GnRH Peptides and Receptors The Strange Twists of Evolution

Meeting Abstract S6-1.5  Saturday, Jan. 5  GnRH Peptides and Receptors: The Strange Twists of Evolution SHERWOOD, N.M.; TELLO, J.A.; WU, S.; ADAMS, B.A.; University of Victoria, B.C., Canada; University of Victoria, B.C., Canada; University of Victoria, B.C., Canada; University of Victoria, B.C., Canada Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is a small neuropeptide that initiates a cascade of events resulting […]

Computation meets GnRH neurons Dynamic current clamping

Meeting Abstract S6-1.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  Computation meets GnRH neurons: Dynamic current clamping SUTER, Kelly; University of Texas, San Antonio Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons form in part, a central neural oscillator that controls sexual reproduction through intermittent release of the GnRH peptide. Activity of GnRH neurons and, by extension release of GnRH has been proposed […]

Computation Meets GnRH Neurons Compartmental Modeling

Meeting Abstract S6-1.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Computation Meets GnRH Neurons: Compartmental Modeling ROBERTS, Carson B; University of Texas at San Antonio Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) neurons in mice have small somata and exceedingly long dendrites. These morphological characteristics can strongly influence the electrical behavior of GnRH neurons. Thus, changes in dendritic structure can potentially influence hormone secretion. […]

The potential of piscine proteomics examples from studies with Fundulus

Meeting Abstract S6-1.2  Thursday, Jan. 5  The potential of piscine proteomics: examples from studies with Fundulus REES, B.B.; Univ. New Orleans Advanced proteomic technologies are being applied to studying patterns of protein expression and protein networks in cells and tissues of a variety of organisms. In this talk, I will review our studies on the small […]

Latitudinal variation in protein expression in the salt marsh mussel Geukensia demissa

Meeting Abstract S6-1.5  Thursday, Jan. 5  Latitudinal variation in protein expression in the salt marsh mussel Geukensia demissa FIELDS, Peter A.*; COX, Kelly; KARCH, Kelly R.; Franklin & Marshall College; Franklin & Marshall College; Franklin & Marshall College Individuals of a broadly distributed species often experience significantly different environmental conditions depending on location. For example, Geukensia […]


Meeting Abstract S6-1.0  Thursday, Jan. 5  Introduction Tomanek, L

Exploring the limit of metazoan thermal tolerance via comparative proteomics Thermally induced expression shifts in hydrothermal vent polychaetes P sulfincola and P palmiformis

Meeting Abstract S6-1.7  Thursday, Jan. 5  Exploring the limit of metazoan thermal tolerance via comparative proteomics: Thermally induced expression shifts in hydrothermal vent polychaetes P. sulfincola and P. palmiformis DILLY, GF*; YOUNG, CR; LANE, WS; PANGALINAN, J; GIRGUIS, PR; Harvard University; Mass. Inst. Tech.; Harvard University; DOE Joint Genome Inst.; Harvard University Eukaryotic thermotolerance is challenged […]

Experimental contexts and statistical choices Challenges for interpreting the proteomics of environmental stress

Meeting Abstract S6-1.1  Thursday, Jan. 5  Experimental contexts and statistical choices: Challenges for interpreting the proteomics of environmental stress DOWD, W.W.; Loyola Marymount University Environmental physiology, toxicology, and ecology and evolution stand to benefit substantially from the relatively recent surge of ‘omics’ technologies into these fields. These approaches, and proteomics in particular, promise to elucidate novel […]

Environmental proteomics in pollution assessment

Meeting Abstract S6-1.4  Thursday, Jan. 5  Environmental proteomics in pollution assessment CRISTOBAL, S; AMELINA, H; APRAIZ, I*; BAYAT, N; DANIELSSON, G; Linköping University, Sweden; Stockholm University, Sweden; Stockholm University, Sweden; Stockholm University, Sweden; Stockholm University, Sweden The environmental sciences are investing great effort into the study of and/or prediction of the effects from the anthropogenic impact […]

Environmental Stress Proteomics of the Mussel Mytilus

Meeting Abstract S6-1.6  Thursday, Jan. 5  Environmental Stress Proteomics of the Mussel Mytilus TOMANEK, Lars; California State Univ., San Luis Obispo The warm-adapted Mediterranean blue mussel species Mytilus galloprovincialis invaded southern California during the last century and has since replaced the cold-adapted native M. trossulus from its southern range, possibly due to climate change. Furthermore, M. […]

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