Meeting Abstract S7-1.6 Sunday, Jan. 6 Synchronization of circadian bioluminescence as a group-foraging strategy in cave glowworms MERRITT, DJ*; MAYNARD, AJ; The University of Queensland, Australia; The University of Queensland, Australia Flies of the genus Arachnocampa are sit-and-lure predators that use bioluminescence to attract flying prey to their silk webs. Some species are most common in […]
sessions: S7-1
Rhythmic Ring-Ring Stacking Drives the Circadian Oscillator Clockwise
Meeting Abstract S7-1.3 Sunday, Jan. 6 Rhythmic Ring-Ring Stacking Drives the Circadian Oscillator Clockwise LIWANG, A.*; CHANG, Y.-G.; TSENG, R. D.; University of California, Merced; University of California, Merced; University of California, Merced The oscillator of the circadian clock of cyanobacteria is composed of three proteins, KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC, which together generate a self-sustained circadian […]
Metazoan circadian rhythm an universal Zeitgeber existing from sponges to humans
Meeting Abstract S7-1.1 Sunday, Jan. 6 Metazoan circadian rhythm: an universal “Zeitgeber” existing from sponges to humans MÜLLER, W.E.G. *; WANG, X.H. ; University Medical Center, Mainz,; University Medical Center, Mainz, GERMANY In higher metazoans, the 24 h periodicity in the environment contributed to the evolution of the molecular circadian clock. We studied the circadian […]
Finding A Temporal Niche
Meeting Abstract S7-1.4 Sunday, Jan. 6 Finding A Temporal Niche DE LA IGLESIA, Horacio O.; SMARR, B.*; University of Washington; University of Washington Ecologists and physiologists are familiar with Hutchinson’s notion of ecological niche, the multidimensional space delineated by the range of resources in which a species survives and reproduces. Yet, few of us are used […]
Evolution of animal clock an echinoderm prospective
Meeting Abstract S7-1.7 Sunday, Jan. 6 Evolution of animal clock: an echinoderm prospective OLIVERI, P*; PETRONE , L; LERNER, A; MATTIELLO, T; University College London Almost all living organisms show circadian rhythmicity. Endogenous time-keeping mechanisms that regulate daily physiological and behavioral processes are genetically encoded and show a conserved network structure. Comparative studies highlighted a transcriptional-translational […]
Circadian clock of the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis a conserved network and missing links
Meeting Abstract S7-1.2 Sunday, Jan. 6 Circadian clock of the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis: a conserved network and missing links REITZEL, A.M.*; TARRANT, A.M.; Univ. of North Carolina, Charlotte; Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. The molecular components of the circadian clocks of mammals and diverse insects have been well-characterized, revealing that many of the core clock […]