Meeting Abstract S7-1.7 Saturday, Jan. 5 Hydrodynamic flow control in marine mammals FISH, F.E.*; HOWLE, L.E.; MURRAY, M.M.; West Chester University; Duke University; United States Naval Academy The ability to control the flow of water around the body dictates the performance of marine mammals in the aquatic environment. Morphological specializations of marine mammals afford mechanisms for […]
sessions: S7-1
Ecomorphological variation in shell shape of the freshwater turtle Pseudemys concinna across different aquatic flow regimes
Meeting Abstract S7-1.6 Saturday, Jan. 5 Ecomorphological variation in shell shape of the freshwater turtle Pseudemys concinna across different aquatic flow regimes RIVERA, G.; Clemson Univ Species with populations that inhabit a wide range of environments frequently display morphological variations that correlate with differences in environmental parameters. Flow velocity is a critical feature of aquatic environments […]
Wake signatures formed at intermediate Re regimes signals of prey, predators, mates or schoolmates
Meeting Abstract S7-1.4 Friday, Jan. 6 Wake signatures formed at intermediate Re regimes: signals of prey, predators, mates or schoolmates. YEN, J.*; WEBSTER, D.; MURPHY, D.; CATTON, K. ; MITTAL, R.; ZHENG, L.; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech; Colorado State University; Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins University What happens when an aquatic biologist works together […]
Uncovering the aerodynamics of the smallest insects using numerical and physical models
Meeting Abstract S7-1.5 Friday, Jan. 6 Uncovering the aerodynamics of the smallest insects using numerical and physical models MILLER, Laura A; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill A vast body of research has described the complexity of flight in insects ranging from the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, to the hawk moth, Manduca sexta. The smallest […]
Simple models for terrestrial locomotion and the materials that power it
Meeting Abstract S7-1.6 Friday, Jan. 6 Simple models for terrestrial locomotion and the materials that power it DUDEK, Dan; Virginia Tech It has long been known that a wide array of morphologically diverse terrestrial runners produce center of mass dynamics that are well modelled by a spring-loaded inverted pendulum (SLIP). This simple, general model has proven […]
Robotic models of fish body and caudal fin propulsion
Meeting Abstract S7-1.1 Friday, Jan. 6 Robotic models of fish body and caudal fin propulsion LAUDER, G. V.*; FLAMMANG, B.; ALBEN, S.; Harvard University; Harvard University; Georgia Institute of Technology Considerable progress in understanding the dynamics of fish locomotion has been made through studies of live fishes and by analyzing locomotor kinematics, muscle activity, and fluid […]
Resonances in fish fin models
Meeting Abstract S7-1.2 Friday, Jan. 6 Resonances in fish fin models ALBEN, S.*; WITT, C.; BAKER, T.V.; ANDERSON, E.; LAUDER, G.V.; Georgia Tech; Grove City College; Grove City College; Grove City College; Harvard Univ. When a flexible appendage such as a fish fin is flapped in a fluid, resonances can occur at certain combinations of flapping […]
On the speed of lever systems
Meeting Abstract S7-1.7 Friday, Jan. 6 On the speed of lever systems MCHENRY, MJ; Univ. of California, Irvine The geometry of an animal’s skeleton affects its ability to move quickly. Many fast-moving species possess joints with a higher displacement advantage (the ratio of output to input displacement) than their slow-moving relatives. It has therefore been suggested […]
Neuromechanical phase lags in swimming lampreys
Meeting Abstract S7-1.3 Friday, Jan. 6 Neuromechanical phase lags in swimming lampreys TYTELL, E.D.*; HSU, C.-Y.; COHEN, A.H.; WILLIAMS, T.L.; FAUCI, L.J.; Johns Hopkins Univ.; Feng Chia Univ.; Univ. of Maryland, College Park; Princeton Univ.; Tulane Univ. When fish swim, they bend their bodies in a traveling mechanical wave that moves from head to tail. At […]
What the clock tells the eye Lessons from an ancient arthropod
Meeting Abstract S7-1.5 Sunday, Jan. 6 What the clock tells the eye: Lessons from an ancient arthropod BATTELLE, Barbara-Anne; Univ, of FL, Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience Eyes are major targets for regulation by circadian clocks, but effects of circadian clocks on vision are not fully understood in any system. Among invertebrates, effects of circadian rhythms […]