Meeting Abstract S5-5 Friday, Jan. 6 10:30 – 11:00 Seasonal remodeling of the host-microbe symbiosis in hibernation CAREY, Hannah V.*; ASSADI-PORTER, Fariba M.; Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Bacteria resident in vertebrate guts expand their hosts’ metabolic capabilities and modulate development, immunology and diverse physiological functions. Hibernation is a unique system to understand the […]
sessions: S5
Phylosymbiosis An Eco-Evolutionary Framework for Relationships and Functional Effects of Microbial Communities across Hosts
Meeting Abstract S5-2 Friday, Jan. 6 08:30 – 09:00 Phylosymbiosis: An Eco-Evolutionary Framework for Relationships and Functional Effects of Microbial Communities across Hosts KOHL, K.D.*; BROOKS, A.W.; BRUCKER, R.M.; VAN OPSTAL, E.; BORDENSTEIN, S.R.; Vanderbilt Univ.; Vanderbilt Univ.; Harvard Univ.; Vanderbilt Univ.; Vanderbilt Univ. Phylosymbiosis describes the eco-evolutionary pattern whereby the similarities of host-associated microbial […]
Microbiome Structural and Functional Incongruence across Host Dietary Niche Space
Meeting Abstract S5-10 Friday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 15:00 Microbiome Structural and Functional Incongruence across Host Dietary Niche Space PHILLIPS, Caleb D*; HANSON, J. Delton; WILKINSON, Jeremy E; KOENIG, Lawrence; REES, Eric; WEBALA, Paul; KINGSTON, Tigga; Texas Tech University, Lubbock Texas; RTL Genomics, Lubbock Texas; RTL Genomics, Lubbock Texas; RTL Genomics, Lubbock Texas; RTL Genomics, Lubbock Texas; […]
Gut microbiome and Bergmann’s rule in natural populations of house mice
Meeting Abstract S5-11 Friday, Jan. 6 15:00 – 15:30 Gut microbiome and Bergmann’s rule in natural populations of house mice. SUZUKI, T.A.*; PHIFER-RIXEY, M.; FERRIS, K.G.; CHAVEZ, A.; MARTINS, F.M.; NACHMAN, M.W.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Monmouth Univ.; Univ. California, Davis; Ohio State Univ. ; Australian National Univ.; Univ. of California, Berkeley Bergmann’s rule is […]
Friends with unexpected benefits New discoveries on the roles and functions of marine chemosynthetic symbioses
Meeting Abstract S5-3 Friday, Jan. 6 09:00 – 09:30 Friends with unexpected benefits: New discoveries on the roles and functions of marine chemosynthetic symbioses PETERSEN, JM; University of Vienna All animals evolved and live today in a countless and immensely diverse ’sea’ of microbes. Despite this, hundreds of marine animal species have evolved intimate associations […]
Early-life disruption of host microbiota reduces later-life resistance to infections
Meeting Abstract S5-9 Friday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:30 Early-life disruption of host microbiota reduces later-life resistance to infections KNUTIE, S.A.*; WILKINSON, C.L.; KOHL, K.D.; ROHR, J.R.; University of South Florida; University of South Florida; Vanderbilt University; University of South Florida Changes in the early-life host microbiota could affect infectious disease risk throughout life if […]
Beyond Fermentation Gut microbes reduce toxicity of herbivore diets
Meeting Abstract S5-7 Friday, Jan. 6 11:30 – 12:00 Beyond Fermentation: Gut microbes reduce toxicity of herbivore diets DEARING, M. Denise*; KOHL, K; University of Utah; Vanderbilt University At every meal, herbivorous mammals are confronted with the prospect of being poisoned by the naturally occurring toxins in plants. More than 40 years ago, Freeland and Janzen […]
Using noisy work loops to identify the phase-dependent stiffness and damping of muscle in lampreys
Meeting Abstract S5-6 Friday, Jan. 5 10:30 – 11:00 Using noisy work loops to identify the phase-dependent stiffness and damping of muscle in lampreys TYTELL, ED*; CARR, JA; DANOS, N; COWAN, NJ; ANKARALI, MM; Tufts Univ; Tufts Univ; Univ San Diego; Johns Hopkins Univ; Middle East Technical Univ Unlike most manmade machines, animals move through their […]
Understanding the agility of running birds Sensorimotor and mechanical factors in avian bipedal locomotion
Meeting Abstract S5-9 Friday, Jan. 5 13:30 – 14:00 Understanding the agility of running birds: Sensorimotor and mechanical factors in avian bipedal locomotion. DALEY, MA*; GORDON, JC; BIEWENER, AA; SPRöWITZ, A; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College; Harvard University; Max Planck Institute Birds are a diverse and successful class of vertebrates with exceptional locomotor agility […]
The Interplay between Locomotion and Lateral Line Sensing in Swimming Fishes
Meeting Abstract S5-7 Friday, Jan. 5 11:00 – 11:30 The Interplay between Locomotion and Lateral Line Sensing in Swimming Fishes AKANYETI, O*; LIAO, JC; Aberystwyth University; University of Florida The lateral line system of fishes is one of the most elaborate and ancient sensing architectures found in nature. It consists of mechanoreceptors distributed around the body […]