An ancestral role for the metamorphosis-determining gene, broad in the direct-developing milkweed bug

EREZYILMAZ, Deniz F*; RIDDIFORD, Lynn M; TRUMAN, James W; University of Washington: An ancestral role for the metamorphosis-determining gene, broad in the direct-developing milkweed bug. Fossil and phylogenetic evidence show that the metamorphosing insects diverged from direct-developing ancestors about 300 million years ago. To better understand the genetic basis of this divergence, we have focused […]

Reflections on integrative and comparative approaches in movement neuroscience

Meeting Abstract S7-2.2  Jan. 6  Reflections on integrative and comparative approaches in movement neuroscience STUART, D.G.; University of Arizona, Tucson Integrative movement neuroscience involves blending “inside-out” and “outside-in” approaches in the study of posture and movement. The former is characterized by determining the properties of single cells within the central nervous system (CNS) and then testing […]


Meeting Abstract S7-2.1.1  Jan. 6  GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LOCOMOTOR CONTROL SYSTEMS PROCHAZKA, A.*; YAKOVENKO, S.; University of Alberta, Edmonton; University of Montreal, Montreal Complex tasks such as locomotion involve the neural integration of sensory input, spinal pattern generation and predictive control. The contributions of these mechanisms have recently been investigated with neuro-biomechanical models (Yakovenko et al. […]

Living where the flow is right How flow affects feeding in bryozoans

Meeting Abstract S7-2.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Living where the flow is right: How flow affects feeding in bryozoans. PRATT, M. C.; Mt. Holyoke College Bryozoans are suspension feeding colonial animals that remain attached to the substratum or other surfaces. Therefore, bryozoans rely on water flow to supply nutrients, eliminate wastes, and disperse gametes and larvae. The […]

How kelp produce blade shapes suited to different flow regimes A new wrinkle

Meeting Abstract S7-2.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  How kelp produce blade shapes suited to different flow regimes: A new wrinkle KOEHL, M. A. R. *; SILK, W. K.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Davis Many species of macroalgae have flat, strap-like blades in habitats exposed to rapid water currents, but have ruffled �undulate� blades at […]

Ecomechanics of marine mussels do they really go with the flow

Meeting Abstract S7-2.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  Ecomechanics of marine mussels: do they really go with the flow? CARRINGTON, E; University of Washington Common features of many temperate rocky coasts are dense aggregations of bivalve mollusks, or mussel beds, which exclude other space occupiers and provide refuge habitat for a diverse assemblage of organisms. One key to […]

Does Form Follow Flow Crayfish Aesthetasc Morphology, Arrangement, And Flow Environment

Meeting Abstract S7-2.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Does Form Follow Flow? Crayfish Aesthetasc Morphology, Arrangement, And Flow Environment. MEAD, K. S.; Denison Univ., Granville OH Crayfish sample their olfactory environment by flicking their antennules in a rapid down stroke followed by a slower return stroke. This motion thins the boundary layer surrounding chemosensory structures, facilitating encounter with […]

The secrets of swimming in sand

Meeting Abstract S7-2.4  Friday, Jan. 6  The secrets of swimming in sand GOLDMAN, Daniel I.; Georgia Institute of Technology I will summarize our progress in biological and robotic experiments, and numerical and theoretical models of the locomotion of a sand-swimming lizard, the sandfish (Scincus scincus). We use high speed x-ray imaging to study how the 10 […]

Stability and Control of Flapping Flight

Meeting Abstract S7-2.1  Friday, Jan. 6  Stability and Control of Flapping Flight WANG, Jane; Cornell University I will report our recent results on stability and control of 3D flapping flight, derived both from computational studies of dynamic models of insects as well as the analyses of experimental data of fruit flies. I will further discuss the […]

Separating behavioral and passive dynamics in the pitch maneuvers of hawkmoths

Meeting Abstract S7-2.2  Friday, Jan. 6  Separating behavioral and passive dynamics in the pitch maneuvers of hawkmoths HEDRICK, TL; Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Flying animals are widely appreciated as having amazing capabilities of flight maneuverability and control. Some types of these maneuvers, especially those beginning in a hovering or slow forward flight state, […]

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