Segment number and segmentation performances in arthropods

FUSCO, G.; University of Padova, Italy: Segment number and segmentation performances in arthropods In arthropods, developmental mechanisms of segmentation are very diverse and differently associated with growth, both with respect to developmental time and with respect to the spatial localization of segment origination in the embryo or in the larva. Although mechanisms of segment specification […]

Historical Experiments in Terminal Growth, Segmentation and Body Plan Regionalization

HUGHES, Nigel C.; Univ. of California, Riverside: Historical Experiments in Terminal Growth, Segmentation and Body Plan Regionalization Terminal growth is apparent in those fossilized organisms in which progressive incremental change in the morphology of the posterior region occurred during development. It is recognized in fossils via the pattern of appearance of discrete structures, such as […]

Genetic, developmental and environmental aspects of variation in centipede segment numbers

ARTHUR, Wallace; CHIPMAN, Ariel; National University of Ireland, Galway; University of Cambridge: Genetic, developmental and environmental aspects of variation in centipede segment numbers In some groups of centipedes, the number of segments is fixed. In others, notably the order Geophilomorpha, it is variable. The variation in this particular group has both within and between species […]

Evolutionary History of Crustacean Segmentation and Tagmosis A Fossil-Based Perspective

WALOSZEK, D.; University of Ulm: Evolutionary History of Crustacean Segmentation and Tagmosis: A Fossil-Based Perspective Evolution of crustacean segmentation, the formation of jointed body segments, the formation of groups of segments (tagmosis), and the formation of jointed articles along segmental appendages cannot be viewed separately from historical traits and functional constraints. Much of this system […]

Proteomics and signal transduction in the crustacean molting gland

MYKLES, D.L.; Colorado State University: Proteomics and signal transduction in the crustacean molting gland Molting in decapod crustaceans is controlled by the X-organ/sinus gland complex, a neurosecretory center in the eyestalks. The complex secretes a neuropeptide, molt-inhibiting hormone (MIH), that suppresses production of molting hormone (ecdysone), an ecdysteroid secreted by a pair of molting glands […]


MCCLINTOCK, Timothy S.*; DERBY, Charles D.; ACHE, Barry W.; University of Kentucky; Georgia State University; University of Florida: PHYSIOLOGICAL GENOMICS OF LOBSTER OLFACTION Several fundamental observations about olfaction were made first using lobsters, largely due to advantages that stem from their anatomy and a wealth of background knowledge. Investigating the molecular basis for the function […]

Limb Regeneration and Expressed Sequence Tag Sequencing in Fiddler Crab

DURICA, D.S.*; KUPFER, D.; NAJAR, F.; SO, S.; TANG, Y.; GRIFFIN, K.; HOPKINS, P.M.; ROE, B.; University of Oklahoma; University of Oklahoma; University of Oklahoma; University of Oklahoma; University of Oklahoma; University of Oklahoma; University of Oklahoma; University of Oklahoma: Limb Regeneration and Expressed Sequence Tag Sequencing in Fiddler Crab We have constructed several directional […]

Functional genomics approaches to understanding stress responses and disease in shrimp

GROSS, P.S.; Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, S.C.: Functional genomics approaches to understanding stress responses and disease in shrimp Pathogens in the marine environment have caused catastrophic losses to shrimp aquaculture. The manner in which marine crustaceans respond to pathogens is complex and largely unknown. In addition, the role of anthropogenic and natural factors […]

Expressed sequence tag sequencing to identify genes involved in exoskeleton calcification in the blue crab

SHAFER, T.H.; University of North Carolina, Wilmington: Expressed sequence tag sequencing to identify genes involved in exoskeleton calcification in the blue crab A blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) expressed sequence tag project was designed for multiple purposes including the discovery of genes for cuticle proteins regulating calcification. One of the expression libraries sequenced was from hypodermal […]

Crustacean Hemocyanin Gene Family Oxygen Probes of the Global Gene Scene

TERWILLIGER, N.B.**; RYAN , M.; PHILLIPS, M.; University of Oregon; University of Oregon; University of Oregon: Crustacean Hemocyanin Gene Family: Oxygen Probes of the Global Gene Scene Global expression profiling simultaneously monitors vast numbers of genes in an organism, and it identifies groups of co-regulated genes. The principles of molecular recognition at the genomic and […]

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