Migration, prospecting, dispersal What types of host movement matter for the circulation of infectious disease agents

Meeting Abstract S7-9  Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:00  Migration, prospecting, dispersal? What types of host movement matter for the circulation of infectious disease agents? BOULINIER, Thierry*; KADA, Sarah; DUPRAZ, Marlene; PONCHON, Aurore; CHAMBERT, Thierry; GARNIER, Romain; MCCOY, Karen; CEFE CNRS – Univ Montpellier; CEFE CNRS – Univ Montpellier; MIVEGEC CNRS – IRD – Univ Montpellier; ISPA, Lisboa; PennState […]

Linking plant phenology and elk migratory behavior to predict brucellosis risk in the Yellowstone ecosystem

Meeting Abstract S7-6  Wednesday, Jan. 6 11:00  Linking plant phenology and elk migratory behavior to predict brucellosis risk in the Yellowstone ecosystem MERKLE, J.M.*; CROSS, P.C.; SCURLOCK, B.M.; KAUFFMAN, M.J.; Univ. of Wyoming; U.S. Geological Survey; Wyoming Game and Fish Dept.; Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit jmerkle@uwyo.edu Brucellosis is a bacterial disease resulting in abortions […]

Let’s get physical Viewing ecological immunology through the lens of exercise physiology to disentangle the effects of movement and migration

Meeting Abstract S7-3  Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:00  Let\\\’s get physical! Viewing ecological immunology through the lens of exercise physiology to disentangle the effects of movement and migration. MATSON, K.D.*; VAN DIJK, J.G.B.; Wageningen University; University of Cambridge kevin.matson@wur.nl http://tiny.cc/kdmatson Animal migration is a complex phenomenon with many physiological mechanisms and consequences. The act of moving, or locomotion, […]

How does infection alter animal migrations

Meeting Abstract S7-5  Wednesday, Jan. 6 10:30  How does infection alter animal migrations? HOYE, Bethany J*; BAUER, Silke S; Deakin University, Geelong, Australia; Swiss Institue for Ornithology bethany.h@deakin.edu.au http://www.deakin.edu.au/profiles/bethany-hoye Migratory animals are thought to play a unique role in parasite dynamics and disease epidemics, both within and between resident communities. The importance of migration in disease ecology […]

Hannibal goes for a stroll How diet and migration can compromise immunity

Meeting Abstract S7-4  Wednesday, Jan. 6 09:30  Hannibal goes for a stroll: How diet and migration can compromise immunity SRYGLEY, R.B.*; USDA-Agricultural Research Service robert.srygley@ars.usda.gov Migration is often associated with movement away from scarce nutrients or other resources, and yet migration itself is energetically demanding. Mormon crickets walk in dense aggregations over rangeland. In some of these […]

Evidence of seasonality in a host-pathogen system Influenza across the annual cycle of wild birds

Meeting Abstract S7-10  Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:30  Evidence of seasonality in a host-pathogen system: Influenza across the annual cycle of wild birds HILL, Nichola J.*; MA, Eric J.; MEIXELL, Brandt W.; LINDBERG, Mark; BOYCE, Walter M.; RUNSTADLER, Jonathan A.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska; University of Alaska, Fairbanks; […]

Does migratory flight alter immunity in monarch butterflies

Meeting Abstract S7-1  Wednesday, Jan. 6 08:00  Does migratory flight alter immunity in monarch butterflies? FRITZSCHE MCKAY, A*; EZENWA, VO; ALTIZER, S; Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia; Odum School of Ecology and Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Georgia; Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia afritzsche@gmail.com Migratory animals undergo extreme physiological changes to prepare […]

Trait development and evolution in trilobites

Meeting Abstract S7-6  Saturday, Jan. 7 11:00 – 11:30  Trait development and evolution in trilobites HOPKINS, Melanie J.; American Museum of Natural History mhopkins@amnh.org Trilobites offer the best fossil record of any arthropod. This is due to a number of factors, most notably the combination of 1) having inhabited areas where organisms are more likely to be […]

The evolution of the gene regulatory networks that define arthropod body plans

Meeting Abstract S7-8  Saturday, Jan. 7 13:30 – 14:00  The evolution of the gene regulatory networks that define arthropod body plans CHIPMAN, A.D.; The Hebrew Univ. ariel.chipman@mail.huji.ac.il Our understanding of the genetics of arthropod body plan development originally stems from work on Drosophila melanogaster from the late 1970s and onwards. In Drosophila there is a relatively detailed […]

Problems and progresses in Ecdysozoan relationships do we have an emerging consensus

Meeting Abstract S7-1  Saturday, Jan. 7 08:00 – 08:30  Problems and progresses in Ecdysozoan relationships: do we have an emerging consensus? PISANI, D; University of Bristol davide.pisani@bristol.ac.uk Ecdysozoa represent one of the three main lineages of bilaterally symmetrical animals. The oldest, confirmed, fossil evidence of bilateral animal activity is represented by the ~541 million of years old […]

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