Meeting Abstract S7-11 Sunday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 15:00 The fish shapes project. Harnessing the power of data science, museum collections and undergraduate researchers to quantify body shape evolution across teleost fishes. PRICE, SA*; CORN, KA; FRIEDMAN, ST; LAROUCHE, O; MARTINEZ, CM; ZAPFE, K; WAINWRIGHT, PC; Clemson University; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis; Clemson […]
sessions: S7
Scaling Up Kinematics A Geometric Approach for Studying the Evolution of Biological Motions
Meeting Abstract S7-5 Sunday, Jan. 6 09:30 – 10:00 Scaling Up Kinematics: A Geometric Approach for Studying the Evolution of Biological Motions MARTINEZ, CM*; MCGEE, MD; BORSTEIN, SR; SPARKS, JS; WAINWRIGHT, PC; University of California, Davis; Monash University; University of Tennessee; American Museum of Natural History; University of California, Davis The study of kinematics explicitly […]
Modeling the Causes and Consequences of Digit Reduction in Extinct Horses
Meeting Abstract S7-7 Sunday, Jan. 6 11:00 – 11:30 Modeling the Causes and Consequences of Digit Reduction in Extinct Horses MCHORSE, BK*; BIEWENER, AA; PIERCE, SE; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University Digit reduction is common in vertebrates, from theropods to marsupials. Extant horses (Equidae) are the most extreme living example, with a single digit on […]
Macroevolutionary insights from independent origins of cleaning behavior around the world synthesizing morphology, ecology and biogeographic patterns
Meeting Abstract S7-8 Sunday, Jan. 6 11:30 – 12:00 Macroevolutionary insights from independent origins of cleaning behavior around the world: synthesizing morphology, ecology and biogeographic patterns BALIGA, VB*; MEHTA, RS; University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz Members of an ecological guild may be expected to show morphological convergence, as similar functional […]
Integrating Traditional and Modern Approaches to Study Morphological Evolution in Bats Where Is The Point of Diminishing Returns
Meeting Abstract S7-2 Sunday, Jan. 6 08:00 – 08:30 Integrating Traditional and Modern Approaches to Study Morphological Evolution in Bats: Where Is The Point of Diminishing Returns? SANTANA, SE*; ARBOUR, JH; CURTIS, AA; STANCHAK, KE; Univ of Washington; Univ of Washington; Univ of Washington; Univ of Washington The fields of comparative morphology and evolutionary biology have […]
How Dietary Niche Shapes Macroevolution in the Avian Skull
Meeting Abstract S7-10 Sunday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:30 How Dietary Niche Shapes Macroevolution in the Avian Skull FELICE, RN*; TOBIAS, JA; GOSWAMI, A; University College London; Imperial College London; The Natural History Museum Cranial evolution is hypothesized to be strongly linked to trophic ecology, as evidenced by such key examples as Galapagos finches and […]
High Throughput Phenoscaping for Comparative Studies
Meeting Abstract S7-12 Sunday, Jan. 6 15:00 – 15:30 High Throughput Phenoscaping for Comparative Studies ALFARO, ME*; KARAN, EA; CHANG, J; WOO, LK; ALFARO, Michael; UCLA; UCLA; UCLA; UCLA As major sections of the Tree of Life become increasingly resolved, a central challenge for comparative study involves the scaling of phenotypic data collection efforts. Here we […]
Do coral reefs act as a crucible for morphological innovation A critical reappraisal of the effect of coral reef habitats on the evolution of morphological diversity in wrasses in the era of big data
Meeting Abstract S7-3 Sunday, Jan. 6 08:30 – 09:00 Do coral reefs act as a crucible for morphological innovation? A critical reappraisal of the effect of coral reef habitats on the evolution of morphological diversity in wrasses in the era of big data. EVANS, KM*; WILLIAMS, K; WESTNEAT, M; University of Minnesota; University of Minnesota; University of […]
Biomechanics of Flight Across the Avian Tree
Meeting Abstract S7-4 Sunday, Jan. 6 09:00 – 09:30 Biomechanics of Flight Across the Avian Tree WRIGHT, Natalie A*; WITT, Christopher C; TOBALSKE, Bret W; Kenyon College; University of New Mexico; University of Montana Linking predictable, repeatedly observed evolutionary patterns in morphology to their functional implications is vital to understanding how and why those patterns […]
Biomechanics as a Pacemaker for Evolutionary Diversity
Meeting Abstract S7-1 Sunday, Jan. 6 07:45 – 08:00 Biomechanics as a Pacemaker for Evolutionary Diversity MUNOZ, MM*; PATEK, SN; MUNOZ, Martha; Virginia Tech; Duke All biological motion is dependent on the fundamental laws of physics. Mechanical rules shape how organisms can move, feed, and reproduce, thus impacting all aspects of evolutionary fitness. Here we discuss […]