SWALLOW, JG*; GARLAND, T; Univ. of South Dakota; Univ. of California, Riverside: Selection Experiments as a Tool in Evolutionary and Comparative Physiology A current focus of comparative physiology is understanding how complex traits have evolved, including identification of factors that bias or constrain the evolution of organismal performance capacities. To do this, physiologists have adopted […]
sessions: S7-1
Neurobiology of mice selected for high voluntary wheel running
RHODES, J.S.*; GAMMIE, S.C.; GARLAND, T., Jr.; Oregon Health & Science Univ., Portland, OR.; Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.; Univ. of California, Riverside, CA.: Neurobiology of mice selected for high voluntary wheel running Selective breeding of house mice has been used to study the evolution of locomotor behavior. Our model consists of 4 replicate lines bred […]
Metabolic Syndrome X emerges from selection for intrinsic aerobic running capacity in rats
KOCH, Lauren G.; BRITTON, Steven L.; Medical College of Ohio: Metabolic Syndrome X emerges from selection for intrinsic aerobic running capacity in rats Development of an oxygen atmosphere widened the redox potential for energy transfer that was presumably permissive for the co-evolution of biological complexity in the form of multicellular organisms. From this we hypothesized […]
Exercise Physiology of House Mice Selectively Bred for High Voluntary Activity
GARLAND, T; SWALLOW, J G; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of South Dakota: Exercise Physiology of House Mice Selectively Bred for High Voluntary Activity From an outbred base population, within-family selection was used to produce 4 replicate lines that exhibit high voluntary wheel running (S lines), while also maintaining 4 randombred lines as controls (C). […]
Artificial selection for basal metabolic rate in laboratory mice
KONARZEWSKI, M.; KSIAZEK, A.; LAPO, I.B.; University of Bialystok; University of Bialystok; Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS: Artificial selection for basal metabolic rate in laboratory mice To study the consequences of genetic manipulation of basal metabolic rate (BMR) we subjected laboratory mice to un-replicated, divergent selection for body mass-corrected BMR. In generation F0 […]
To Settle or to Swim Ascidian Larval Decisions
SWALLA, Billie J.; University of Washington: To Settle or to Swim? Ascidian Larval Decisions Tunicates have a variety of life histories and larval morphologies that make them a fascinating group of animals to study transitions in larval life history. Within one family, the Molgulidae, tailless larvae have evolved many times independently and this transition is […]
Recent Progress in Understanding Larval Dispersal New Directions and Digressions
LEVIN, Lisa A.; Scripps Institution of Oceanography: Recent Progress in Understanding Larval Dispersal: New Directions and Digressions Many questions about larvae have been difficult to address because their small size limits our ability to know who they are, where they go and what conditions they experience. The longstanding desire to understand the identity, behavior and […]
Good Eaters, Poor Swimmers Compromises in Larval Form
STRATHMANN, RR*; GR�NBAUM, D; Univ. of Washington, Friday Harbor; Univ. of Washingston, Seattle: Good Eaters, Poor Swimmers: Compromises in Larval Form Ciliated larvae in six phyla achieve high clearance rates (the volume of water cleared of food per time) by development of long ciliary bands extended on arms, tentacles, or lobes. In evolution of pelagic […]
Evolutionary mechanisms that operate on embryonic gene expression in purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
WRAY, G. A.; WRAY, ; WRAY, ; WRAY, ; WRAY, ; WRAY, ; WRAY, ; WRAY, ; Duke University: Evolutionary mechanisms that operate on embryonic gene expression in purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Many evolutionary modifications in development derive from changes in embryonic gene expression. However, the genetic variation affecting gene expression that is segregating […]
Evo-Devo and the Asteroidea
BYRNE, M; University of Sydney: Evo-Devo and the Asteroidea The Asterinidae is a species-rich asteroid family in Australia with the full array of mating systems, larval types and developmental habitats seen in marine invertebrates. Using ““Patiriella and Cryptasterina as model systems, we use the comparative approach to determine what aspects of maternal provisioning and development […]