Vertebrate axial patterning and the consequences of duplication events

PRINCE, V.E.*; HURLEY, I; STOCKERT, J; HALE, M; University of Chicago; University of Chicago; University of Chicago; University of Chicago: Vertebrate axial patterning and the consequences of duplication events It has been proposed that genome duplications can provide genetic raw material for evolutionary transitions. Support for this hypothesis has come from studies of teleosts, which […]

Terminal Addition and the Evolution of Bilaterian Form

JACOBS, David/K; HUGHES, Nigel/C; WINCHELL, Christopher/J; UCLA; UC Riverside; UCLA: Terminal Addition and the Evolution of Bilaterian Form Diverse bilaterian taxa, including representative lophotorchozoa, ecdysozoa and deuterosomes, share aspects of a developmental process where repeated pattern elements are added posteriorly during differentiation. Developmental genetic data suggest that this process of �terminal addition� derives from a […]

Segmentation in Helobdella robusta, a glossiphoniid leech

WEISBLAT, D.A.; RIVERA, A.S.; GONSALVES, F.C.; SONG, M.H.; ZHANG, S.O.; Univ. of Calif., Berkeley; Univ. of Calif., Berkeley; Univ. of Calif., Berkeley; NIDDK, NIH; Univ. of Calif., Berkeley: Segmentation in Helobdella robusta, a glossiphoniid leech Leeches are a clade of hermaphroditic, segmented worms, classically regarded as one of three classes within Annelida. Compared to most […]

Posterior addition the annelid way

BALAVOINE, G; DE ROSA, R; PRUD’HOMME, B; ADOUTTE , A; CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France; Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland; Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison; CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France: Posterior addition: the annelid way The question of the origin of metameric segmentation in metazoans has become a heated debate in recent years, with some gene expression data suggesting that it […]

Ecological and phylogenetic variation in segmentation in snakes

HEAD, J. J.; Smithsonian Institution: Ecological and phylogenetic variation in segmentation in snakes Ecological influences, phylogenetic history, and the evolutionary mechanisms driving segment numbers in snakes are poorly understood, despite recent interest in the paleoecology of snake origins and their early evolution. I employ statistical and morphometric methods to examine the relationship between ecology, phylogeny, […]

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