Meeting Abstract S5.10 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Biomechanical Analyses of Goats and Dogs in the BigDog Project LEE, David/V*; BIEWENER, Andrew/A; University of Nevada Las Vegas; Harvard University Biomechanical experiments to inform the design and locomotor dynamics of Boston Dynamic’s BigDog robot have proceeded along two main lines. Analysis of limb mechanics in dogs and goats has […]
sessions: S5
At-scale artificial insect wings by microfabrication techniques
Meeting Abstract S5.3 Wednesday, Jan. 5 At-scale artificial insect wings by microfabrication techniques TANAKA, H*; WOOD, R J; Harvard University; Harvard University Insect wings have complex morphologies such as vein networks and 3-D surface profiles. Since wings lack muscles to actively change the wing shape, these wing structures determine the stiffness and hence the deformations due […]
What goes up must come down how sloped surfaces impact the mechanics of locomotion
Meeting Abstract S5.3-4 Sunday, Jan. 5 15:00 What goes up must come down: how sloped surfaces impact the mechanics of locomotion BIRN-JEFFERY, AV*; HIGHAM, TE; University of California Riverside Terrestrial animals move over highly variable surfaces that include inclines and declines. Although the mechanical demands of inclined and declined locomotion differ greatly, and are both important […]
Validation of Hill-type muscle models in relation to neuromuscular recruitment and force-velocity properties predicting muscle force patterns
Meeting Abstract S5.1-2 Sunday, Jan. 5 08:30 Validation of Hill-type muscle models in relation to neuromuscular recruitment and force-velocity properties: predicting muscle force patterns. BIEWENER, Andrew*; WAKELING, James; LEE, Sabrina; ARNOLD-RIFE, Allison; HOLT, Natalie; Harvard University Muscle models are frequently used in musculoskeletal simulations of muscle function. However, such models are rarely validated against direct measures […]
Using Anuran Landing as a Model for Studying Controlled Deceleration
Meeting Abstract S5.3-2 Sunday, Jan. 5 14:00 Using Anuran Landing as a Model for Studying Controlled Deceleration GILLIS, GB*; EKSTROM, L; AZIZI, E; Mount Holyoke College; Wheaton College; Univ. of California, Irvine Anything that jumps must land, and unlike jumping, where muscles produce energy to accelerate the body into the air, landing requires muscles to dissipate […]
Partitioning the Metabolic Cost of Human Running A Task-by-Task Approach
Meeting Abstract S5.1-3 Sunday, Jan. 5 09:00 Partitioning the Metabolic Cost of Human Running: A Task-by-Task Approach ARELLANO, C.J.*; KRAM, R; Brown University Humans are very tractable and thus an ideal “model system” that allows us to better understand locomotion energetics. In this talk, we review our current understanding of the biomechanical basis for the metabolic […]
Is the spring in our step the spring in our leg
Meeting Abstract S5.2-1 Sunday, Jan. 5 10:00 Is the spring in our step the spring in our leg? LEE, David V*; MCGOWAN, Craig P; ISAACS, Michael R; University of Nevada Las Vegas; University of Idaho Moscow; University of Nevada Las Vegas Virtual leg spring stiffness k leg has long been used to characterize bouncing gaits such […]
Integrating experimental and computer simulation methods to reconstruct the evolution of avian bipedalism
Meeting Abstract S5.3-1 Sunday, Jan. 5 13:30 Integrating experimental and computer simulation methods to reconstruct the evolution of avian bipedalism RANKIN, J.W.*; PAXTON, H; HUTCHINSON, J.R.; The Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom; The Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom; The Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom Advances in computer technology have enabled biomechanists to use […]
How to build robots from the lessons from animals design challenges of the MIT Cheetah
Meeting Abstract S5.2-3 Sunday, Jan. 5 11:00 How to build robots from the lessons from animals: design challenges of the MIT Cheetah KIM, Sangbae; Massachusetts Institute of Technology In designing a new generation of legged robots, it is critical to understand the design principles employed by animals. One of the key steps to successful development of […]
Dynamics of locomotor transitions from arboreal to terrestrial substrates in Verreaux’s sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi)
Meeting Abstract S5.3-3 Sunday, Jan. 5 14:30 Dynamics of locomotor transitions from arboreal to terrestrial substrates in Verreaux’s sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) WUNDERLICH, R.E.*; MILLER, C.E.; TONGEN, A.L.; SCHMITT, D.; James Madison University; Duke University; James Madison University; Duke University Sifakas are indrid primates whose primary mode of locomotion is arboreal vertical clinging and leaping. On the […]