Mammalian dental diversity so many shapes, so few genes

JERNVALL, Jukka; KANGAS, Aapo; KAVANAGH, Kathryn; SALAZAR-CIUDAD, Isaac; Univ. of Helsinki, Finland; Univ. of Helsinki, Finland; Univ. of Helsinki, Finland; Univ. of Helsinki, Finland: Mammalian dental diversity: so many shapes, so few genes Why are there so many tooth shapes and why are some dental forms more common than others? Despite the high diversity of […]

Evolutionary genetics of dental development teeth as part of vertebrate structural organisation

WEISS, K.M.; KAWASAKI, K; SHOLTIS, S; Penn State University: Evolutionary genetics of dental development: teeth as part of vertebrate structural organisation. Vertebrate mineralized tissues are in part the product of the expansion history of a cluster of secretory calcium-binding phosphoprotein (SCPP) genes. These genes are important in bone and tooth mineralization. The SCPP gene family […]

Differences and correspondences in segmentation of the dental lamina in mammals

MISEK, I.; Inst. of Anim. Physiol. and Genet., Brno, CZ: Differences and correspondences in segmentation of the dental lamina in mammals The evolutionary principles surrounding the development of eutherian dentitions has not been fully clarified. There are some differences as well as correspondences in the dental development of aquatic mammals relative to terrestrial mammals. Morphologically, […]

Developmental regulation of branchial arch patterning in the mouse

COBOURNE, MT; Department of Craniofacial DevelopmentDevelopmental regulation of branchial arch patterning in the mouse: Developmental regulation of branchial arch patterning in the mouse Mammalian jaws form a highly specialised apparatus ultimately derived from derivatives of the first branchial arch. In addition to the skeletal components of the mandible and maxilla, these structures also contain teeth […]

The midbrain-hindbrain gene expression profile in Saccoglossus kowalewskii

ARONOWICZ, J.*; LOWE, C.J.; University of Chicago; University of Chicago: The midbrain-hindbrain gene expression profile in Saccoglossus kowalewskii The diffuse nervous system of the direct developing hemichordate Saccoglossus kowalewskii shares many of its remarkably complex anterior posterior patterns of developmental gene expression with vertebrates. Recent studies in larvaceans, tunicates and amphioxus indicate that the complex […]

Neural control of body patterning in the European cuttlefish Sepia officinalis PK Loi , NJ Tublitz & MR Gaston Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon

LOI, Poh Kheng/*; TUBLITZ, Nathan/J; GASTON, MIchelle/R; Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon; Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon; Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon: Neural control of body patterning in the European cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. P.K. Loi* , N.J. Tublitz & M.R. Gaston. Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon. Unshelled cephalopods exhibit a wide […]

Mechanisms underlying peptide mediated neuroplasticity A spineless approach in moths, flies and cephalopods

TUBLITZ, NJ; University of Oregon: Mechanisms underlying peptide mediated neuroplasticity: A spineless approach in moths, flies and cephalopods. This talk discusses 4 separate mechanisms underlying peptide mediated neuroplasticity that have evolved in several invertebrates. The first is at the cellular level in the moth Manduca sexta. Manduca has a set of larval neurons that express […]

Hemichordate development and the evolution of chordate nervous system

LOWE, CJ*; ARONOWICZ, J; TERASAKI, M; KIRSCHNER, M; GERHART, J; University of Chicago; University of Chicago; University of Connecticut; Harvard Medical School; University of California Berkeley: Hemichordate development and the evolution of chordate nervous system How the chordate central nervous system evolved from their invertebrate ancestors has a long history in evolutionary biology, yet it […]

Distribution of NOS-like immunoreactivity within the Nudibranchia

CAIN, Shaun D.*; CHRISTIE, Andrew E.; Univ. of Washington, FHL; Univ. of Washington, FHL: Distribution of NOS-like immunoreactivity within the Nudibranchia Within the invertebrates, the gaseous neurotransmitter nitric oxide (NO) has been shown to mediate a variety of behavioral pathways. Although there is evidence that NO functions in some sensory systems, the majority of studies […]

Advances in the neural bases of orientation & navigation

MURRAY, JA; U Central Arkansas: Advances in the neural bases of orientation & navigation The ability to locomote in one direction, and the ability to navigate toward a distant goal are related behaviors that are phylogenetically widespread. Orientation includes finding the source of a signal, or movement relative to directional cues. Such abilities may require […]

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