Effects of Long-term Experimental Warming on High Arctic Tundra Ecosystems

HENRY, Greg H. R.; University of British Columbia: Effects of Long-term Experimental Warming on High Arctic Tundra Ecosystems Warming experiments were established in 1992 in tundra plant communities arrayed along a moisture gradient at a high arctic site on Ellesmere Island. Open-top chambers (1.8 m2 constructed of optically-neutral greenhouse fiberglass) passively warm the tundra plots […]

Constraints on reproduction in arctic and alpine birds

MARTIN, K; University of British Columbia: Constraints on reproduction in arctic and alpine birds Arctic and alpine birds live in extreme environments, with compressed breeding schedules and frequent delays or interruptions in breeding. Daily temperatures vary from below freezing to >45 degrees C, requiring both heating and cooling to maintain homeothermy. Timing of annual snow […]

Carnivores of the central Arctic cumulative effects and conservation

PAQUET, P.C.; CLUFF, D; TAYLOR, M; NIPTANATIAK, A; MUSIANI, M; MULDER, R; WWF CANADA & University of Calgary; Government of the NWT; Government of Nunavut; Government of Nunavut; University of Calgary; Government of the NWT: Carnivores of the central Arctic: cumulative effects and conservation The worldwide decline of large and meso carnivores resulting from anthropogenic […]

Caribou in a changing tundra environment

RUSSELL, D. E.*; GRIFFITH, B.; KOFINAS, G. P.; Environment Canada; University of Alaska, Fairbanks; University of Alaska, Fairbanks: Caribou in a changing tundra environment There are presently over 3 million caribou occupying taiga and tundra ranges across North America. As a resource, caribou constitute the most important cultural and economic wildlife species for subsistence communities […]

Can Canada fulfill its mandate for Northern Research after years of slippage

HUTCHINSON, Thomas C.; Trent University, Peterborough, Canada: Can Canada fulfill its mandate for Northern Research after years of slippage? Canada occupies a substantial percentage area of the worlds northern land and marine systems, and this is in regions anticipated to show significant climate warming over the next 50 years. In international scientific groups, the need […]

Bioenergetic prediction of climate change impacts on northern mammals

HUMPHRIES, Murray M; University of Alberta: Bioenergetic prediction of climate change impacts on northern mammals Physiological ecology has revealed much about how animal physiology varies with environmental circumstances, but relatively little about how this variation, in turn, influences the distribution and abundance of animals. Completing this link will enable mechanism-based prediction of the impacts of […]

An Overabundance of Lesser Snow Geese and an Apparent Trophic Cascade

JEFFERIES, R.L.; ROCKWELL, R.F.; UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO; AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY: An Overabundance of Lesser Snow Geese and an Apparent Trophic Cascade In recent decades migratory geese that breed in the Arctic but overwinter in temperate regions of Northwestern Europe and North America have shown dramatic increases in numbers that appear to be linked […]

Total Evidence Analysis Identifies Placozoa as Basal to Extant Metazoa

Meeting Abstract S5.11  Jan. 5  Total Evidence Analysis Identifies Placozoa as Basal to Extant Metazoa SCHIERWATER, Bernd*; DESALLE, Rob; JAKOB, Wolfgang; SCHROTH, Werner; HADRYS, Heike; DELLAPORTA, Stephen; ITZ, Ecology and Evolution; Dept. of Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale University; American Museum of Natural History; ITZ, Ecology and Evolution; ITZ, Ecology and Evolution; ITZ, Ecology and Evolution; […]

The evolutionary transition from protists to Metazoa mitochondrial genome organization and phylogenomic analyses based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes

Meeting Abstract S5.2  Jan. 5  The evolutionary transition from protists to Metazoa: mitochondrial genome organization and phylogenomic analyses based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes. LIU, Yu; STEENKAMP, Emma; DARMON, Daniel; BURGER, Gertraud; LANG, B. Franz*; 1; 2 Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology, University of Pretoria, South Africa; 1; 1; 1 Robert Cedergren Centre for Bioinformatics and […]

The developmental basis of body plan organization in the Eumetazoa

Meeting Abstract S5.7  Jan. 5  The developmental basis of body plan organization in the Eumetazoa MARTINDALE, Mark Q.; Univ. Hawaii mqmartin@hawaii.edu Recent work is beginning to provide more confidence in our ability to understand the true phylogenetic relationship between extant animal groups. This provides opportunities to hypothesize about how morphological transitions might have occurred during early animal […]

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