Swimming in an Unsteady World

Meeting Abstract S7.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:00  Swimming in an Unsteady World KOEHL, M.A.R.; Univ. of California, Berkeley cnidaria@berkeley.edu http://ib.berkeley.edu/labs/koehl When animals swim in aquatic habitats, the water through which they move is usually flowing. Therefore, an important part of understanding the physics of how animals swim in nature is determining how they interact with the fluctuating […]

Stability design and response to waves by batoids

Meeting Abstract S7.1  Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:00  Stability design and response to waves by batoids FISH, FRANK/E*; HOFFMAN, JESSICA/L; West Chester Univ., PA; West Chester Univ., PA ffish@wcupa.edu Unsteady flows in the marine environment can affect the stability and locomotor costs of animals. For fish swimming at shallow depths, waves represent a form of unsteady flow. Waves […]

Stability and swimming in aquatic vertebrates evolutionary patterns and possible future directions

Meeting Abstract S7.11  Tuesday, Jan. 6 15:00  Stability and swimming in aquatic vertebrates: evolutionary patterns and possible future directions WEBB, P.W.*; WEIHS, D; Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Technion, Haifa pwebb@umich.edu Bauplans typical of aquatic vertebrates create intrinsic hydrostatic and hydrodynamic destabilizing forces and torques. Reliance on oscillatory propulsors creates additional intrinsic instabilities. These instabilities are continuously […]

Living in a turbulent world – Impacts on fish habitat choices and swimming

Meeting Abstract S7.2  Tuesday, Jan. 6 08:30  Living in a turbulent world – Impacts on fish habitat choices and swimming COTEL, Aline*; WEBB, Paul; University of Michigan acotel@umich.edu The natural habitats of fishes are characterized by water movements driven by a multitude of physical processes of either natural or human origin. The resultant unsteadiness is exacerbated when […]


Meeting Abstract S7.0  Tuesday, Jan. 6 07:54  Introduction FISH, F.

Hydrodynamics of Fish c-start Escape Responses Studied with Simple Robotic Models

Meeting Abstract S7.8  Tuesday, Jan. 6 13:30  Hydrodynamics of Fish c-start Escape Responses Studied with Simple Robotic Models LAUDER, G. V.*; WITT, W. C.; WEN, L.; Harvard Univ.; Princeton Univ.; Beihang Univ. glauder@oeb.harvard.edu http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~glauder/ One of the most-studied unsteady locomotor behaviors exhibited by fishes is the c-start escape response. Although the kinematics of these responses have been […]

Biogenic inputs to ocean mixing Changes in morphology alter mixing efficiency in medusae

Meeting Abstract S7.5  Tuesday, Jan. 6 10:30  Biogenic inputs to ocean mixing: Changes in morphology alter mixing efficiency in medusae KATIJA, Kakani; Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford Univ., Pacific Grove and Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Inst., Moss Landing kakani@stanford.edu Recent studies have provided spirited debate about whether biologically generated (or biogenic) mixing can have an impact on mixing […]

Aggregative behavior of Antarctic Krill group interactions, multi-oar biomechanics, and hydrodynamic wake signature

Meeting Abstract S7.6  Tuesday, Jan. 6 11:00  Aggregative behavior of Antarctic Krill: group interactions, multi-oar biomechanics, and hydrodynamic wake signature. MURPHY, D.W.; WEBSTER, D.R.; KANAGAWA, M.; KAWAGUCHI, S.; KING, R.; OSBORN, J.; YEN, J. *; Johns Hopkins; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech; Australian Antarctic Division [AAD]; AAD; Univ. Tasmania; Georgia Tech jeannette.yen@biology.gatech.edu http://www.biology.gatech.edu/faculty/jeannette-yen/ Many members of the plankton […]

Monarchs as a model system to understand mechanisms linking animal migration and infectious disease dynamics

Meeting Abstract S7-7  Wednesday, Jan. 6 11:30  Monarchs as a model system to understand mechanisms linking animal migration and infectious disease dynamics SATTERFIELD, D.A.*; ALTIZER , S.; University of Georgia; University of Georgia dara7@uga.edu Monarch butterflies inhabit islands and continents worldwide and undergo a long-distance, seasonal migration in temperate regions. Past work showed that migratory populations experience […]

Modeling Vector-borne Disease Risk in Migratory Animals under Climate Change

Meeting Abstract S7-11  Wednesday, Jan. 6 15:00  Modeling Vector-borne Disease Risk in Migratory Animals under Climate Change HALL, RJ*; BROWN, LM; ALTIZER, S; Univ. of Georgia; Univ. of Georgia; Univ. of Georgia rjhall@uga.edu Recent theory suggests that animals that migrate to breed at higher latitudes may benefit from reduced pressure from natural enemies, including pathogens (“migratory escape”). […]

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