capacity to […]

Evolution of tolerance to multiple interacting stressors in fish

Meeting Abstract S9-2.4  Monday, Jan. 7  Evolution of tolerance to multiple interacting stressors in fish SCHULTE, PM; University of British Columbia pschulte@zoology.ubc.ca Anthropogenic environmental change, which involves changes in multiple interacting environmental stressors, is having important effects on animals living in aquatic environments. Although we have a fairly good understanding of the effects of abiotic stressors in […]

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