Meeting Abstract S7.8 Thursday, Jan. 6 Leading researchers to water: Assembling multi-disciplinary collective networks for the study of crustacean populations BUHAY, J.E.; USDA Crustaceans are a globally-distributed faunal group, found across extreme and backyard habitats from the equator to the poles. They are an ideal focal assemblage for assessment on the impacts of climate change and […]
sessions: S7
How scientific societies can include, promote and retain women members
Meeting Abstract S7.7 Thursday, Jan. 6 How scientific societies can include, promote and retain women members SULLIVAN, K.A.*; BAKIAN, A. V.; Utah State University; Utah State University Since the 1970’s women have made up increasingly large proportions of the graduate students in all fields of organismal biology. Membership records of scientific societies show dramatic growth in […]
Evolving Crustacean Metacommunities in Aquatic Ecosystems
Meeting Abstract S7.2 Thursday, Jan. 6 Evolving Crustacean Metacommunities in Aquatic Ecosystems DERRY, A.M.; University of Quebec at Montreal Heterogeneous landscapes provide reservoirs of genetic and community diversity in local habitats that experience environmental change if they are connected by dispersing genotypes and species. The metacommunity concept provides a spatially-implicit framework for understanding movement of individuals […]
Diet preferences and bottom-up control of blue crabs in Chesapeake Bay
Meeting Abstract S7.1 Thursday, Jan. 6 Diet preferences and bottom-up control of blue crabs in Chesapeake Bay SEITZ, R.D.*; KNICK, K.E.; WESTPHAL, M.; Virginia Institute of Marine Science, The College of William and Mary; Virginia Institute of Marine Science, The College of William and Mary; University of Alaska Fairbanks, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences Shallow […]
Assessing distribution and structure of unexploited snow crab populations in Alaskan waters
Meeting Abstract S7.4 Thursday, Jan. 6 Assessing distribution and structure of unexploited snow crab populations in Alaskan waters HARDY, S M*; ALBRECHT, G; HUNDERTMARK, K; BLUHM, B; HUETTMANN, F; University of Alaska, Fairbanks; University of Alaska, Fairbanks; University of Alaska, Fairbanks; University of Alaska, Fairbanks; University of Alaska, Fairbanks Arctic climate trends are impacting marine species […]
Wasp Voodoo Rituals, Venom-Cocktails and the Zombification of Cockroach host
Meeting Abstract S7.2-1 Monday, Jan. 6 10:00 Wasp Voodoo Rituals, Venom-Cocktails and the Zombification of Cockroach host. LIBERSAT, F.*; GAL, R; Ben Gurion University Much like humans, animals may choose to initiate behavior based on their “internal state” rather than as a response to external stimuli alone. The neuronal underpinnings responsible for generating this ‘internal state’, […]
The impact of Toxoplasma gondii on host behaviour can this parasite play a role in some cases of human schizophrenia
Meeting Abstract S7.1-2 Monday, Jan. 6 08:30 The impact of Toxoplasma gondii on host behaviour: can this parasite play a role in some cases of human schizophrenia? WEBSTER, J.P.*; KAUSHIK, M; Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine; Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine Recognition of the role of infectious agents in a range of both acute […]
Reconstructing the evolutionary history of behavioral manipulation
Meeting Abstract S7.3-1 Monday, Jan. 6 13:30 Reconstructing the evolutionary history of behavioral manipulation HUGHES, DP; Penn State In this talk I will consider when parasites evolved the ability to manipulate behavior. It is a rare phenomenon when we recall that half of all life is parasitic and that only a few of them manipulate behavior. […]
Parasites, Behavior and Prevention () How to stop worrying and learn to love Zombies
Meeting Abstract S7.2-2 Monday, Jan. 6 10:30 Parasites, Behavior and Prevention (?): How to stop worrying and learn to love Zombies MOORE, J; Colorado State I briefly review the ways in which parasites alter host behavior—behaviors that benefit parasites and behaviors that benefit hosts. I then ask how we can use this information to understand patterns […]
Manipulation of host phenotypes by vector-borne pathogens of plants and animals
Meeting Abstract S7.2-4 Monday, Jan. 6 11:30 Manipulation of host phenotypes by vector-borne pathogens of plants and animals MESCHER, M.C.; Penn State University / ETH Zurich Parasite manipulation of hosts has been studied extensively, but relatively little work has explored the ways in which vector-borne pathogens may alter the phenotypes of their primary and secondary hosts […]